Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
DEEP IS CALLING! The Hungry Heart: Seeking the Secret Place by Bobby Conner
Deep Calling unto Deep
This is a season when the saints of God will discover that true intimacy is stirred in the secret place of the Most High, a desire not merely for power but for His living presence.
The first step toward the "secret place of the Most High" (Psalm 91:1) begins with a desperate, hungry heart. This longing draws us to seek true, deep intimacy with Christ. One can hear the cry of David’s longing heart in Psalms 42:7:
The first step toward the "secret place of the Most High" (Psalm 91:1) begins with a desperate, hungry heart. This longing draws us to seek true, deep intimacy with Christ. One can hear the cry of David’s longing heart in Psalms 42:7:
“Deep calls unto deep at the noise of Your waterfalls; All Your waves and billows have gone over me.”
Beloved, now is the time to go deeper into the Word of God in order to go higher with the Lord. The Spirit of God has stirred this desire! He has been fanning the flame of discontentment within the hearts of God’s people, resulting in a deep hunger for not merely the power of God but the presence of God.
David's Burning Desire
Many in our day can relate with the hungry heart of David as he pens the Psalms. These love poems to God are filled with the heart-cry of a man seeking for a deep, personal relationship with the Lord Himself. Again and again, David expresses a burning desire to intimately know the Lord on several levels of experience. First, he desires to know the Lord face to face. In this regard, I so appreciate the Message Bible Psalms 63:1-4:
"God—you’re my God!I can’t get enough of you!I’ve worked up such hunger and thirst for God,traveling across dry and weary deserts.
So here I am in the place of worship, eyes open,drinking in your strength and glory.In your generous love I am really living at last!My lips brim praises like fountains.
I bless you every time I take a breath;My arms wave like banners of praise to you."
And from Psalm 42: 1-2:
“As the hart pants after the water brooks, so pants my soul after You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God?”
David's Repentance
David has gained the knowledge that he cannot find the soul satisfaction and fulfillment that he deeply desires from other relationships. He now desires to know the Lord as a Person with whom he can share times of intimate fellowship. When he fell short of this experience, David repented before the Lord.
“I acknowledged my sin to you, and my iniquity I have not hidden. I said, I will confess my transgressions to the Lord, and you forgave the iniquity of my sin.” Psalm 32:5 NKJV
Now, after coming clean with God David is free from all guilt and condemnation and he can say from within the depth of his being:
“You are my hiding place; you shall preserve me from trouble; you shall surround me with songs of deliverance.” Psalm 32:7 NKJV
David has come to understand that only the Lord can satisfy the longing of his soul. He has completely abandoned himself to the Lord as his "hiding place."
David's Trust
As a result of this deep heart rending repentance, David then desires to know the Lord as one in whom he can place infinite trust. In Psalm 56:11, David the Psalmist writes:
“In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do to me.”
There is a bold clarity in the expression of David's trust and expectancy in these words as they flow out from a heart of love, appreciation, and worship. With clean hands and a pure heart David discovers he has been brought into a new level of intimacy with God, the Lord spoke to him and imparted this very encouraging promise:
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with my eye. Do not be like the horse or like the mule, which have no understanding, which must be harnessed with bit and bridle, else they will not come near you.” Psalm 32:8-9 NKJV
David’s repentance has brought him into such an intimate closeness to the Lord ("I will guide you with my eye"), that David is able to sense the desire of the Lord concerning him, apart from words being spoken. Seeking to take David even further into true intimacy, the Lord exhorts him to be both responsive and obedient: “Do not be like the horse or like the mule.” As followers of Christ we should not be self-willed, like a horse, nor should we be stubborn like the mule. Our goal is to become easy to lead, swift to obey. Desiring to fully follow the Lamb wherever He will lead.
Unwavering Desire and Focus
We also desperately need this same clarity of Spirit-led protection and guidance that David experienced. As world pressures and religious confusion increase, we must heed this exhortation in the Word to unconditionally make the Lord our portion, He alone is our impenetrable rock, and refuge (see Psalms 59:16-17)!
Psalm 91 promises deliverance and victory in the time of trouble to those abiding in God’s presence. “He that dwells in the secret place of The Most High.” This “secret place” is a place “set apart” where we can withdraw from the activities of our everyday life experience. Here, we will be able to clearly hear with our spiritual ears, and then appropriate His Words into our spirit and digest them until they become a personal reality within us. Only as we learn to act upon the Word of God does our life start to transform and true change occurs. (see James 1:22). It is as we walk in the light of the Word of God that we will be delivered from stumbling in the dark (see Psalms 119:130).
There are many distracting influences that seek to draw us away from a sincere devotion to the Lord. These forces have absolutely no power or control over us, unless we allow them to do so. There must be within each of us an active resistance to anything that will hinder our times of fellowship with the Lord. It is when we resist the devil that he takes flight from us (see James 4:7).
The Lord will not over-ride our will, He will urge us and prompt and provoke us, but the choice must be from our heart. He will guide us, but we are given the freedom to choose our level of response to Him in every area of our life encounter. We must abide continually in an attitude of choosing to respond to His wooing of our hearts into this place of “a secret abode of intimacy with Him.”
The foe of our soul will do all he can to distract us away from our quest for the secret place. The enemy's strategies that pull away from this secret place are many and manifold: there continually lurks in the shadows the desire for success, recognition and earthly security against what might happen. If allowed, these things will step forward to obscure Jesus. Our goal is to truly seek first the Kingdom of God (see Matthew 6:33). As this becomes our quest then everything else will find it’s proper place in our life.
We easily forget His promise in John 16:33. “In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” Here, Jesus is saying, “Do not fear, in Me you will have peace.” He has promised to care for us, for He is our Good Shepherd. As we have need, we can freely partake of all that He won on the Cross in our behalf (see Romans 8:32-37)!
Set Our Affections Above
If we are not receiving His care and protection, we have either chosen the wrong dwelling place or we have set our affection on something or someone other than Christ Jesus, our King. When this happens, He patiently waits, ready to help us when we finally turn to Him.
In Romans 8, we are presented with exhortations, promises, and the marvelous word that “all things work together for good to them that love God” (to those who make Him their secret abode who have learned to rest in HIM). Then comes the encouraging word, “If God be for us, who can be against us?”
Victory is guaranteed, as we put our trust completely in Christ Jesus and seek this place of rest in His presence (see Psalms 16:11). As we do this, we will be eternally grateful and satisfied! Abiding in Christ’s presence produces the peace that surpasses all understanding.
Bobby Conner
Billy Graham Mantles Are Raining All Over the Earth! by Judy Bauman
As most of you already know, on February 21st, Billy Graham, America’s most prominent evangelist, passed from this earth at the age of 99.* When I read the news, my heart spontaneously leapt for joy. Honestly, I thought it an odd and uncharacteristic reaction on my part; however, the joy was unmistakable and wonderfully overwhelming! I knew he was free from everything that ravaged his body for the past 20 years, and I was so happy for him. A evangelist friend of mine said the Lord showed her Billy being greeted in heaven by a huge number of people standing in line waiting to welcome him home. Then she saw Jesus at the front of the line! Glory! That morning as I sat with my journal, I was praying and saw something so beautiful. I saw rain falling all over the world, but it wasn’t raining water; it was raining Billy Graham mantles! I instantly knew that anyone who wants one of his mantles need only need lift their hands and receive it. A couple of days later I was talking with the Lord and said, “I know You said anyone who wanted one of Billy Graham’s mantles would be given one, and while I’ve urged others to receive this gift, I really don’t see myself being an evangelist, so I’m not sure if I should ask for it.” He immediately encouraged me saying, “It isn’t something one should receive without considering the cost. It is ok to pray about this, and ask Me for it only if you are sure it is what you want.” He gave me a moment to ponder and then added, “And Judy, if you decide that you don’t want it, there is no condemnation in Christ.” I cannot tell you how relieved I was to hear that! The Lord then kindly said, “You don’t have to decide right now, you have until Purim.” I immediately got online to find out when Purim is and learned it is February 28th –March 1st. (If you do not know what Purim is, it is the Jewish celebration of Israel’s salvation from annihilation as recorded in the book of Esther.) Now if that isn’t enough, later that day I heard on the news that Billy Graham will lay in state at The Capital, and the dates coincide precisely with Purim! Interestingly, he is the 32nd person to be honored in this manner (see Psalm 32) and the 4th civilian (see John 4:32-42). The Lord just gave me both of these Scripture referenced! So many things have happened that confirm heaven’s door is opened wide to both the Church and the world since Billy Graham’s passing. This long-awaited harvest is upon us. This “rain” is going to produce fruit through an outpouring of God’s love, as we’ve never seen. If you haven’t already lifted your hands to receive the rain (mantle), I hope you consider asking the Lord to give you the portion He would desire that you have for this day and hour. Receive it and prepare as a farmer in the springtime.
In the
Father’s love,
Judy A
*Shepherd leaves the 99: Matthew 18:12; Elijah’s mantle 2 Kings 2:12-14 |
Watching for the Lord: The Book of Revelation by Rick Joyner
Rick Joyner
We will continue with Revelation 16, in which the bowls of wrath are poured out on the earth:
So the first went and poured out his bowl upon the earth, and a foul and loathsome sore came upon the men who had the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image.
Then the second angel poured out his bowl on the sea, and it became blood as of a dead man; and every living creature in the sea died.
Then the third angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and springs of water, and they became blood.
And I heard the angel of the waters saying: "You are righteous, O Lord, The One who is and who was and who is to be, because You have judged these things.
For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and You have given them blood to drink. For it is their just due."
And I heard another from the altar saying, "Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are Your judgments."
Then the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and power was given to him to scorch men with fire.
And men were scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God who has power over these plagues; and they did not repent and give Him glory.
Then the fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and his kingdom became full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues because of the pain.
So they blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and did not repent of their deeds (Revelation 16:2-11).
Here we see some of the most terrible judgments to come upon the earth. The end result is not that men turn to God, but rather that they blaspheme His name and do not repent.
Contrary to the belief of many, judgment, or the fear of judgment, is not very effective in bringing repentance. This is a principle not a law, and there are exceptions to principles, such as the sermon by Jonathan Edwards entitled “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” and sermons by Charles Finney and others. Repentance is grace from God orchestrated by the Holy Spirit who convicts of sin and points to the cross as the only remedy for our guilt. However, for the people on earth during this time of the wrath of God who do not repent, it indicates that they have been hardened in their corruption. For such, destruction is the only remedy.
We continue with Revelation16:12-16:
Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, so that the way of the kings from the east might be prepared.
And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.
“Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame.”
And they gathered them together to the place called in Hebrew, Armageddon.
We see here that when the sixth angel pours out his bowl, it dries up the Euphrates River and releases demonic forces from the mouth of the dragon (Satan), the beast, and the false prophet. The Euphrates River begins in modern Turkey, runs through Syria and into Iraq. It is the drying up of this river that makes the way for the armies to march to Armageddon. If the river literally dries up, it could make it easier for armies to cross. However, as there are already many bridges across it and every modern army has the capability of building bridges swiftly, the drying up of this river is not likely just to physically enable these armies to pass. Therefore, we should consider the drying up of this river to be more than just physical.
According to this prophecy, this region is where we should look for great evil to emerge. The release of demonic forces from this region is very real at the present time. They have drawn in major forces from the U.S. and other countries. These have yet been unable to extricate themselves because of the way evil so quickly fills the vacuum when they try to pull out.
The coming chapters of Revelation give more insight into this, so we will wait to go deeper. For now, we should keep our eyes on what is happening in these countries. Yet even more so, we should watch for the Lord and what He is doing, even more than what Satan, the beast, and the false prophet are doing.
Monday, February 26, 2018
How to Understand God’s Justice—and Ask for Repayment by Doug Addison
When some people think of God’s justice, they envision a stern or even angry judge wielding a gavel or causing bad things to happen to people as a form of punishment.
This couldn’t be further from the truth.
Yes, God is the God of love AND justice. When we see bad things happen, it is not from the Lord. It is Satan causing it, but people often blame God.
What is God’s justice?
Let’s take another look at what the Bible actually says about God’s justice:
He loves righteousness and justice; The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. Psalm 33:5 NKJV
That paints a very different picture than the image the world portrays of an angry God judging us.
The message of God’s justice has been around since the beginning of time. Justice is a legal system, process and procedure that upholds the law of the spirit.
- It keeps the powers of the enemy from overtaking us.
- It restores that which was stolen from us.
- It is mentioned over 500 times in the Bible.
The scales of God’s justice
Think of the justice system as scales. When the enemy over-attacks you, it causes the Lord to lay upon you more gifting, anointing, favor and repayment to balance things out.
Old Testament justice was often difficult and harsh because it was before Jesus died on the cross.
After Jesus took the penalty for sin upon the cross, it opened grace and justice for us. We can now approach the throne of grace boldly.
Repayment for injustices
God’s justice system and His Word demand that we get repayment for our losses and injustices, but it is not automatic—we must file a claim.
And the Lord restored Job’s losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before … Now the Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning. Job 42:10, 12a NKJV
Do not take revenge
It’s really important not to take matters into your own hands and try to get justice through a spirit of revenge.
Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. Romans 12:19 NIV
God’s justice and repayment system depend on you acting according to the Word of God and in His timing.
Justice and the Courts of Heaven
The keys for enforcing God’s justice for your situation have been hidden in the Bible but are now being revealed.
During this time of extreme injustices and difficulties in the world, the Lord is revealing more details about the legal system of Heaven.
Getting repaid
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”Matthew 7:7 NIV
The starting place is to believe that God is for you and wants to repay you.
You’ll need to file a claim by praying and asking the Lord for repayment. It is not automatic. Sometimes you will need to take steps, e.g. ask, seek and knock
(Matthew 7:7).
Whether you realize it or not, you are already interacting with the Courts of Heaven when you pray. But we can pray more effectively once we understand some of these basic principles of God’s justice.
You deserve justice from the Lord because the attacks of the enemy are so great.

Doug Addison
Who Am I? by Lonnie Crowe
I marvel at entrepreneurship. Yet, I am a cautious consumer. One of the current and, apparently, successful marketing trends is DNA testing to discover one’s heritage, cultural identity, and ethnicity.
Several companies are seeking to entice us with discounted testing. We all like a discount.
Remember, I am a cautious consumer. I do not fault the marketeers. In fact, as a capitalist myself, I applaud them. However, it seems to me that we might be buying the emperor’s new clothes.
I enjoy family history. I have several accounts written by my ancestors. Their lives intrigue me, but do not define me. Neither can DNA testing define me.
Who am I?
Just like everyone else who has ever lived or will ever live, I am from the seed of Adam. I got off the ark with Noah. Everyone who has ever walked upon this planet or who ever will walk upon this planet is, at least, my distant cousin.
I am an American, not just because my family has lived in this land for 400 years, but because I choose to live here. I am not blind to the blunders and frailties of our history. However, the foundation of our nation, the vision, of our forefathers fosters an idealism that we must continually strive to attain.
I am also a Christian. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that He died on the cross to pay the death price for my sin, that He rose again and will return to receive His own. Therefore, I am joined in covenant with everyone who believes the same. We may not worship the same, baptize the same, or structure our churches the same, but we are brothers and sisters in the Lord.
So, have your DNA tested. No matter what you learn, just remember that you are part of my family on some level or levels. I offer to you the right hand of fellowship.
Psalm 133
1. Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brethren to dwell together in unity!
2. It is like the precious oil upon the head, Running down on the beard, The beard of Aaron, Running down on the edge of his garments.
3. It is like the dew of Hermon, Descending upon the mountains of Zion; For there the Lord commanded the blessing Life forevermore.
The Weight of Sin by Glynda Lomax
The weight of the sin of your world is about to come crashing down. I did not create the world to carry sin’s heavy load, just as I did not create you to carry it.
As this load comes crashing down, sin’s weight will throw the natural balances in your world off course. Everything in your atmosphere will change, and these changes will not be good ones. Nothing will work as it has before. Seasons will not stay within their boundaries. Seas will not stay where I put them. Islands and volcanoes will also shift.
As sin becomes too heavy for the world I created to bear, the pressure will cause your world to implode on itself. I will take My chosen ones out of the world before this happens. I will take My worshippers out of the world before this happens. I will take My Bride out before this happens.
Whether you are taken out or left behind is up to you.
Psalm 104:14-21
· 14 He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth;
· 15 And wine that maketh glad the heart of man, and oil to make his face to shine, and bread which strengtheneth man's heart.
· 16 The trees of the Lord are full of sap; the cedars of Lebanon, which he hath planted;
· 17 Where the birds make their nests: as for the stork, the fir trees are her house.
· 18 The high hills are a refuge for the wild goats; and the rocks for the conies.
· 19 He appointed the moon for seasons: the sun knoweth his going down.
· 20 Thou makest darkness, and it is night: wherein all the beasts of the forest do creep forth.
· 21 The young lions roar after their prey, and seek their meat from God.
Isaiah 24:3-6
· 3 The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the Lord hath spoken this word.
· 4 The earth mourneth and fadeth away, the world languisheth and fadeth away, the haughty people of the earth do languish.
· 5 The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant.
· 6 Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left.
Convene by Dutch Sheets
Dear Friends,
Convene: to come together or assemble, usually for a public
purpose; to summon to appear, as before a judicial officer
purpose; to summon to appear, as before a judicial officer
As we gather on 2/22—some in Washington, D.C., others via Livestream—we are not gathering for a typical conference. As the above definition states, we have been “summoned to appear before a judicial officer”— the Supreme Judge of the universe, the Ancient Of Days, the Most High God. He has summoned us as His ekklesia, the expression of His Kingdom government on earth, to gather before Him.
We know that Christ is the “Head” of this ekklesia, the Church. In both Hebrew (rosh) and Greek (kephale), the concept of a head refers not only to a physical head, but to “the highest in rank or authority; the one to whom others are subordinate.” Christ is the highest ranking ruler “in heaven and on earth” (Matthew 28:18), and has delegated that authority to His ekklesia, in order to enforce His kingdom rule on planet earth through her. In His model prayer, He told us to COMMAND His kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10).
The church has functioned far below her destiny, but this is about to change! The spirit of wisdom and revelation is increasing in the church, and will bring full realization of our position and purpose. I believe this Turnaround gathering is a First Fruits of this; we will hear the will and instructions of the Head, and as His governmental voice, decree it for Him into the earth.
The greatest worldwide revival in history is about to occur, bringing more people into the kingdom than at any other time in history. America will be awakened, experiencing the great turnaround that has been prophesied; and a sweeping revival will flood the entire earth like a tidal wave. As has always been the case throughout history, however, this must be asked for and decreed by God’s people on earth. As we do so, Holy Spirit will tip the filled bowls of intercession (see Revelation 5:8), releasing this worldwide revival.
Prepare yourself. Whether joining us online or live, be ready! Let us determine, in advance, that the full will of our Head, Jesus, will be accomplished as we follow the leading of Holy Spirit.
The greatest days of the Church are not behind us; they are ahead of us!
When He Dies, It will Come ~ pt 2 (corrected)
My apologies to those of you who either didn't receive or got a message with
chunks of text missing. The enemy really doesn't want this message to be heard.
This is the umpteenth time I have tried to get it to you whole...Christine
When He Dies, It will Come ~ pt 2 (corrected)
will come’… such a simple phrase but such manifold events unfolding! Let’s look
deeper into what is coming! When Methuselah died, it announced the end of one
chapter of history and the sudden arrival of another VERY different chapter for
everyone on the face of the earth. All our lives release a sound into the
spiritual atmosphere. What sound did Billy Graham’s life send? What message does
the ‘brief moment’ of his life bring to those who can hear what God is
Graham was taken home on the exact day the Heaven planned. It was
6th Adar in the Hebrew Calendar, the last day of Moses’ leadership,
the day he completed the scroll of the first 5 books of the Bible and placed
them in the ark. It was the day he transferred leadership to Joshua under God’s
instruction, by passing on his anointing through the laying on of hands. Here we
see the changing of the guard, the transference of the baton. He
lived 99 years 3 months and 14 days and fell asleep (1 Thess.
4:13–18), exactly 153 days after Feast of Trumpets 2017 and 88
days before Pentecost 2018 (courtesy of Daily Crow). Adar
6th (Feb 21st) is 153 inclusive days from September 23,
2017—the Revelation 12 Sign. The June 8, 1918 Solar eclipse across America was
153 days before Billy Graham’s birth on November 7, 1918!
153 is gematria for ‘the sons of God’, ’Passover’ and ‘I will cause to inherit’!! What a powerful witness to all we have felt the Lord saying. We are crossing out of the world system into the wilderness to the place prepared to receive our full inheritance! It is time for the sons of God to be released in the power of the Spirit. The angel of Death will be passing over the world system but we who have the blood of the Passover Lamb upon the doorposts of our hearts will be protected. The firstborn of Egypt will be struck very soon and we must partake of the Passover Lamb with our lions fully girded and our feet shod. We must be prepared to leave under the guidance of the Spirit at a moment’s notice. He will cause us to inherit all He has prepared for us. WE do not need to gain it by the sweat of our brow. An inheritance is gained with no effort on our part. It is allocated according to the Will of the One Who has died for us and we will each receive the portion allotted.
153 is gematria for ‘the sons of God’, ’Passover’ and ‘I will cause to inherit’!! What a powerful witness to all we have felt the Lord saying. We are crossing out of the world system into the wilderness to the place prepared to receive our full inheritance! It is time for the sons of God to be released in the power of the Spirit. The angel of Death will be passing over the world system but we who have the blood of the Passover Lamb upon the doorposts of our hearts will be protected. The firstborn of Egypt will be struck very soon and we must partake of the Passover Lamb with our lions fully girded and our feet shod. We must be prepared to leave under the guidance of the Spirit at a moment’s notice. He will cause us to inherit all He has prepared for us. WE do not need to gain it by the sweat of our brow. An inheritance is gained with no effort on our part. It is allocated according to the Will of the One Who has died for us and we will each receive the portion allotted.
actually occurs at the end of March this year, which is not too far from now.
Billy Graham died on 21st Feb, 37 days before Passover and will be
buried 29 days before Passover on 2nd March, the day of the full
moon. The second full moon (a blue moon) of March occurs on the 31st,
which is the 15th Nissan (Passover begins the evening before).
15th Nisan is a very important day in Heaven’s calendar. On this
date, God forged a covenant with Abram, when the burning torch passed between
the parts. Years later on 15th Nisan, the angels visited Abraham and
told him of Isaac’s birth. It is also Isaac’s birthday. Furthermore, it is the
day Jacob wrestled with an angel and had his name changed. On this day Daniel
was thrown into the lion’s den and Vashti was executed – and, of course, we know
it as the day that the angel of Death struck and the Israelites left Egypt in
the early morning, foreshadowing the work of the cross of Christ in delivering
fish were caught in the morning watch after the disciples aligned themselves to
the sound Jesus released (Luke 21). This year 5778 is all about aligning to the
light and sound released by Heaven. Becoming one with the sound released from
the mouth of Jesus yields the rich harvest in this season we have entered. Those
fish had always been there; hidden from sight, but in the morning of a new day,
they are revealed or brought to light. Light and sound alignment yields desire
fulfilled – a tree of Life (meaning a manifestation of Jesus, Who is the Tree of
Graham was born and raised on a dairy farm. This speaks to us of him being part
of those who release the milk of the Word. However, in Luke 21, Jesus asked an
interesting question in the sound He released over His disciples, “Have you any
meat?” When full alignment is achieved, meat is released. And Jesus already has
some prepared fish on the beach, waiting to feed you during a face to face
encounter! Peter was fully realigned to God’s original intent and blueprint for
the Kingdom during that encounter. 153 speaks of face to face encounters and the
receiving of the meat of the Word, which, when consumed, will produce full
alignment Heaven’s blueprint and restoration to original intent in your life.
The Bride who has ‘gone fishing’ and is not on active Kingdom duty at this time,
will be rapidly restored to intended Kingdom position and rereleased, fully
realigned towards the target.
is the gematria for the following words and phrases: Amen, Truly , Door of Hope,
Bethlehem, Branch, Fountain, Mirror, Tablet, As the garden of the LORD, Hide,
Secret, I will forgive, Seed of copulation (semen)
would like to go into some of these words in depth, firstly ‘Amen’; where does
Amen appear in the Word besides as the last word of a prayer?
3:14 And to the angel (messenger) of the assembly (church) in Laodicea write:
These are the words of the Amen, the trusty and faithful and true Witness, the
Origin and Beginning and Author of God’s creation
word ‘amen’ in Greek comes from Strongs Hebrew word H539, meaning ‘sure;
abstractly faithfulness; truly: – Amen, so be it, truth’. This, in turn, stems
from a root word meaning ‘to foster as a parent, to go to the right hand’. Those
who have entered into God’s rest go to the right hand, to take their place
seated in Christ. The sheep are sent to the right hand at the time of separation
of sheep and goats, in order to experience their inheritance. Benjamin means
‘son of the right hand’ or in modern terms ‘ right-hand man’. Jesus is God’s
right-hand man, and is manifested in the mature manchild of Revelation 12, who
ascends to the throne, being caught up, as John the Beloved was after God
breathed a command over him, “Come up here”.
Abram turned 99, God changed his name to decree what God was going to do in and
through him. ‘H’ was inserted in the center of his name. The Hebrew letter Hey
represents the divine breath of God. It completely transformed Abraham to become
all that God intended him to be (starting from deep inside). He walked with God
up to that point, but after that, he went o a whole different depth of
relationship co-laboring with God to bring forth Heaven’s purposes in the earth.
That day the DNA seed of Heaven’s blueprint was imparted to him. When Abraham
was 99, God established an everlasting covenant with him, commanding him to be
circumcised as a sign so that it could be brought forth. No more mixture; no
more of man’s efforts (through using an Egyptian womb); no more fleshly effort;
pure Heavenly download and outflow. That day was a pivotal moment, a change of
direction for him. Filled with the breath of God, resurrection life began to
flow and not long after that, Sarah conceived!! We have entered the time of God
issuing our new names and breathing into us so that resurrection life brings
everything that has fallen to the ground and died, back to life and full
function as He intended!.ofcovenant. The veil of flesh that impeded the flow of
seed was permanently removed. A year later, in the same season Isaac, the son of
promise was born. Look for your new blueprint manifestation to come forth about
280 days from now (the length of a pregnancy). Until then, co-labor with the
Holy Spirit to put flesh on the bones while His creation is hidden from the eyes
of man.
is uttered at the end of a prayer. One of the names of Jesus is The Amen. He is
the ‘So be it’. He is the One Who releases the decree that sets in motion the
manifestation of your prayers. We are entering a season when every prayer that
has been aligned to Truth in your bowl of prayers before the throne, is going to
receive the Amen’s approval and trigger the release of answers quickly
manifesting from long seasons of intercession. We have crossed over into the
season described in Rev 8. At the golden altar, a scene unfolds:
8:3 And another angel came and stood over the altar. He had a golden
censer, and he was given very much incense, that he should add them with the
prayers of all the saints on the golden altar before the throne. Rev 8:4 And
the smoke of the incense went up with the prayers of the saints out of the hand
of the angel before God. Rev 8:5 And the angel has taken the censer, and has
filled it from the fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth; and sounds and
thunders and lightnings and earthquakes occurred.
very much incense represents the ‘Amen’, the ‘So be it’ that had been lacking in
the bowl of prayers. It is the portion of sound and fragrance released by Jesus,
the Amen, which completes the prayer offering and causes the Righteous Judge’s
gavel to fall, triggering the pouring out on the earth from the heavenly
is gematria for ‘door of hope’. The death of Billy Graham at 99 also signifies
we have crossed over into the season of the Valley of Trouble being changed to a
door of hope. It speaks of the same place geographically, but radical change in
its characteristics. Where there has seemed no way out, suddenly veils are torn
and doors revealed. Where hope deferred has made the heart sick, desires
fulfilled ministers resurrection life.
also signifies ‘’the branch’ and the season of bringing forth Heaven’s blueprint
as opposed to an earthly understanding. For many years men have attempted to
build the house of the Lord. But now the Servant Branch Company will step out of
the wings. God says in His Word, “I will bring forth My servant the Branch and
He will build the true temple of the Lord”. Not a counterfeit temple, not a pale
imitation of My blueprint but a return to original intent.
99 is also gematria for ‘fountain’. The Hebrew word for ‘fountain, Ayin, also means eye. You have to see what God sees before you can bring forth Heaven’s blueprint in the earth. You have to drink at the fountain of light and receive His light and revelation blueprint before you can produce its manifestation in the earth realm. The past season has held much mixture as flesh has attempted to defile what the Spirit is bringing forth. Psalm 36 says ‘With You is the fountain of Life and in Your light, we see Light’. This the season of fresh light and life being released to you, if you are rightly positioned under His wings. The next season will produce the Isaac, no more Ishmaels.
99 is also gematria for ‘fountain’. The Hebrew word for ‘fountain, Ayin, also means eye. You have to see what God sees before you can bring forth Heaven’s blueprint in the earth. You have to drink at the fountain of light and receive His light and revelation blueprint before you can produce its manifestation in the earth realm. The past season has held much mixture as flesh has attempted to defile what the Spirit is bringing forth. Psalm 36 says ‘With You is the fountain of Life and in Your light, we see Light’. This the season of fresh light and life being released to you, if you are rightly positioned under His wings. The next season will produce the Isaac, no more Ishmaels.
is gematria for ‘As the garden of the Lord’, not ‘in’ the garden of the Lord,
but ‘like the garden of the Lord’. This speaks of return to original intent and
restoration to God’s blueprint for our lives. The garden of the Lord was the
environment where God first placed man; the place designed for Him to fellowship
with His beloved, a place which all Adam’s needs would be provided for. Our
whole journey in knowing God has been about getting back to the garden, back to
what He originally purposed for us before the enemy’s destruction wreaked havoc,
back to oneness and true union, face to face with our Creator. When we can see,
we can be. When we can hear clearly, we can say powerfully. Jesus laid down His
life to accomplish this and His prayer was that we would achieve that same true
union with the Father which He walked in (John 17). The garden was the place
where the breath of God fell upon the face of Adam and filled His whole being,
raising him up and equipping him to walk in all that God intended, in the place
God had prepared to meet all his needs.
is gematria for ‘seed of copulation’. Sarai became Sarah asGod breathed her new
name over her and resurrection power went to work within her. The seed of
copulation was released into Sarah’s quickened womb during Abraham’s
100th year. Billy Graham was one seed who has fallen to the ground
and died to yield a rich harvest of harvesters, but they will not harvest in the
mass harvest pattern he did. They will be re-conformed to the original blueprint
of Heaven for face to face evangelism.
is also releasing His Seed, the Manchild into the earth, walking in a double
portion of the mantle of Elijah. These are Firstborn from among the Dead
Company, those who have grown to mature manhood in Christ and possess His mind
for God’s matters. We are entering the season of the hundredfold harvest for
those who have rightly nurtured and held the seed of the Word in the good soil
of their hearts.
was 99 when the judgment on Sodom was carried out. 99 also speaks of the season
for final separation of Lot from his unclean environment. Lot means ‘the veiled
one’ so Lot is a type of the Bride who up to now has had no understanding of the
times. It is time for messengers of God to be released to carry an urgent
message to her and thrust the Bride out of the unclean environment of modern-day
‘Churchianity’, into separation unto preservation. Time is very short. Those who
look back at this point will be destroyed along with their treasure. 99
represents the time of God burning our bridges for us so that we cannot go back
even if we wanted to later.
Graham died on 6th Adar, the anniversary of the day Moses completed
the first five Books of our Bible, word for word, as dictated to him by G-d.
This scroll of the Torah was put into the Holy Ark, next to the Tablets of
Testimony. Moses’ job was complete, his assignment over and it was time for the
changing of the guard. It is the same with Billy Graham’s death, there is the
changing of the guard from big-name evangelism to nameless faceless generation
evangelism; those who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. This changing of the
guard is the handover from Elijah to Elisha; the ministry of the prophets with a
single portion to the servants who followed the Spirit of Elijah beyond the
place of death to receive their double portion.
is the transference from the ministry of Simeon, the one who came in to minister
and went out to Anna, the one who never left the presence of the Lord. Simeon
died in peace after beholding the promised Child. Anna ran with the message
after seeing Jesus face to face in the temple; speaks of evangelism. Mary
Magdalene also ran after her face to face encounter in the garden, But found few
who would believe her amongst the ranks of the disciples.
day Billy Graham died is also the day Joshua was fully equipped and anointed to
complete the task Heaven had for him. The 6th Adar marks the changing
of the guard from Moses who entered the tabernacle and spoke with God and left,
to Joshua, who remained in God’s presence before the ark. The
6th Adar marked the end of the age, both of the wilderness of sin in
Joshua’s case and of waiting for the revelation of the manchild in Anna and
Simeon’s case. Those dwelling in his presence carry the baton from here on for
the final leg of the race. We are experiencing the moment in the spiritual realm
of handover from the Church age to the Kingdom age; from the faithful priests of
the old order to the worshiping prophetess evangelists; from the
shepherd-leaders to the warring servants of the leaders. The 6th Adar
marked the handing over of the governmental mantle to those who have remained in
His presence, while Moses went in and out.
was born and died on the 7th Adar but no trace of his body was ever
found. He was 120 years old – a connection to the 120 in the upper room, who
received the outpouring of equipping power and ran with the message. Moses saw
the promised land from afar but was not allowed to enter because of
disobedience. The old order sees but doesn’t go in because their part is
complete, their scroll is written, their duty is done. The new order sees and
the 6th is also the day a blessing was released over the Israelites
and the song of Moses was heard for the first time (read Deut 32 and 33). We
have entered the season of new prophetic songs, never before heard by mortal
ears, being imparted and released over the Body to equip them to take the
Promised land of their inheritance.
32:1 Give ear, O heavens, and I will speak. And hear, O earth, the words of my
mouth. Deu 32:2 My doctrine shall drop as the rain; my speech shall drop down
as the dew, as the small rain on the tender plant, and as the showers on the
grass; Deu 32:3 because I will proclaim the name of the Lord and ascribe
greatness to our God. Deu 32:4 He is the Rock; His work is perfect. For all His
ways are just, a God of faithfulness, and without evil; just and upright is
33:1 THIS IS the blessing with which Moses the man of God blessed the
Israelites before his death. Deu 33:2 He said, The Lord came from Sinai and
beamed upon us from Seir; He flashed forth from Mount Paran, from among ten
thousands of holy ones, a flaming fire, a law, at His right hand. Deu 33:3 Yes,
He loves [the tribes] His people; all those consecrated to Him are in Your hand.
They followed in Your steps; they [accepted Your word and] received direction
from You…
KJV says in Deut 33:3 ‘…and they sat down at thy feet; every one shall
receive of thy words.’ As we encamp around His feet and have a face to face
encounter, each one consecrated to Him receives a fiery scroll with a decree of
God upon it for the next chapter. That God-breathed word transforms us and
equips us to walk in the fullness of our inheritance in Christ. For Joshua, and
for Elisha, the time of learning and training at the feet of the man of God was
over. The time in the shadows as the servant of the Man of God was over. The
time to step into the position appointed by Heaven was here. The time of hearing
God through the mouth of the obedient man of God was over. The time of hearing
God and obeying was here. The time of sitting under the man of God assigned to
you was over; the time of releasing the instruction of God to others was here.
For Joshua, the time of following was over, the time of leading was here.
this encapsulated in one day; so much change instituted within one 24 hour
period. Joshua went to sleep one night after a day similar to many other days
before it. Moses had sung his famous song and released a blessing over God’s
people. The next morning, everything had changed for Joshua. Moses was a hard
act to follow but Joshua had a totally different call in totally different
territory. Yes, he was a leader of God’s people but the season had changed from
deliverance and sifting and transition to war and possession of inheritance.
Moses territory was Egypt and the wilderness. Joshua’s assigned portion was the
Promised Land. For those who have come through the wilderness of preparation,
the chapter is over. Get ready to cross over into your full inheritance in
as Abram underwent a name change before God’s pure blueprint could be released
in seed form, so too, Joshua’s original name was also changed by Moses before he
had his first encounter of the Promised Land:
13:16 These are the names of the men whom Moses sent to explore and scout out
the land. And Moses called Hoshea son of Nun, Joshua.
means ‘deliverer’. Joshua means ‘God delivers and saves’. Joshua experienced
the insertion of the name of God (Jehovah) into his name. Man is not the
deliverer, God is. No longer will there be a spotlight on giant one-man
ministry, but rather on the God who ministers through man. He received this new
name as he was sent to scout out and bring back fruit of the Promised Land. If
you want the firstfruits of the Promised Land, the ‘old you’ has to fall to the
ground. It is no longer about you. It is about what God wants to do through you
– and ALL the glory is His. We have entered the season of great change. Nothing
will be as it was. YOU will be different too. There is an urgency to the last
leg of the relay race. After that there is no more opportunity to get your
running style right. Once the baton is placed in the hand of the runners of the
final leg of the race, there is no more preparation time. Thank the Lord He
reassured us in a recent message we have passed the test and are ready to
understand, the release in this season is not about Billy Graham. God has just
used the circumstances of his life and death to speak a message. The release in
this season of handover is about Jesus and no-one else. Let us return to God’s
original blueprint. What was His first grand intention? Paul explains it so
1:9 making known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure
which He purposed in Himself, Eph 1:10 for the
administration of the fullness of the times to head up all things in Christ,
both the things in the heavens, and the things on earth, in
Him, Eph 1:11 in whom we also have been chosen to an
inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of the One working all
things according to the counsel of His own will, Eph
1:12 for us to be to the praise of His
glory, the ones who had previously trusted in
things in Heaven and on earth will be consummated in Christ.WE exist in the
Kingdom for the praise of His glory! Nothing else…
Christine Beadsworth
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