You will need the help of others to see the bigger picture unfold. You are accomplishing more than you might realize.
Friday, December 5, 2014
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Refuse to give up or let up; keep pushing against the powers of darkness until you have complete breakthrough. I have made a way of perfection in every circumstance. But, you must stay in the flow of My Spirit. This is a time when you need to mind your own business and maintain good boundaries for yourself and others. Stay within the confines of righteous authority, says the Lord.
Psalms 138:8 The LORD will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy, O LORD, endures forever; do not forsake the works of Your hands.
Psalms 138:8 The LORD will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy, O LORD, endures forever; do not forsake the works of Your hands.
We Are Being "Morphed" by Amanda Leonard
Recently I randomly had a vision while I was at work. I saw myself as a huge spirit being and my head was above the clouds and my feet were upon the earth. I was dressed in a white robe. I continued to hear Galatians 4:19 where Paul says, "My little children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you."
First, we must awaken to the reality of Christ being IN us, being born again. The next step is for us to realize Christ LIVING IN US (Christ in you the hope of glory) and then Christ BEING FORMED IN US in the fullness. I began to study and meditate on the word Christ being "formed" in you. What does that mean? What was the difference in Christ being formed in us, if He already dwells within us?
Christ being formed in us, is the full maturation of being sons of God. This is Sonship. This is ruling and reigning with Him as priest and kings in His Kingdom. This isn't something that we take possession of by faith but it is what we become as we get closer to the Father. These in whom Christ is being formed, have given every single cell of themselves to Him, for Him to take complete control over. They are not their own. They have died and no longer live except that He lives within them. (Galatians 2:20) These are becoming mature sons!
The word "formed" from Galatians 4:19 in the Strong's, is "morphoo" which means "to form". This word is the derivative of the word "morphe" which means "properly taking on the form that properly embodies a particular inner-essence" ( The word "morphoo" is a verb while "morphe" is a noun. "Morphoo" is an action taking place, and it's by His Spirit as Christ is being formed in us. He is morphing us, by His Spirit within us to reveal in outward appearance, Him that is within us. I believe that's what I was seeing in this vision. I was seeing the outward appearance of what was taking place on the inside, as Christ is being formed within us.
The Holy Spirit showed me that we are "being morphed" into full mature sons.
There were two particular scriptures that had this word "morphe". One was after the resurrection of Jesus. After He had risen, He appeared to Mary Magdalene. She went and told those who had been with Him that He was alive but they didn't believe her.
Mark 16: 12: After that, He appeared in another FORM to two of them as they walked and went into the country. (Emphasis added)
The only other verses that have this same Greek word "morphe" is in Philippians 2:5-8: 5 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, 7 but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.
I began to think about how Jesus came from Heaven to become flesh, to become a servant. He being fully God, yet fully man, took on the form of a servant and humbled Himself to the point of death. As He is, so are we in the world. Jesus told the disciples when they asked about who was the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven, anyone who wants to be first will be last, and the servant of all. (Mark 9:35) In the Kingdom, all are servants.
I thought about His great love and how on the cross He was beaten to the point of being unrecognizable. The Lord began to show me, when Adam ate from the tree and sin entered into the heart of man, that it "changed his appearance," he morphed from what God intended as his original design. He saw and acknowledged his nakedness and he no longer walked with God, his spirit died that day.
Jesus being unrecognizable on the cross was a picture of us, all the way back to Adam; we had become unrecognizable from the original design that the Father had intended for us from the beginning. Jesus became what we were, He became the sin that we were. He became the shame that came upon man when Adam and Eve ate the tree. He became unrecognizable to redeem us and His resurrection shows us what we were to become through Him. He could see on the cross, us, and what we would look like with Him living inside us. He knew that "our appearance" had changed and by the Spirit, Jesus could see what we should look like. So, He had to be unrecognizable to redeem what man had put upon himself through the ages. His blood has now made a way for us to be "morphed" into the fullness of Christ. His blood is the veil we must enter through and into. Jesus made the way for us by His blood.
"Sons are linked by the blood. That which was lost would be restored by Me, and man would have access to higher regions than the Garden. Man would carry a greater Glory than Adam because everything in him would be brought into this Kingdom of Light by My blood." (Excerpt from "The Blood: Entrance Into the Supernatural" by Rona Spiropoulos)
Colossians 1:19-20: For God in all his fullness was pleased to live in Christ 20 and through him God reconciled everything to himself. He made peace with everything in heaven and on earth by means of Christ’s blood on the cross.
Revelation 12:11: "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death."
The vision I had from the Lord, I believe is a picture of those who have went through the veil of His blood to mature in their true identity as sons. His blood has washed them white as snow, His blood has made them holy as He is holy. His blood has redeemed the world and created an even greater glory than that that Adam walked in. The second Adam, Christ Jesus, has come and made the way through His blood to show us the place that we were created to walk in. He is teaching many to press through to this new realm of living in the Kingdom where you rule and reign with Christ even as your feet are planted upon the earth. Through worship and humbling ourselves, giving every single part of ourselves to Him, being completely saturated in Him, Christ is being formed within us. We are as He is in the world, He was a Son; He was also a servant.
I believe the Lord is showing me the importance of serving and placing others before ourselves. "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth" (Matthew 5). This is the way of the Kingdom, this is the way of Jesus. As we die to our old self life, His resurrection life is formed in us. As Jesus was transformed (morphed) from one form to the other, so we will be as His resurrection life comes through His blood. When Christ is formed within us, we shall then inherit the earth and redeem what Adam was created to do, which was to subdue the earth and walk with God with no separation.
I believe the body of Christ as a whole has missed this truth, many have stopped at Christ being IN them in their born again experience and never get to the place of Christ being formed in them. Many have accepted Jesus as Saviour and are waiting to get to heaven one day. Yet, the Father is waiting for sons to take their rightful place, the place that Jesus paid for on the cross through His blood but hasn't been fully appropriated. Although many will stay in this place, many are also awakening to the realization of the more that is available to them as sons and daughters of God.
The wife of the Lamb is making herself ready.
Revelation 19:7-8 "7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.8 And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints."
“Take your position in the heavenlies where you are seated with Me,” says the Lord. “Your feet will be upon the earth but your head will be in the clouds, you will see and learn the ways of heaven to bring it down upon the earth. It will be on earth as it is in heaven, My Kingdom has come and is within you, the fullness of Christ is being formed in you. Now you know, that nothing is impossible for you, now walk in that truth. Shine as beacons of light into the earth. My blood is light and you have My blood within you, so Shine, Shine, Shine! For My glory has risen upon you and the earth will come to My light within you. As you humble yourself before Me, I will take you higher, I will show you things that your mind will not grasp. Trust Me,” says the Lord. “You won't have a grid for the things that I am about to reveal, I am going to take you higher and higher still. You have stepped through the veil of My blood, you have determined that My blood is enough. I have stood at the door and knocked and you have let Me in, you have been invited to an intimate celebration. Come and let Me take you higher. You will live in two realms at once, some will believe it can't be done. Don't listen to the scoffers, the Pharisaical types, religion has brought death, but I have brought you life!!! I Am being formed in you, a morphing has begun, through this process I making you My mature sons!”
Love and blessings,
Amanda Leonard
First, we must awaken to the reality of Christ being IN us, being born again. The next step is for us to realize Christ LIVING IN US (Christ in you the hope of glory) and then Christ BEING FORMED IN US in the fullness. I began to study and meditate on the word Christ being "formed" in you. What does that mean? What was the difference in Christ being formed in us, if He already dwells within us?
Christ being formed in us, is the full maturation of being sons of God. This is Sonship. This is ruling and reigning with Him as priest and kings in His Kingdom. This isn't something that we take possession of by faith but it is what we become as we get closer to the Father. These in whom Christ is being formed, have given every single cell of themselves to Him, for Him to take complete control over. They are not their own. They have died and no longer live except that He lives within them. (Galatians 2:20) These are becoming mature sons!
The word "formed" from Galatians 4:19 in the Strong's, is "morphoo" which means "to form". This word is the derivative of the word "morphe" which means "properly taking on the form that properly embodies a particular inner-essence" ( The word "morphoo" is a verb while "morphe" is a noun. "Morphoo" is an action taking place, and it's by His Spirit as Christ is being formed in us. He is morphing us, by His Spirit within us to reveal in outward appearance, Him that is within us. I believe that's what I was seeing in this vision. I was seeing the outward appearance of what was taking place on the inside, as Christ is being formed within us.
The Holy Spirit showed me that we are "being morphed" into full mature sons.
There were two particular scriptures that had this word "morphe". One was after the resurrection of Jesus. After He had risen, He appeared to Mary Magdalene. She went and told those who had been with Him that He was alive but they didn't believe her.
Mark 16: 12: After that, He appeared in another FORM to two of them as they walked and went into the country. (Emphasis added)
The only other verses that have this same Greek word "morphe" is in Philippians 2:5-8: 5 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, 7 but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.
I began to think about how Jesus came from Heaven to become flesh, to become a servant. He being fully God, yet fully man, took on the form of a servant and humbled Himself to the point of death. As He is, so are we in the world. Jesus told the disciples when they asked about who was the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven, anyone who wants to be first will be last, and the servant of all. (Mark 9:35) In the Kingdom, all are servants.
I thought about His great love and how on the cross He was beaten to the point of being unrecognizable. The Lord began to show me, when Adam ate from the tree and sin entered into the heart of man, that it "changed his appearance," he morphed from what God intended as his original design. He saw and acknowledged his nakedness and he no longer walked with God, his spirit died that day.
Jesus being unrecognizable on the cross was a picture of us, all the way back to Adam; we had become unrecognizable from the original design that the Father had intended for us from the beginning. Jesus became what we were, He became the sin that we were. He became the shame that came upon man when Adam and Eve ate the tree. He became unrecognizable to redeem us and His resurrection shows us what we were to become through Him. He could see on the cross, us, and what we would look like with Him living inside us. He knew that "our appearance" had changed and by the Spirit, Jesus could see what we should look like. So, He had to be unrecognizable to redeem what man had put upon himself through the ages. His blood has now made a way for us to be "morphed" into the fullness of Christ. His blood is the veil we must enter through and into. Jesus made the way for us by His blood.
"Sons are linked by the blood. That which was lost would be restored by Me, and man would have access to higher regions than the Garden. Man would carry a greater Glory than Adam because everything in him would be brought into this Kingdom of Light by My blood." (Excerpt from "The Blood: Entrance Into the Supernatural" by Rona Spiropoulos)
Colossians 1:19-20: For God in all his fullness was pleased to live in Christ 20 and through him God reconciled everything to himself. He made peace with everything in heaven and on earth by means of Christ’s blood on the cross.
Revelation 12:11: "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death."
The vision I had from the Lord, I believe is a picture of those who have went through the veil of His blood to mature in their true identity as sons. His blood has washed them white as snow, His blood has made them holy as He is holy. His blood has redeemed the world and created an even greater glory than that that Adam walked in. The second Adam, Christ Jesus, has come and made the way through His blood to show us the place that we were created to walk in. He is teaching many to press through to this new realm of living in the Kingdom where you rule and reign with Christ even as your feet are planted upon the earth. Through worship and humbling ourselves, giving every single part of ourselves to Him, being completely saturated in Him, Christ is being formed within us. We are as He is in the world, He was a Son; He was also a servant.
I believe the Lord is showing me the importance of serving and placing others before ourselves. "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth" (Matthew 5). This is the way of the Kingdom, this is the way of Jesus. As we die to our old self life, His resurrection life is formed in us. As Jesus was transformed (morphed) from one form to the other, so we will be as His resurrection life comes through His blood. When Christ is formed within us, we shall then inherit the earth and redeem what Adam was created to do, which was to subdue the earth and walk with God with no separation.
I believe the body of Christ as a whole has missed this truth, many have stopped at Christ being IN them in their born again experience and never get to the place of Christ being formed in them. Many have accepted Jesus as Saviour and are waiting to get to heaven one day. Yet, the Father is waiting for sons to take their rightful place, the place that Jesus paid for on the cross through His blood but hasn't been fully appropriated. Although many will stay in this place, many are also awakening to the realization of the more that is available to them as sons and daughters of God.
The wife of the Lamb is making herself ready.
Revelation 19:7-8 "7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.8 And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints."
“Take your position in the heavenlies where you are seated with Me,” says the Lord. “Your feet will be upon the earth but your head will be in the clouds, you will see and learn the ways of heaven to bring it down upon the earth. It will be on earth as it is in heaven, My Kingdom has come and is within you, the fullness of Christ is being formed in you. Now you know, that nothing is impossible for you, now walk in that truth. Shine as beacons of light into the earth. My blood is light and you have My blood within you, so Shine, Shine, Shine! For My glory has risen upon you and the earth will come to My light within you. As you humble yourself before Me, I will take you higher, I will show you things that your mind will not grasp. Trust Me,” says the Lord. “You won't have a grid for the things that I am about to reveal, I am going to take you higher and higher still. You have stepped through the veil of My blood, you have determined that My blood is enough. I have stood at the door and knocked and you have let Me in, you have been invited to an intimate celebration. Come and let Me take you higher. You will live in two realms at once, some will believe it can't be done. Don't listen to the scoffers, the Pharisaical types, religion has brought death, but I have brought you life!!! I Am being formed in you, a morphing has begun, through this process I making you My mature sons!”
Love and blessings,
Amanda Leonard
The areas that you feel have suffocated you, overwhelmed you, hindered you from flying and moving to the next level… As you have remained surrendered to Him and held His hand, you will now raise the flag that says “CONQUERED”.
You are moving into a greater level of freedom as you continue to remain sensitive to His Spirit and leading. He conquered the grave and in Him you are MORE than a conqueror and you are going to step further forward into the victory that is already yours.
The battle to keep you “grounded” (not in a positive way) and hinder you from flying has been so intense because you are about to fly higher than you ever have.
He is empowering you and bringing breakthrough. You are conquering the enemy, the obstacles that have tried to stop you and fear that has attempted to clip your wings.
You are moving into a new season, a new land, you are about to take a greater stand and CONQUER!!!!!! You are moving into an abundant flourishing PROMISED LAND.
You are moving into a greater level of freedom as you continue to remain sensitive to His Spirit and leading. He conquered the grave and in Him you are MORE than a conqueror and you are going to step further forward into the victory that is already yours.
The battle to keep you “grounded” (not in a positive way) and hinder you from flying has been so intense because you are about to fly higher than you ever have.
He is empowering you and bringing breakthrough. You are conquering the enemy, the obstacles that have tried to stop you and fear that has attempted to clip your wings.
You are moving into a new season, a new land, you are about to take a greater stand and CONQUER!!!!!! You are moving into an abundant flourishing PROMISED LAND.
The Spiritual Famine Has Come to an End by Elaine Tavolacci
The Holy Spirit showed me something interesting this week to share with you. Famines are mentioned several times throughout the bible, especially in the Old Testament. During a famine, people will eat anything that is available to them. In 2 Kings 6:25 the people were so famished that they ate donkey heads and doves dung. In verse 29 they even boiled a child and ate it.
In the book of Amos chapter 8:11-12, God pronounced a judgment on the land by saying that there was coming a famine in the land, not a famine of bread or a thirst for water but a famine of hearing the voice of the Lord. Many people today don't realize that this spiritual famine was for a season. We are no longer under the law of judgment, but we have entered a new Covenant with Jesus and He now says, My sheep hear My voice.
There is a great hunger and desperation in the church today. Christians have been searching for a word from the Lord any place that they could receive one. Many are so hungry to hear a personal word for their lives, families and ministries, but they don't recognize the fact that the Holy Spirit wants to speak to them personally. They don't realize that the famine is over and that the Lord is speaking to those who have ears to hear.
The Lord is calling you to stay in alignment and spend time with Him so that you will be more sensitive to His voice. He will make His voice known to you. There is no longer a famine from hearing the voice of the Lord, but all you need to do is simply tune your hearing to His prompting. As many of you have been feeling spiritually impoverished, read His word. His word is your daily bread, His word is His voice and His word carries life. Be careful what you are feeding yourself with, as some things release darkness into your life. Your eye is the lamp of your body. If your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light, but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness. This will hinder you from hearing His voice. His voice is intuitive and not always logical to the natural mind, but The Lord is faithful and His promises are true.
Isaiah 30: 21 Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, "This is the way, walk in it," Whenever you turn to the right hand Or whenever you turn to the left.
John 7:17 If anyone wills to do His will, he shall know concerning the doctrine, whether it is from God or whether I speak on My own authority.
John 10:27 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.
John 16:13-15 However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and declare it to you.
In the book of Amos chapter 8:11-12, God pronounced a judgment on the land by saying that there was coming a famine in the land, not a famine of bread or a thirst for water but a famine of hearing the voice of the Lord. Many people today don't realize that this spiritual famine was for a season. We are no longer under the law of judgment, but we have entered a new Covenant with Jesus and He now says, My sheep hear My voice.
There is a great hunger and desperation in the church today. Christians have been searching for a word from the Lord any place that they could receive one. Many are so hungry to hear a personal word for their lives, families and ministries, but they don't recognize the fact that the Holy Spirit wants to speak to them personally. They don't realize that the famine is over and that the Lord is speaking to those who have ears to hear.
The Lord is calling you to stay in alignment and spend time with Him so that you will be more sensitive to His voice. He will make His voice known to you. There is no longer a famine from hearing the voice of the Lord, but all you need to do is simply tune your hearing to His prompting. As many of you have been feeling spiritually impoverished, read His word. His word is your daily bread, His word is His voice and His word carries life. Be careful what you are feeding yourself with, as some things release darkness into your life. Your eye is the lamp of your body. If your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light, but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness. This will hinder you from hearing His voice. His voice is intuitive and not always logical to the natural mind, but The Lord is faithful and His promises are true.
Isaiah 30: 21 Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, "This is the way, walk in it," Whenever you turn to the right hand Or whenever you turn to the left.
John 7:17 If anyone wills to do His will, he shall know concerning the doctrine, whether it is from God or whether I speak on My own authority.
John 10:27 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.
John 16:13-15 However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and declare it to you.
Rise up above worldly view--away from your cares and burdens--and seek Me. For, surely I will be found by you, says the Lord. True wisdom comes from My Spirit and not from the earth. Do not invest your life and energy in that which is temporary, but live now in eternity by abiding in Me. Allow the process of spiritual transformation to take place in your life now.
James 3:13-18 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom. But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth. This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic. For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there. But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.
James 3:13-18 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom. But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth. This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic. For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there. But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.
What Should Our Prophetic Focus Be This December? by Johnny Enlow
My Dream: The Flood and the Focus
I had yet another flooding dream. In this dream I was near the shore, and as I was watching, the water suddenly reversed its course, and instead of the water being in a receding motion, it began to come in and flood.
As it came, it began to quickly rise, and I realized that I needed to move to higher ground to stay ahead of it. I looked over a parking area where I had left my car and realized that that whole area was now under water and that there would be no getting that car. In my dream I thought, "Oh well, I guess insurance will help me get a new car." It was quite matter of fact, rather than frightening.

Why The Flood Wasn't Frightening and What that Means For You and Me
The dream was not frightening, but a matter-of-fact reality. I believe the spiritual rains and flooding are beginning. This is a good thing. The landscape of everything will change. For me, two things that stood out are that my old car was no longer going to make it, but that was OK as I would get an upgrade; secondly, the flooding would require that I seek direction as to how to stay ahead of it.
Cars speak of ministry vehicle. What is coming in is really good and an answer to prayer – but preconceived ideas as to how our ministry vehicle will work may have to be tossed out.
Additionally, it will take more than just instinct to know how to respond to the rising waters, and we will have to get specific direction. We will end up with new vehicles and end up on higher ground, but both will require embracing the new and unplanned.
So, What Should Be Our Focus This December?
The verse for the month is Philippians 3:13: "Brethren, I do not count myself as having apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead."

We thank Him for the many aspects of recovery we experienced, but now we must give Him any losses or loose ends that remain and "forget those things which are behind" and begin to reach forward "to those things which are ahead." (Photo via Pixabay)
As we stay in the hopeful state that we gained in November, we can trust God with the results that have not yet changed and get our eyes off of ourselves. This is a month to keep our eyes first on Jesus as He is both the cause and the flood water itself that is coming in. We must begin preparing ourselves to respond to His arising around us and expect new options that we have not been considering.
In my previous dream on flooding, one phenomenon of it was that the streets were filled with rushing waters that carried many very large, upside-down, squirming pigs. The only thing we needed to watch out for was being swept out by these oversized pigs. There is an exposure of the "underbelly" of societal pigs [also known as those things that are UNCLEAN before the Lord] that has presently begun and will continue. This is a reality we must be prepared for, and we must make sure not to get knocked over by these exposures of that which has been hidden. Exposure is not the theme of this season, but it will be the accompanying phenomenon of the river of God rising in our midst.
Here I repeat the song I was singing in my previous dream: "A river will rise, a mountain will move, God's people will arise – and all will be new." Get ready, get ready, get ready.
Johnny Enlow
Johnny and Elizabeth
Johnny and Elizabeth
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
A Progressive Loss Of Freedom In This Modern Age! by Samuel David Meyer

Volume XXXIII Issue XII December 2014
Last Trumpet Ministries, PO Box 806, Beaver Dam, WI 53916
Phone: 920-887-2626 Internet:
A Progressive Loss Of Freedom In This Modern Age!
“Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.”
Galatians 5:1
“But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men.”
Ephesians 4:7-8
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.”
Luke 4:18-19
“Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
John 8:31-32
In this issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter, we will thoughtfully consider several topics that are pertinent to the Christian people living in this modern age, including a progressive loss of freedom in the United States. The United States of America is famously known as the “land of the free and the home of the brave.” It is certainly true that the American people have historically enjoyed a great deal of personal freedom. However, in recent years it has become obvious that there is an invisible leash around the necks of every man, woman, and child living in the United States. As long as the boundaries of these leashes are never tested, it appears that people are free. Yet, if you reach the end of your leash, it quickly becomes obvious just how restrained and controlled, we the people, truly are.
Of course, most of us who live in the United States are accustomed to paying our taxes. We understand that if we fail to pay our federal and state income taxes, there is a very real possibility that we could be sent to prison. For those of us who own homes, we understand that if we fail to pay our property taxes, our homes will be seized and taken away from us by the government. Furthermore, the law of eminent domain allows government agencies to force you to sell your real estate to them if they should ever decide they want your land for their own purposes.
Most American citizens have learned to accept paying taxes as an unfortunate part of life. However, the rules and restrictions forced upon the American people in recent years go well beyond tax laws. For example, a story surfaced in July 2012 which reported that a man who lived in Eagle Point, Oregon, was facing thirty days in jail and a $1,500 fine for collecting rain water and snow melt on his property. (1) In February 2014, it was reported that a woman living in Cape Coral, Florida, was taken to court by city officials for living off the grid. The woman was using solar panels to provide power for her home and a system that treated rainwater to provide water. The court gave her thirty days to plug into city utility services. (2)
Certain municipalities in the United States are also cracking down on individuals who feed the homeless in public areas. Such was the case in May 2014 when a retired couple and four other volunteers in Daytona Beach, Florida, were issued tickets by the police for feeding homeless people who had gathered at a park. Regarding the incident, Daytona Beach Chief of Police Mike Chitwood was quoted as saying, “We as a city have spent millions of dollars to turn that park into a place for families, kids, and dog lovers. We have an ordinance that says when people want to perform acts of kindness or charity that they must coordinate with our local social service agencies.” (3) In other words, the people of Daytona Beach are not allowed to perform acts of charity without first obtaining permission from the local government!
Sadly, a similar incident was also reported in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, in November 2014. In this case, it was 90-year-old Arnold Abbott who was charged, along with two pastors, with the crime of feeding the homeless. This development, however, did not dissuade Mr. Abbott from continuing to feed hungry people with no place to call home. “I know that I will be arrested again and I am prepared for that. I am my brother’s keeper and what they are doing is just heartless,” Abbott said. (4) Two days following the initial news report, it was reported that Mr. Abbott was once again cited for feeding the homeless. This development prompted Fort Lauderdale Mayor Jack Seiler to say, “Mr. Abbott has decided that he doesn’t think these individuals should have to have any interaction with government, that they should be fed in the parks. We disagree.” (5)
Unfortunately, the push to criminalize the feeding of the homeless is increasing in the United States. In fact, at least twenty-one cities have enacted rules against the charitable practice since January 2013 while at least ten more cities are considering similar rules. This trend has raised the ire of Michael Stoops, a director at the National Coalition for the Homeless. “Cities’ hope is that restricting sharing of food will somehow make [the] homeless disappear and go away. But I can promise you that even if these ordinances are adopted, it’s not going to get rid of homelessness,” Stoops declared. (6)
Another manner in which the American people have lost their freedom is the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, which is colloquially known as Obamacare. This new healthcare system, which had a rocky start in 2013, is now firmly established as the law of the land in the United States. Consequently, every man, woman, and child is now required by law to carry health insurance, and if they refuse, a stiff penalty is leveled against those who fail to comply with the individual mandate, which decrees that we must buy health insurance. Here let it be noted that the Obamacare system was crafted in part by a man named Jonathan Gruber. It was during a conference at the University of Pennsylvania in 2013 that Gruber told his audience that a “lack of transparency is a huge political advantage.” He then went on to say that “the stupidity of the American voter… was really critical for the [ACA] to pass.” (7)
When we see what is happening in the United States today, it is no surprise that the American people are not feeling as free as they once did. This fact can be attested by the results of a recent study performed at the Legatum Institute. This organization is responsible for publishing their annual Prosperity Index, and one of the sections of this index measures how free people in their respective countries feel. Using this methodology, it was determined in 2010 that the United States ranked 9th in terms of personal liberty. However, the newly released report indicates that United States now ranks 21st in personal liberty, behind countries that include France, Germany, and the United Kingdom. (8)
Yet, as Christians, we understand that while our freedom in this world may be limited, we have great liberty in our Lord Jesus Christ. In Luke 4:18-19, our Saviour quoted from the book of Isaiah and told the people, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.” Despite the circumstances of this present world, we can have great spiritual freedom, and we obtain this freedom by repenting of our sins and crying out to God. It is only when we are freed from the condemnation of our sins that we are ever really truly free. If you have not yet given your heart to God and dedicated your life to Him, I urge you to do so now.
Is Advanced Technology A Threat To The Human Race?
In our day-to-day lives, we are constantly surrounded by an amazing array of technology. This is the age of smartphones, tablet computers, and 3D printing, and the average man has unprecedented access to many devices which enable him to do incredible things, once found only in the imaginations of science fiction writers. In light of this reality, most of us cannot help but wonder what the future might hold. As it turns out, numerous articles have surfaced in recent days which detail some of the things scientists and technology groups are hoping to accomplish in the coming years.
One of the aforementioned articles was published by Yahoo News in October 2014, and it features an ominous headline which declares, “Nine real technologies that will soon be inside you.” According to this report, researchers are now developing technology which they hope will someday allow them to turn human bones into living speakers, while other researchers are trying to create eye implants which would allow the user to capture images in the blink of an eye. The development of such technology could eventually lead to implantable smartphones. (9)
Additionally, scientists at Boston University in Massachusetts are developing a bionic pancreas, which is equipped with a miniscule sensor that is linked to a patient’s smartphone and used to monitor blood sugar levels. Also in development are pills equipped with microprocessors, which will have the ability to send text messages to doctors who will use the data to measure the user’s health and ensure that prescribed medicines are actually being taken. (10)
Meanwhile, a company known as Dangerous Things has made a near-field communication chip which can be embedded in a human finger, allowing the user to unlock doors by simply pointing. (11)
Remarkably, a group from, Brown University, known as BrainGate is attempting to develop an interface system which would link human brains directly to computers. “Using a baby aspirin-sized array of electrodes implanted into the brain, early research from the BrainGate team has shown that the neural signals can be ‘decoded’ by a computer in real-time and used to operate external devices,” declares a statement on the group’s website. (12) It is worthwhile to note that a report published in November 2009 states that the microchip manufacturer, known as Intel, believes human brains will be interfacing with computers by the year 2020. Speaking of their research at Intel, scientist Dean Pomerleau was quoted as saying, “We’re trying to prove you can do interesting things with brain waves. Eventually people may be willing to be more committed… to brain implants. Imagine being able to surf the Web with the power of your thoughts.” (13)
Scientists around the world are also working to develop new and sophisticated robots. This is particularly true in the nation of Japan where life-like robots have already been introduced to the public. One such robot is known as Android Asuna and features a detailed and realistic face. Although this robot is not yet equipped with artificial intelligence and must be controlled by an operator, the company which produced the robot is hoping to perfect their product to the point that their robots are indistinguishable from real humans within ten years. “We already have 20 years’ experience making androids in the lab. So in 10 years we will marry AI (artificial intelligence) and life-like geminoids in perfection,” stated the CEO of A-Lab, Takeshi Mita. (14) The nation of China is also on the cutting-edge of robot development. In fact, China plans to install 1.3 million industrial robots by the year 2020 with that number increasing to 2.5 million robots by the year 2030. (15)
Although it may seem far-fetched that millions of robots could one day heavily populate the earth, the technology behind robot development is now advancing so quickly that the United Nations recently held a meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, where representatives of certain countries expressed their worries regarding the possibility that robots could be weaponized in the future. “Machines lack morality and mortality, and as a result should not have life and death powers over humans,” declared UN official Christof Heyns. (16) Additionally, a group, known as the Human Rights Watch, has called for a complete ban of what they call “killer robots.” “There is a sense of urgency about how we deal with killer robots. Technology is racing ahead,” the group said in a statement. (17)
The amazing technological advances we are seeing today could one day be used to enslave the people of the earth or destroy the human race altogether. I believe that is what Satan is hoping, but I also know that ultimately God is in control, and He will only allow the enemy and his minions to get so far before He completely stops them in their tracks.
Our Quaking Planet!
In this modern age, earthquakes have become so normal that most people no longer pay much attention to them. Yet, earthquakes have always been of significant interest to the Christian people because it is one of the signs that Jesus specifically told us to watch for in the latter days. In Luke 21:11 Jesus warns us, “And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” In this present world, earthquakes occur each and every day all over the world. Although we do not always know it, our planet is constantly shaking and quaking.
It is interesting to note that the aforementioned verse in Luke 21:11 speaks of great earthquakes. Amazingly enough, an article published by NBC News in October 2014 bears the headline: “Worldwide Surge in ‘Great’ Earthquakes seen in Past 10 Years.” According to the report, eighteen earthquakes with a magnitude of 8.0 or higher have occurred between 2004 and 2014 around the world. This represents an increase of 265 percent over the rate of the last century. However, at least one scientist has attempted to downplay the significance of such quakes and insists that the fact they occurred is merely a coincidence. “If we look at all earthquake magnitudes, the past 10 years is not unusual in terms of the rate of events; the rate increases are just seen for events magnitudes larger than 7.5 or so. This suggests that great events were ‘catching up’ on the plate boundary motions in several regions with fortuitous similar timing,” stated Professor Thorne Lay of the University of California, Santa Cruz. (18)
It is certainly undeniable that seismic activity has increased in certain locations, including areas within the United States. In fact, the frequency at which earthquakes occur in the American state of Kansas has increased so much that Governor Sam Brownback issued a statement in November 2014 in which he announced plans to install new equipment to be used to monitor earthquakes. “Public safety is my top priority. We must balance the safety of all Kansans, and consider the impacts to industry. This deployment will give our state geologists the data they need to better understand the increased seismic activity being experienced in south-central Kansas and to formulate a plan going forward,” Governor Brownback said. (19) The announcement came on the same day that the region was struck with an earthquake measuring 4.8 in magnitude. It is believed that the increase in earthquakes within the state of Kansas is due to a commonly used oil and gas drilling method known as hydraulic fracturing, or fracking for short. (20)
Another region with increased seismic activity in the United States can be found in the northwestern area of Nevada near the Oregon border. This area has experienced about 750 earthquakes since July 2014, and geologists have expressed concern that a big one could be coming. “If you are not ready for an earthquake, now is an awfully good time to get ready for an earthquake,” stated Alison Ryan, a spokeswoman for the Department of Geology and Mineral Industries in Oregon. (21)
Sadly, the nation of Japan has suffered yet another significant quake in recent days. On November 22, 2014, an earthquake measuring 6.8 in magnitude struck near the city of Negano. According to reports, this powerful quake was felt 125 miles away in Tokyo, and there was significant damage in the town of Hakuba where ten homes collapsed. This quake was followed by twenty-one aftershocks. (22)
Of course, these are just a few examples of the many earthquakes that occur on a daily basis. As of this writing, there have been 1,485 earthquakes measuring 2.5 magnitude or greater in the last thirty days. (23)
High Tensions Between Russia And The United States!
It is no secret that relations between the United States and Russia have soured in recent months. While the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues on, the United States and the European Union have sought to reign in Russia by enacting sanctions against the Russian government. Although reports indicate that these sanctions have caused some economic hardship for the Russian people, it does not appear that these sanctions have done anything to weaken the resolve of Russian President Vladimir Putin. These developments have prompted the former head of state of the Soviet Union, Mikael Gorbachev, to declare that we may soon see a return of the Cold War. “The world is on the brink of a new Cold War. Some are even saying that it’s already begun,” Gorbachev said. (24) At a speech given in November 2014, Vladimir Putin continued his defiant tone and declared that the United States government “wants to subdue us, wants to solve its problems at our expense.” He then went on to say, “No one has succeeded in doing so in the history of Russia, and no one will.” (25) As a highlight of the tension between the United States and Russia, President Putin greeted the new United States Ambassador to Russia, John Tefft, with a thinly veiled warning not to interfere with Russia’s business. “We are ready for practical cooperation with our American partners in different fields, based on the principles of respect for each other’s interests, equal rights and non-interference in internal matters,” Putin declared. (26) Tefft also issued a statement wherein he declared that the United States would prefer that Russia embrace globalist ideals. “We would prefer a Russia that is fully integrated with the global economy; that is thriving on behalf of its people; that can once again engage with us in cooperative efforts around global challenges,” Tefft said. (27)
Meanwhile, Russia has continued to assert its military might, and it was announced in November 2014 that the Russian military will be using long-range fighter jets to conduct patrol missions that stretch from the Arctic Ocean all the way to the Gulf of Mexico. “In the current situation we have to maintain military presence in the western Atlantic and eastern Pacific, as well as the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico,” stated Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. Shoigu also declared that the patrols would conduct “reconnaissance missions to monitor foreign powers’ military activities and maritime communications.” (28)
Even as tension between Russia and the United States intensifies, relations between China and Russia have only grown stronger. During a visit to China, Russian Defense Minister Shoigu announced plans for increased military cooperation between the Russian and Chinese militaries. “Our cooperation in the military spheres has great potential and the Russian side is ready to develop it across the broadest possible spectrum of areas. We see the formation of a collective regional security system as the primary objective of our joint efforts,” Shoigu stated. (29)
We must remember that China not only has the largest army in the world, but the Chinese government also has a propensity to respond with a heavy hand to even the smallest infractions against them. In fact, a news story surfaced in October 2014 which reports that the Chinese government deployed 1,226 military personnel, 123 military vehicles, two fighter jets, and two helicopters after two men launched an unauthorized drone in December 2013. (30) One can only wonder what the tactics of such a military might be during wartime.
The Homosexual Agenda Pushes Forward!
For those of us who live in the United States, we are seeing a change unlike any other in the short history of our country. Of course, we remember that Barack Obama campaigned with the promise that he would bring “change” to America, and we now have many changes in this land since that time which are not for the better. When the Supreme Court of the United States overturned the Defense of Marriage Act, or DOMA, last year, it seemed likely that same-sex marriage would eventually be legalized in every American state. However, the speed at which this is now happening is quite stunning. In last month’s issue of the Last Trumpet, I reported that same-sex marriage is now legal in 32 states. Since that time, the number has increased to 35 states.
In the state of Kansas, where gay marriage is now legal, it was announced that a mass gay wedding would take place on November 17, 2014, on the steps of a courthouse in the city of Wichita. “This is a way to help bring everyone together,” declared Minister Jackie Carter who organized the event. According to reports, the event was to feature about a dozen same-sex couples. (31) The two other states which have legalized same-sex marriage within the last month are Montana, which became the 34th state to do so on November 19, 2014, (32) and South Carolina, which legalized same-sex marriage on November 20, 2014. (33)
Thankfully, there are still some voices willing to cry out against same-sex marriage in the United States. In fact, a judge by the name of Gilbert Breedlove was so grieved by the legalization of same-sex marriage, that he resigned from his post in Swain County, North Carolina to ensure that he would not have to officiate same-sex marriage ceremonies. “It was my only option. We were directed we had to perform the marriages, and that was just something I couldn’t do because of my religious beliefs,” Breedlove stated. (34)
In closing, I wish to express my thanks to our readers and supporters. We could not do what we do without your help and we are honored to be able to serve you. This issue marks the final installment of the Last Trumpet for the year 2014. If you receive the paper edition of this newsletter, please remember to mail us your renewal form for the year 2015. We at Last Trumpet Ministries will strive to continue our work for as long as God will allow us, and it is our prayer that this newsletter and everything we publish will continue to be a blessing to you. If you have any prayer requests, great or small, we are ready and waiting to lift your petitions to the throne of the Almighty. We firmly believe in the power of prayer, and we have seen many prayers answered over the years. Grace and peace be unto you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Samuel David Meyer
VESSELS OF MY HONOR by Yolanda Ballard
Even though this is the end of the age many believe that they have much time left in order to prepare for what is to come, but I tell you that the time left should be used to draw close to Me in the secret place fasting, and praying, and seeking My face. In order to be ready you must develop a hunger and a thirst for righteousness like never before for lawlessness is sweeping across the country like wild fire.
Didn’t I say that many would be calling white black and black white? They would be justifying sin like never before even in the church. Many would be doing what is right in their own eyes, but at the same time there will be a remnant that has cleansed their garments making sure that their heart is right before Me.
Watch and pray that you will be ready at all times to stand against this lawlessness. Pray that you would have the wisdom to know how to handle situations when they arise, for not handling situations correctly can cause much harm. Do not do anything out of a religious mindset for surely that would cause offense and division, and you would be just as much in the wrong as those who have given way to lawlessness.
Do things out of My love for that is the only way one would be apt to repent from their wrong doing. Grace gives the freedom to repent when religion just stirs up strife. Yes, this is the day of the great falling away, and it can all begin when one could be used as a tool of the enemy to steal, kill and destroy one who was wounded and was weak in faith. Be one who always ministers out of My grace and truth.
Yes, just remember that if you draw close to My side and follow after Me closely, you will always be ready with a kind word and with the wisdom to face every situation. For the world will know who are truly My disciples. They will be able to tell them by My love. Even though one who is Mine might act peculiar to them, they will be drawn to Me by the love and the grace that flows forth.
Be that yielded vessel that I can use at all times. Yes, be ready at all times to be led to those who may be lost. For yes, this is the hour of My power to heal the sick, to raise the dead, to cast out demons for as freely you receive freely you shall give.
Didn’t I say that many would be calling white black and black white? They would be justifying sin like never before even in the church. Many would be doing what is right in their own eyes, but at the same time there will be a remnant that has cleansed their garments making sure that their heart is right before Me.
Watch and pray that you will be ready at all times to stand against this lawlessness. Pray that you would have the wisdom to know how to handle situations when they arise, for not handling situations correctly can cause much harm. Do not do anything out of a religious mindset for surely that would cause offense and division, and you would be just as much in the wrong as those who have given way to lawlessness.
Do things out of My love for that is the only way one would be apt to repent from their wrong doing. Grace gives the freedom to repent when religion just stirs up strife. Yes, this is the day of the great falling away, and it can all begin when one could be used as a tool of the enemy to steal, kill and destroy one who was wounded and was weak in faith. Be one who always ministers out of My grace and truth.
Yes, just remember that if you draw close to My side and follow after Me closely, you will always be ready with a kind word and with the wisdom to face every situation. For the world will know who are truly My disciples. They will be able to tell them by My love. Even though one who is Mine might act peculiar to them, they will be drawn to Me by the love and the grace that flows forth.
Be that yielded vessel that I can use at all times. Yes, be ready at all times to be led to those who may be lost. For yes, this is the hour of My power to heal the sick, to raise the dead, to cast out demons for as freely you receive freely you shall give.
What you are beginning to see unfold, the favour that is being released, the opportunities being presented and the breakthrough that is picking up momentum… IS JUST THE BEGINNING!
He has started the “heavenly ball” rolling and as you continue to live surrendered and delighting in Him, you will see Him lead you into overflow beyond what you have imagined. You will be given much more than you have dreamed so you may overflow and see the spirit of generosity explode over your life.
This is just the beginning! For many have felt that they had been forgotten, but lately have begun to “see” the release happening. This is just the beginning that will confirm to you that God has been listening and working for your good!!!
The truth is…
Watch for and take advantage of opportunities to walk in freedom, unrestrained by things that put you down. I not only speak of your personal liberty, but of your ability to set others free. If you are to live free from the tyranny of others, you must also be willing to release those who you have had the power to control. Let go of all bondage, says the Lord.
2 Corinthians 3:17
Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
2 Corinthians 3:17
Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
"Whoever obeys his
command will come to no harm,
and the wise heart will
know the proper time and procedure.
For there is a proper
time and procedure for every matter,
though a man's misery
weighs heavily upon him."
In all of our lives as believers, we face times and settings where there is
a feeling of being pulled and tested, stretched and restrained.
Often, during these excruciating events, those who avoid personal character
development tend to give unrestrained advice, spiritualized platitudes, and
often, trumped up words of so-called prophetic inspiration to help us not suffer
As we begin to see the Lord's plan in all of this we also come
understand that if we are not first hearing His voice, His heart, His word in
the matters that are straining us, nothing any man or woman says can bring the
ultimate light of clarity and release!
We all face seasons of change that correspond much like the four seasons we
observe yearly.
Nothing is more surprising than to have an interruption of what we presume
to be what is "normal" for an earthly expectation, in one of those
When a sudden ice storm blows in unexpected in the late spring and encrusts
the tender blooms on fruit trees and garden plants, we are devastated by the
loss of not only the blooms, but also the fruit it could have produced. It
appears as if there has been a cruel storm sent to cause crop failure.
For many reading this Message, you feel as if you have experienced a "Crop
failure", perhaps several, and just cannot take one more aching disappointment.
Many hearts have passed their tender agonies to me on paper, in emails and
through the telephone.
I too have heard the whispers of the voices of darkness try to entice,with
wearisome words of worry, paranoia and doubting!
"Give up!" they say! "What good is
this time of shaking doing?"
"What possible good can come out of believing that there is
something occurring that will bring a fresh advancement when all seems to have
stalled or strained?"
And yet, another set of voices would tempt with words of esteem
"Make it happen! Proclaim mighty
deeds and things to come with fervor, flair and well honed words of
"Use it or lose it!"
"Promote, push, and publish! It is all yours for the
Both of these voices come from the subtleties of the soul and well oiled
spiritual voices trained by the prince of lies and fleshly impulse.
In the midst of these strains and attempts to distract comes
a clear undeniable "Divine Tension" that pulls and
stretches the heart of the humbled believer.
It calls simply, firmly, and does not lack a depth of confidence and
direction. This “Presence” causes a clash with all that seems to be "the way of
man" and will not relent.
It doesn't take much to understand that the earth is in upheaval, rivalry,
and chaos wherever we look. There is a tangible and penetrating "tension" in the
events we are seeing unfold every day. Parallel to this explosion of pure evil
and lulling to sleep of many, there is a Divine Course being laid out for those
who have come to the end of themselves.
The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have been preparing a bride. This is done
only through the shaping tools of heavenly choice.
The chisel and hammer have been at times brutal and unflinching, yet, when
the soft hand of The Almighty begins to apply the oil of polishing, He does it
with His own hand as well.
He makes it beautiful in His own timing, even though the “Divine Tension”
seems as if it might cause us to "snap" under the pressure of His hand,
smoothing away the roughness of our thoughts and soul's intentions.
Ecclesiastes 3:11
He has made everything beautiful in its
He has also set eternity in the hearts of
Yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to
The King of all Glory is training those who have been thrust on the altar
of fire to hear from Him as one who strains to catch the song of a bird in
distant meadow.
It takes the "spiritual ear" and training it to identify even the slightest
note or sound, however distant, and to learn to silence the sounds and voices of
distraction until the "honing in" on the sound, the glorious sound of peace,
finally directs and sustains us with all that we hear.
And then, having drunk deeply of the Voice of the Beloved and Divine
Counselor, quickly, without mental filing way of instructions, we move and heed
His mapping out of plans for this appointed time.
So! Unto those who hear this word from heaven, claiming you are one of
Heaven's very own, know that you are being formed and fashioned into sober,
clean containers, prepared for infilling.
My Spirit will fall upon those who are not seeking to lay claim to My
voice, but instead HEED My voice and SEEK My face.
They shall be examples of purity in My Kingdom and will not strive among
the self-promoting and "wordy".
The broken will be safe in the arms of these who have passed through the
current season of being pulled and tested, stretched and restrained and they
will restore the devastated.
My "faithful hearts" will not be compelled to build agendas for Me and My
Presence, because I will BE the Presence that creates the Manifestations of
Glory and Might in the earth, without the fanfares of men.
You have been reduced to desperation in order that I might restore you to
Inspired living, in full fellowship with ME.
Isaiah 61
1 The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD
is on me,
Because the LORD has anointed
To preach good news to the
He has sent me to bind up the
To proclaim freedom for the
And release from darkness for the
2 to proclaim the year of the LORD's
And the day of vengeance of our
To comfort all who
3 and provide for those who grieve
in Zion
To bestow on them a crown of
Instead of
The oil of
Instead of
And a garment of
Instead of a spirit of
They will be called oaks of
A planting of the
For the display of his
Duplication and sharing of this message is welcomed
provided that
complete source and website information for Mary
Lindow is included.
" THE MESSENGER " ~ Mary Lindow 2014 ©
Contending For The Top Of The Mountain by Angela Greenig
We must continue to battle upward. The battle has been wearing, and for some it has been too much, but do not give up! Contend for what belongs to you and also for the Body of Christ! This Yom Kippur has been one that I have never experienced before, and the increase will continue to flow over into 2015.
It is time for the tearing down of strongholds and, even if you can't see your promises right now, believe that darkness is crumbling under your feet in the name of the Lord Jesus. It is happening!!! We are as in Isaiah 45:1-3 where the word decrees:
"Thus says the Lord to His anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have held to subdue nations before him, and I will unarm and ungird the loins of kings to open doors before him, so that gates will not be shut. I will go before you and level the mountains [to make the crooked places straight]; I will break in pieces the doors of bronze and cut asunder the bars of iron. And I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, so you may know that it is I, the Lord, the God of Israel, Who calls you by your name."

I personally find how interesting this season has been since we have had very different weather patterns and blood moons, but God calls them signs – signals not only here in America, but throughout the world. Power always operates in the natural, butauthority operates in the natural and the spiritual. (Photo by Jennifer Page "Brush of Angels Wings" via
I saw tsunamis and major paradigm shifting that did hit on Yom Kippur. It's in the spiritual, but you will see it here on earth accompanied by the breakthrough.
A Golden Glory – A Signal From Heaven

Michael's sword went into the ground and a shaft of light, the most brilliant blue color, reversed the ley lines. I saw them ricochet, not only on the West Coast but all over the world. It was our prayers that moved the mountains and threw them into the abyss.
In the last days we must keep our eyes on Christ the King, because one day we will see Isaiah 2 decrees:
In the last days the mountain of the LORD's temple will be established as the highest of the mountains; it will be exalted above the hills, and all nations will stream to it. Many peoples will come and say, "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the temple of the God of Jacob. He will teach us His ways, so that we may walk in His paths." The law will go out from Zion, the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.
God's Church is Alive!

"In that day," declares the LORD, "I will gather the lame; I will assemble the exiles and those I have brought to grief. I will make the lame My remnant, those driven away a strong nation. The LORD will rule over them in Mount Zion from that day and forever. As for you, watchtower of the flock, stronghold of Daughter Zion, the former dominion will be restored to you; kingship will come to Daughter Jerusalem."(Photo by Jennifer Page "Heaven's Dance" via
We have taken our rightful seats of authority. No matter what many may say, God's Church is alive and flourishing!!!
Be bold, save souls, pray for those who are in great darkness, and have NO Fear, for you are a child of the great I Am. Go forward, Church, for we have entered our finest hour!
Angela T. Greenig
Angela Greenig Ministries International
Angela Greenig Ministries International
Heaven is Announcing! A Key Prophetic Word! by Chuck Pierce
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The Lord says to you: "You can hear that there's an announcement in Heaven that is beginning! You will want to enter in and join the announcement."
My heart for each of you is that you "HEAR!" We want to enter into the celebration of the Son on a daily basis! He came to redeem us! The earth is groaning for a manifestation of this redemption. The spirits in men and women are contending to gain control. Only the Spirit of God in us can triumph. Therefore, our spirit must be made strong in Him, Christ, during this season. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of the Lord! Ask for a new breeze of the Spirit of God to blow over you. Ask for a new peace to come upon you. Decree that a new place of wholeness will arise in your life. Declare that the joy that has been robbed from you over the past year will be returned and restored with a new level of increase! Father, we say, "Send the breeze of Your Spirit!" The Lord is saying to re-center yourself in peace for the month ahead, and let a new identity arise in you.
Key Prophetic word given by Anne Tate and Chuck Pierce after a tongue message by Acijam Otxoa on Sunday, November 30, 2014:
"In this season I am bringing you to a new, fresh place in Me. As I'm taking you into this new place, I'm sending a whole wave of angelic assistance. You are not going to struggle! You are not going to strive! You are just going to walk in what I've called you to walk in! This is the day that you will become who I sent you to be. The earth needs the full manifestation of Me in you. Because you've worshipped Me as who I Am, I Am will now reveal Himself. Worship Me and call forth the best that is yet ahead.
"I have determined your seasons -- not you. I am the God of seed-time and harvest. Because you have strived to stay in a season that I have determined to end, you have lost the power of seed-time and miss the harvest. I am opening a window to reorder My blessings and set you in My timing. Submit today, and allow Me to determine the season ahead. For today, a new season has shifted upon you and if you will allow Me to be the determining factor of that season, your best will be ahead."
I would suggest that this week all of you meditate on the above word. Ask how this word should be applied to you. Also, meditate on Ephesians 1 and 2. There's something God is saying to us about each of our identities in the future. He came for you to manifest the best of Him, through you! There's some major change that is starting now in your atmosphere and realm of choice. This will cause your future to be unlocked. However, be watchful of how your will rebels that would cause you to refuse necessary changes ahead! Some changes are to stay in place and remain connected. Be watchful how you are presented new opportunities. We are asking the Lord to clear out what would keep us from coming into what He has for us, in the next season. Ask the Lord to clear the past out of your thought processes, and give Him liberty to sort through everything that needs to be sorted out so you can be established new and fresh.
From Converts to Disciples by Rick Joyner
In the New Testament, there are several progressions toward maturity in Christ. Though it is not stated specifically as such, the most basic would be:
1) Converts
2) Disciples
3) Servants
4) Friends
5) Sons
The Great Commission is to make disciples, not merely converts. With the evangelists’ emphasis on making converts, which is their job, many, and possibly most, converts have stayed at this level because of a lack of follow up. New Testament ministry is a team as seen in Ephesians 4. In the Book of Acts, when an evangelist like Philip ignited the revival in Samaria, apostles would be sent to lay a strong foundation in the new believers’ lives—making them disciples.
Most of the great evangelists that I know seek to have this kind of follow up to their campaigns, but for most, the body of Christ has been slow to respond. Even those who call themselves apostles have rarely followed up great moves of God to establish them, as we see the apostles of the New Testament doing. In truth, much of what is called apostolic today is more about building franchises than building the church. Even so, we can expect this to change when true apostolic ministry is raised up, and we can be sure from Scripture that it will.
To fulfill the Great Commission, we must make converts into disciples of the Lord, not our disciples, as some discipleship programs have done. This dumbed down version of discipleship will inherently lead to abuses and excesses. This is nothing less than men trying to be the Holy Spirit to other men, a yoke that no one can carry without becoming twisted. All converts will need the ministry of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to be equipped and mature as we are told in Ephesians 4, but this ministry is so that they grow up in all things into Christ, not us.
A disciple lives to learn from their Master and be like their Master, doing the works that He did. When we wake up with this devotion on our hearts, seeking to know Him better and becoming more like Him each day, we will begin to live the life of a disciple. In truth, there is presently only a small percentage of converts who are yet disciples. To fulfill The Great Commission, the equipping ministries of the church must help all converts to get there.
When new converts are led to their calling as disciples, they begin their systematic maturity in Christ by the renewing of their minds, learning to know His voice, and following Him so as to be His body through which He does His works.
There is more we must understand about this that we will cover in more depth over the next few weeks.
1) Converts
2) Disciples
3) Servants
4) Friends
5) Sons
The Great Commission is to make disciples, not merely converts. With the evangelists’ emphasis on making converts, which is their job, many, and possibly most, converts have stayed at this level because of a lack of follow up. New Testament ministry is a team as seen in Ephesians 4. In the Book of Acts, when an evangelist like Philip ignited the revival in Samaria, apostles would be sent to lay a strong foundation in the new believers’ lives—making them disciples.
Most of the great evangelists that I know seek to have this kind of follow up to their campaigns, but for most, the body of Christ has been slow to respond. Even those who call themselves apostles have rarely followed up great moves of God to establish them, as we see the apostles of the New Testament doing. In truth, much of what is called apostolic today is more about building franchises than building the church. Even so, we can expect this to change when true apostolic ministry is raised up, and we can be sure from Scripture that it will.
To fulfill the Great Commission, we must make converts into disciples of the Lord, not our disciples, as some discipleship programs have done. This dumbed down version of discipleship will inherently lead to abuses and excesses. This is nothing less than men trying to be the Holy Spirit to other men, a yoke that no one can carry without becoming twisted. All converts will need the ministry of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to be equipped and mature as we are told in Ephesians 4, but this ministry is so that they grow up in all things into Christ, not us.
A disciple lives to learn from their Master and be like their Master, doing the works that He did. When we wake up with this devotion on our hearts, seeking to know Him better and becoming more like Him each day, we will begin to live the life of a disciple. In truth, there is presently only a small percentage of converts who are yet disciples. To fulfill The Great Commission, the equipping ministries of the church must help all converts to get there.
When new converts are led to their calling as disciples, they begin their systematic maturity in Christ by the renewing of their minds, learning to know His voice, and following Him so as to be His body through which He does His works.
There is more we must understand about this that we will cover in more depth over the next few weeks.
I have had the sense on my heart the past few days that a greater revelation of what heaven has designed and intended for you in this season is going to be seen clearly and heard loudly.
It is going to be different to what has been expected, more twists, more turns and what could seem to be “delays” are really lead ups to an explosive glorious abundant heavenly display.
“New day” is what many are hearing from the Lord for this season. That is exactly what it is, a new day season, that what the Lord is doing and releasing is so fresh, so new and vibrant in the lives of His people, that everything is beginning to feel brand new. The budding of new hope, expectation and adventure.
Embrace the journey and know as you follow His pace you will truly see more and more of His face.
December, you will see what heaven intended as you continue to surrender and delight in Him. Provision, heavens blueprints and design are all beginning to blossom at this point in time. December will see you extended, but as you are extended rely completely on Him and you will see in the extension, you have truly ascended.
December will be a month to remember as you step further into what heaven has intended and many things that have been broken this year will be suddenly mended.
Unexpected blessings will be received that were birthed in the heart of God and His intention, will see hearts desires and dreams fulfilled but saturated with promotion.
It is going to be different to what has been expected, more twists, more turns and what could seem to be “delays” are really lead ups to an explosive glorious abundant heavenly display.
“New day” is what many are hearing from the Lord for this season. That is exactly what it is, a new day season, that what the Lord is doing and releasing is so fresh, so new and vibrant in the lives of His people, that everything is beginning to feel brand new. The budding of new hope, expectation and adventure.
Embrace the journey and know as you follow His pace you will truly see more and more of His face.
December, you will see what heaven intended as you continue to surrender and delight in Him. Provision, heavens blueprints and design are all beginning to blossom at this point in time. December will see you extended, but as you are extended rely completely on Him and you will see in the extension, you have truly ascended.
December will be a month to remember as you step further into what heaven has intended and many things that have been broken this year will be suddenly mended.
Unexpected blessings will be received that were birthed in the heart of God and His intention, will see hearts desires and dreams fulfilled but saturated with promotion.
Prophetic Word for December 2, 2014! by Doug Addison
God’s will for you is going to become more clear but the challenge is to think differently than you currently do.
Monday, December 1, 2014
It is more important than ever that you actually live in Me and become aware of pitfalls. There is a myriad of distractions that could take you off course if you aren't paying attention. Establish good priorities so that you can remain spiritually connected. Do nothing apart from the moving of My Spirit, says the Lord.
John 15:4 "Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me."
John 15:4 "Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me."
Kingdom of God Gatherings: THE REAL DEAL! by Henry Falcone
A testimony of a Kingdom Gatherings.
Beloved's I have been writing about Kingdom Worship and the Deeper Purposes of our Kingdom Gatherings in the name of the Lord. Some of you may be experiencing these things already, but some may be just taking the first steps out of the old order of worship into the Kingdom of God reality of the Gatherings in His name.
This afternoon, I felt the Lord say, "share what He did last night in our midst." Words alone will never be able to explain the Glory of God in our midst last night, or be able to accurately describe the Manifested Presence of the Lord of Glory with us.
But it is important prophetically to share this testimony because God poured through a 3 year old, a 9 year old and the Omega Generation under 30 and our Generation of "seasoned saints." It was truly a Kingdom Gathering and yet as wonderful and powerful it was, it can't compare to what they are about to become all of the Earth.
I pray this post will exhort us even more to "gather together" for Kingdom purposes in your family, home groups, or whatever time you spend together to be with the Lord. Kingdom Gatherings are not about a "service, or even a bible study, or any other form of gathering. It is about the Glory of God in our midst.
These meetings are about the Glory Realm of God and the 7 Spirits of God and the Spirit of Prophecy which is the Testimony of Jesus manifesting in our midst to lead, guide, direct us and prepare us for what is to come. He wants us to "come up here, so He can show us what will come hereafter."
In the post about Kingdom worship in His gatherings, I wrote about the Lord using "assistants" and that the Holy Spirit is the real worship leader, and should be the director of our gatherings. He will lead us into what songs to sing, when to sing them and why? The "assistants' are there only to help "guide" the flow of the Spirit of God to make sure He is not grieved or quenched and that His purposes manifest in our midst from the heart of God the Father.
The "assistants" are being trained to follow the cloud by day and fire by night in each gathering. They are learning a deeper sensitivity to the Holy Spirits' sensitivity. They supernaturally by God will know what to do, what to say, and be like a fire starter for the gatherings.
If you have ever seen one of those click torches they use to start a charcoal fire instead of a match, the assistants for that meeting are that torch to ignite that flame. When the flame lights they are just one of many there gathered to hear and obey God. There only other function is with other "elders' test and prove what is being said is from the Lord or not, and to make sure things stay in the timing of the Lord.
They literally fade away into the body so the body can build itself up in love. They may still be used of the Lord but as one of all those God will use. They are keepers of the flame. They have to understand their royal priestly ministry to the Lord and they assist the Holy Spirit by allowing Him to flow in them to know what to do, what to say, and where the Lord wants to go.
This is so different than what we saw in the 2nd day church system or even in our home meetings. The "assistants" follow the Lord in starting where He wants to go. That start may be less then a minute as God touches someone else to "assist" in the direction of the Lord, but the "assistant" for that gathering then keeps the flame burning through prayer and listening and following the Lord' direction for that meeting and teaches the people to do the same thing.
I can tell you from experience that "the assistants" are like gate keepers and also priests who tend the flame of God. But, there only purpose is to see God's glorified and to assist the Holy Spirit in helping all those come get behind the veil in the glory realm of God.
Below is just a sample of what the Lord did last night. We started at 7 pm and ended by 11:30 pm and no one had a sense of what time it was at all.
Kingdom Gathering Saturday 11/29 Testimony:
Here is a report of what the Lord did in our midst last night at our Kingdom Gathering Encounter God time:
Last night we had a powerful Encounter God Gathering. We were not to start the meeting in song. We were to wait upon Him. As we waited upon The Lord, He revealed and did so much in our midst. It was truly a Kingdom Gathering meeting founded on 1st Corinthians 14:26.
We started our meeting listening and waiting upon the Lord. The Lord then had me read 1st Corinthians 14:26 which is the "order for worship" which Matthew Henry and other commentaries call this chapter. The Lord had me read Brother Ron McGatlin's latest post Devastation and Reclamation to start the meeting.
The Holy Spirit had me asked me to ask 9 year old Joshua a questions. He read out Lord 1st Corinthians 14:26 and I asked him, "what do you think God wants us to do when we gather with Him?" His reply, "Do exactly what God tells you to do." Then the power of God fell on us.
As we waited upon the Lord, He instructed me to read 1st Corinthians 14:26 Again God used a 9 year old boy name Joshua to help us go deeper in the Lord. God gave him the revelation that God desired to form us into an army and we needed to advance and take the land and march! This would happen a little later.
Intern Conor Peteresen and my daughter in law Patricia Falcone brought a Word from the Lord. Conor's word was "not by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit of the Lord, and Patricia Falcone's word was "God was teaching us how to use the Keys of the Kingdom and we must go up higher in the Lord.
Sister Jessica DInova then had a spontaneous song right from the heart of God and the Lord took us deeper. "People get ready, the trumpet is blowing and it's time for God to form His army.. and so much more." Rev. Chad Johanneman got the next verse of the song and then prophesied the heart of God. His word was to "go past looking at yourself, your needs, and your troubles, we are not to look at our selves, our situations, but our eyes fixed wholly on the Lord alone.
Then the Lord had Sister Jessica sing the song again, and I felt led to join her on the Keyboard to play music behind her song. Aaron Falcone joined me in the song on the drums we heard the thunder and lightning sounds coming forth in our midst from the Throne of God by the end of our time playing together.
Rev. Marc Pettograsso gave a word from God about not breaking rank and covering and loving each other as an army and family of God.9 year old Josh led us into battle using the flags and marching to God like a warrior from God. He used the flag like a warrior's sword and began to cut things in the spirit with the flag.
3 year old Azalia Delacruz got a vision of the army of God on white horses. Jeremy Delacruz also got a prophetic vision of what the Lord was doing in our midst and we went deeper in the Lord.
He saw at least of the half of the people on the horses follow the Lord and another half fall off their horses. Those who kept their eyes fully on the Lord stayed on the horse. Those who looked down at their situations or their own lives fell off. Powerful revelations from the Lord to these young people.
We started our meeting listening and waiting upon the Lord. The Lord then had me read 1st Corinthians 14:26 which is the "order for worship" which Matthew Henry and other commentaries call this chapter. The Lord had me read Brother Ron McGatlin's latest post Devastation and Reclamation to start the meeting.
The Holy Spirit had me asked me to ask 9 year old Joshua a questions. He read out Lord 1st Corinthians 14:26 and I asked him, "what do you think God wants us to do when we gather with Him?" His reply, "Do exactly what God tells you to do." Then the power of God fell on us.
God used the entire body of believer's to build it self up. We didn't start our with songs, we waited upon Him until He directed us. Worship and song came forth in the middle of the meeting and then at the end, the Holy Spirit took us up to the very throne of the Lord where everyone fell on their faces.
Then a vision came of the Lord with fire in his hands walking in our midst and He was touching all the places in us that were sick, ill, emotions, spiritually and financially in need.
When we didn't put our needs first, the Lord came and met everyone of them as we went higher. No one sought the Lord for anything but Him and then He came and met all our needs as His needs were met.
Then the majesty of the Lord filled the place and all we could sing was "All glory, All Power, all Dominion is yours" As we did this we were lifted into a deeper place in the Lord behind the veil and we heard the thunder and lightning around the Throne room. All we could do was cry ,HOLY, HOLY is the Lord.
Nicole Delacruz ended the evening with a powerful prayer for God to form us into that army that won't break ranks and will not look back and go in and take the land.
Only God could have done what he did last night.
We did not come with a formula, pattern of worship. We did not have sing first or do anything but listen, wait and follow the Lord. Everything was done in decency and in God's order and we were all transformed by our time with the Lord
I encouraged the people in the Holy Spirit, that these gatherings are going to need to happen more and more. The Holy Spirit is going to cause us to come together as He wills to hear the "the things which are to come hereafter" found in Rev 4.1. In light of what Brother Ron McGatlin wrote and others, this is the most serious time for us as His sons and daughters.
A call of repentance must start in the House of the Lord for our sins, not our nations, but our sins must be repented of and we must turn our hearts hearts fully toward the Lord if there is a chance to the Lord to hold back those cleansing judgments that are coming. This was burned in each of us at the meeting and by God's grace we will answer that call to pray and repent.
These Kingdom Gatherings are going to take on new meaning in the fullness of God's plans and heart. They will become the very war room of God to give us the plans and purposes of His heart together as the Army of God.
May we all press on to know the Lord as full grown sons and daughters of God!
Henry Falcone
Beloved's I have been writing about Kingdom Worship and the Deeper Purposes of our Kingdom Gatherings in the name of the Lord. Some of you may be experiencing these things already, but some may be just taking the first steps out of the old order of worship into the Kingdom of God reality of the Gatherings in His name.
This afternoon, I felt the Lord say, "share what He did last night in our midst." Words alone will never be able to explain the Glory of God in our midst last night, or be able to accurately describe the Manifested Presence of the Lord of Glory with us.
But it is important prophetically to share this testimony because God poured through a 3 year old, a 9 year old and the Omega Generation under 30 and our Generation of "seasoned saints." It was truly a Kingdom Gathering and yet as wonderful and powerful it was, it can't compare to what they are about to become all of the Earth.
I pray this post will exhort us even more to "gather together" for Kingdom purposes in your family, home groups, or whatever time you spend together to be with the Lord. Kingdom Gatherings are not about a "service, or even a bible study, or any other form of gathering. It is about the Glory of God in our midst.
These meetings are about the Glory Realm of God and the 7 Spirits of God and the Spirit of Prophecy which is the Testimony of Jesus manifesting in our midst to lead, guide, direct us and prepare us for what is to come. He wants us to "come up here, so He can show us what will come hereafter."
In the post about Kingdom worship in His gatherings, I wrote about the Lord using "assistants" and that the Holy Spirit is the real worship leader, and should be the director of our gatherings. He will lead us into what songs to sing, when to sing them and why? The "assistants' are there only to help "guide" the flow of the Spirit of God to make sure He is not grieved or quenched and that His purposes manifest in our midst from the heart of God the Father.
The "assistants" are being trained to follow the cloud by day and fire by night in each gathering. They are learning a deeper sensitivity to the Holy Spirits' sensitivity. They supernaturally by God will know what to do, what to say, and be like a fire starter for the gatherings.
If you have ever seen one of those click torches they use to start a charcoal fire instead of a match, the assistants for that meeting are that torch to ignite that flame. When the flame lights they are just one of many there gathered to hear and obey God. There only other function is with other "elders' test and prove what is being said is from the Lord or not, and to make sure things stay in the timing of the Lord.
They literally fade away into the body so the body can build itself up in love. They may still be used of the Lord but as one of all those God will use. They are keepers of the flame. They have to understand their royal priestly ministry to the Lord and they assist the Holy Spirit by allowing Him to flow in them to know what to do, what to say, and where the Lord wants to go.
This is so different than what we saw in the 2nd day church system or even in our home meetings. The "assistants" follow the Lord in starting where He wants to go. That start may be less then a minute as God touches someone else to "assist" in the direction of the Lord, but the "assistant" for that gathering then keeps the flame burning through prayer and listening and following the Lord' direction for that meeting and teaches the people to do the same thing.
I can tell you from experience that "the assistants" are like gate keepers and also priests who tend the flame of God. But, there only purpose is to see God's glorified and to assist the Holy Spirit in helping all those come get behind the veil in the glory realm of God.
Below is just a sample of what the Lord did last night. We started at 7 pm and ended by 11:30 pm and no one had a sense of what time it was at all.
Kingdom Gathering Saturday 11/29 Testimony:
Here is a report of what the Lord did in our midst last night at our Kingdom Gathering Encounter God time:
Last night we had a powerful Encounter God Gathering. We were not to start the meeting in song. We were to wait upon Him. As we waited upon The Lord, He revealed and did so much in our midst. It was truly a Kingdom Gathering meeting founded on 1st Corinthians 14:26.
We started our meeting listening and waiting upon the Lord. The Lord then had me read 1st Corinthians 14:26 which is the "order for worship" which Matthew Henry and other commentaries call this chapter. The Lord had me read Brother Ron McGatlin's latest post Devastation and Reclamation to start the meeting.
The Holy Spirit had me asked me to ask 9 year old Joshua a questions. He read out Lord 1st Corinthians 14:26 and I asked him, "what do you think God wants us to do when we gather with Him?" His reply, "Do exactly what God tells you to do." Then the power of God fell on us.
As we waited upon the Lord, He instructed me to read 1st Corinthians 14:26 Again God used a 9 year old boy name Joshua to help us go deeper in the Lord. God gave him the revelation that God desired to form us into an army and we needed to advance and take the land and march! This would happen a little later.
Intern Conor Peteresen and my daughter in law Patricia Falcone brought a Word from the Lord. Conor's word was "not by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit of the Lord, and Patricia Falcone's word was "God was teaching us how to use the Keys of the Kingdom and we must go up higher in the Lord.
Sister Jessica DInova then had a spontaneous song right from the heart of God and the Lord took us deeper. "People get ready, the trumpet is blowing and it's time for God to form His army.. and so much more." Rev. Chad Johanneman got the next verse of the song and then prophesied the heart of God. His word was to "go past looking at yourself, your needs, and your troubles, we are not to look at our selves, our situations, but our eyes fixed wholly on the Lord alone.
Then the Lord had Sister Jessica sing the song again, and I felt led to join her on the Keyboard to play music behind her song. Aaron Falcone joined me in the song on the drums we heard the thunder and lightning sounds coming forth in our midst from the Throne of God by the end of our time playing together.
Rev. Marc Pettograsso gave a word from God about not breaking rank and covering and loving each other as an army and family of God.9 year old Josh led us into battle using the flags and marching to God like a warrior from God. He used the flag like a warrior's sword and began to cut things in the spirit with the flag.
3 year old Azalia Delacruz got a vision of the army of God on white horses. Jeremy Delacruz also got a prophetic vision of what the Lord was doing in our midst and we went deeper in the Lord.
He saw at least of the half of the people on the horses follow the Lord and another half fall off their horses. Those who kept their eyes fully on the Lord stayed on the horse. Those who looked down at their situations or their own lives fell off. Powerful revelations from the Lord to these young people.
We started our meeting listening and waiting upon the Lord. The Lord then had me read 1st Corinthians 14:26 which is the "order for worship" which Matthew Henry and other commentaries call this chapter. The Lord had me read Brother Ron McGatlin's latest post Devastation and Reclamation to start the meeting.
The Holy Spirit had me asked me to ask 9 year old Joshua a questions. He read out Lord 1st Corinthians 14:26 and I asked him, "what do you think God wants us to do when we gather with Him?" His reply, "Do exactly what God tells you to do." Then the power of God fell on us.
God used the entire body of believer's to build it self up. We didn't start our with songs, we waited upon Him until He directed us. Worship and song came forth in the middle of the meeting and then at the end, the Holy Spirit took us up to the very throne of the Lord where everyone fell on their faces.
Then a vision came of the Lord with fire in his hands walking in our midst and He was touching all the places in us that were sick, ill, emotions, spiritually and financially in need.
When we didn't put our needs first, the Lord came and met everyone of them as we went higher. No one sought the Lord for anything but Him and then He came and met all our needs as His needs were met.
Then the majesty of the Lord filled the place and all we could sing was "All glory, All Power, all Dominion is yours" As we did this we were lifted into a deeper place in the Lord behind the veil and we heard the thunder and lightning around the Throne room. All we could do was cry ,HOLY, HOLY is the Lord.
Nicole Delacruz ended the evening with a powerful prayer for God to form us into that army that won't break ranks and will not look back and go in and take the land.
Only God could have done what he did last night.
We did not come with a formula, pattern of worship. We did not have sing first or do anything but listen, wait and follow the Lord. Everything was done in decency and in God's order and we were all transformed by our time with the Lord
I encouraged the people in the Holy Spirit, that these gatherings are going to need to happen more and more. The Holy Spirit is going to cause us to come together as He wills to hear the "the things which are to come hereafter" found in Rev 4.1. In light of what Brother Ron McGatlin wrote and others, this is the most serious time for us as His sons and daughters.
A call of repentance must start in the House of the Lord for our sins, not our nations, but our sins must be repented of and we must turn our hearts hearts fully toward the Lord if there is a chance to the Lord to hold back those cleansing judgments that are coming. This was burned in each of us at the meeting and by God's grace we will answer that call to pray and repent.
These Kingdom Gatherings are going to take on new meaning in the fullness of God's plans and heart. They will become the very war room of God to give us the plans and purposes of His heart together as the Army of God.
May we all press on to know the Lord as full grown sons and daughters of God!
Henry Falcone
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