Monday, December 1, 2014

Kingdom of God Gatherings: THE REAL DEAL! by Henry Falcone

A testimony of a Kingdom Gatherings.

Beloved's I have been writing about Kingdom Worship and the Deeper Purposes of our Kingdom Gatherings in the name of the Lord. Some of you may be experiencing these things already, but some may be just taking the first steps out of the old order of worship into the Kingdom of God reality of the Gatherings in His name.

This afternoon, I felt the Lord say, "share what He did last night in our midst." Words alone will never be able to explain the Glory of God in our midst last night, or be able to accurately describe the Manifested Presence of the Lord of Glory with us.

But it is important prophetically to share this testimony because God poured through a 3 year old, a 9 year old and the Omega Generation under 30 and our Generation of "seasoned saints." It was truly a Kingdom Gathering and yet as wonderful and powerful it was, it can't compare to what they are about to become all of the Earth.

I pray this post will exhort us even more to "gather together" for Kingdom purposes in your family, home groups, or whatever time you spend together to be with the Lord. Kingdom Gatherings are not about a "service, or even a bible study, or any other form of gathering. It is about the Glory of God in our midst.

These meetings are about the Glory Realm of God and the 7 Spirits of God and the Spirit of Prophecy which is the Testimony of Jesus manifesting in our midst to lead, guide, direct us and prepare us for what is to come. He wants us to "come up here, so He can show us what will come hereafter."

In the post about Kingdom worship in His gatherings, I wrote about the Lord using "assistants" and that the Holy Spirit is the real worship leader, and should be the director of our gatherings. He will lead us into what songs to sing, when to sing them and why? The "assistants' are there only to help "guide" the flow of the Spirit of God to make sure He is not grieved or quenched and that His purposes manifest in our midst from the heart of God the Father.

The "assistants" are being trained to follow the cloud by day and fire by night in each gathering. They are learning a deeper sensitivity to the Holy Spirits' sensitivity. They supernaturally by God will know what to do, what to say, and be like a fire starter for the gatherings.

If you have ever seen one of those click torches they use to start a charcoal fire instead of a match, the assistants for that meeting are that torch to ignite that flame. When the flame lights they are just one of many there gathered to hear and obey God. There only other function is with other "elders' test and prove what is being said is from the Lord or not, and to make sure things stay in the timing of the Lord.

They literally fade away into the body so the body can build itself up in love. They may still be used of the Lord but as one of all those God will use. They are keepers of the flame. They have to understand their royal priestly ministry to the Lord and they assist the Holy Spirit by allowing Him to flow in them to know what to do, what to say, and where the Lord wants to go.

This is so different than what we saw in the 2nd day church system or even in our home meetings. The "assistants" follow the Lord in starting where He wants to go. That start may be less then a minute as God touches someone else to "assist" in the direction of the Lord, but the "assistant" for that gathering then keeps the flame burning through prayer and listening and following the Lord' direction for that meeting and teaches the people to do the same thing.

I can tell you from experience that "the assistants" are like gate keepers and also priests who tend the flame of God. But, there only purpose is to see God's glorified and to assist the Holy Spirit in helping all those come get behind the veil in the glory realm of God.

Below is just a sample of what the Lord did last night. We started at 7 pm and ended by 11:30 pm and no one had a sense of what time it was at all.


Kingdom Gathering Saturday 11/29 Testimony:

Here is a report of what the Lord did in our midst last night at our Kingdom Gathering Encounter God time:

Last night we had a powerful Encounter God Gathering. We were not to start the meeting in song. We were to wait upon Him. As we waited upon The Lord, He revealed and did so much in our midst. It was truly a Kingdom Gathering meeting founded on 1st Corinthians 14:26.

We started our meeting listening and waiting upon the Lord. The Lord then had me read 1st Corinthians 14:26 which is the "order for worship" which Matthew Henry and other commentaries call this chapter. The Lord had me read Brother Ron McGatlin's latest post Devastation and Reclamation to start the meeting.

The Holy Spirit had me asked me to ask 9 year old Joshua a questions. He read out Lord 1st Corinthians 14:26 and I asked him, "what do you think God wants us to do when we gather with Him?" His reply, "Do exactly what God tells you to do." Then the power of God fell on us.

As we waited upon the Lord, He instructed me to read 1st Corinthians 14:26 Again God used a 9 year old boy name Joshua to help us go deeper in the Lord. God gave him the revelation that God desired to form us into an army and we needed to advance and take the land and march! This would happen a little later.

Intern Conor Peteresen and my daughter in law Patricia Falcone brought a Word from the Lord. Conor's word was "not by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit of the Lord, and Patricia Falcone's word was "God was teaching us how to use the Keys of the Kingdom and we must go up higher in the Lord.

Sister Jessica DInova then had a spontaneous song right from the heart of God and the Lord took us deeper. "People get ready, the trumpet is blowing and it's time for God to form His army.. and so much more." Rev. Chad Johanneman got the next verse of the song and then prophesied the heart of God. His word was to "go past looking at yourself, your needs, and your troubles, we are not to look at our selves, our situations, but our eyes fixed wholly on the Lord alone.

Then the Lord had Sister Jessica sing the song again, and I felt led to join her on the Keyboard to play music behind her song. Aaron Falcone joined me in the song on the drums we heard the thunder and lightning sounds coming forth in our midst from the Throne of God by the end of our time playing together.

Rev. Marc Pettograsso gave a word from God about not breaking rank and covering and loving each other as an army and family of God.9 year old Josh led us into battle using the flags and marching to God like a warrior from God. He used the flag like a warrior's sword and began to cut things in the spirit with the flag.

3 year old Azalia Delacruz got a vision of the army of God on white horses. Jeremy Delacruz also got a prophetic vision of what the Lord was doing in our midst and we went deeper in the Lord.

He saw at least of the half of the people on the horses follow the Lord and another half fall off their horses. Those who kept their eyes fully on the Lord stayed on the horse. Those who looked down at their situations or their own lives fell off. Powerful revelations from the Lord to these young people.

We started our meeting listening and waiting upon the Lord. The Lord then had me read 1st Corinthians 14:26 which is the "order for worship" which Matthew Henry and other commentaries call this chapter. The Lord had me read Brother Ron McGatlin's latest post Devastation and Reclamation to start the meeting.

The Holy Spirit had me asked me to ask 9 year old Joshua a questions. He read out Lord 1st Corinthians 14:26 and I asked him, "what do you think God wants us to do when we gather with Him?" His reply, "Do exactly what God tells you to do." Then the power of God fell on us.

God used the entire body of believer's to build it self up. We didn't start our with songs, we waited upon Him until He directed us. Worship and song came forth in the middle of the meeting and then at the end, the Holy Spirit took us up to the very throne of the Lord where everyone fell on their faces.

Then a vision came of the Lord with fire in his hands walking in our midst and He was touching all the places in us that were sick, ill, emotions, spiritually and financially in need.

When we didn't put our needs first, the Lord came and met everyone of them as we went higher. No one sought the Lord for anything but Him and then He came and met all our needs as His needs were met.

Then the majesty of the Lord filled the place and all we could sing was "All glory, All Power, all Dominion is yours" As we did this we were lifted into a deeper place in the Lord behind the veil and we heard the thunder and lightning around the Throne room. All we could do was cry ,HOLY, HOLY is the Lord.

Nicole Delacruz ended the evening with a powerful prayer for God to form us into that army that won't break ranks and will not look back and go in and take the land.
Only God could have done what he did last night.

We did not come with a formula, pattern of worship. We did not have sing first or do anything but listen, wait and follow the Lord. Everything was done in decency and in God's order and we were all transformed by our time with the Lord

I encouraged the people in the Holy Spirit, that these gatherings are going to need to happen more and more. The Holy Spirit is going to cause us to come together as He wills to hear the "the things which are to come hereafter" found in Rev 4.1. In light of what Brother Ron McGatlin wrote and others, this is the most serious time for us as His sons and daughters.

A call of repentance must start in the House of the Lord for our sins, not our nations, but our sins must be repented of and we must turn our hearts hearts fully toward the Lord if there is a chance to the Lord to hold back those cleansing judgments that are coming. This was burned in each of us at the meeting and by God's grace we will answer that call to pray and repent.

These Kingdom Gatherings are going to take on new meaning in the fullness of God's plans and heart. They will become the very war room of God to give us the plans and purposes of His heart together as the Army of God.

May we all press on to know the Lord as full grown sons and daughters of God!

Henry Falcone

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