During the worship time at church, I was lifted up in the experience to see a heavenly place where there were many rooms. On the door of one particular room was a name plate that read, ‘Possibility Room’. I wondered what this kind of room would be like. So I reached out and I opened the door and inside the room was a huge platform with a cloud hovering in the distance, and a very large opened book with open pages facing upwards on top of the cloud. A gentle wind was blowing in the room, so the pages of the book would turn with the breeze.
There were some people in the room and they were all lined up, one at a time, to go up to the cloud and to the book that was there. The room was filled with sunlight, and I wondered what the people were doing. I saw an older man sitting in a chair off to the side and each person in line would go up to the old man and they would speak with him. The man would nod, then place his hand on their chest as if in agreement, and then the person could approach the book.
The first man I saw to do so was a small man with brown hair, and he walked over to the platform where the cloud hovered. He stood and raised his hands and said, “I believe.” The man was then lifted up and was then standing on top of the pages of the book. The book lit up even brighter and the man gasped as he looked down into the book, and he shouted and suddenly he went straight down into the book. I do not know where he went after that. The pages of the book turned.
The next person was a tall thin lady with red hair. She approached the older man and spoke to him. He seemed to be startled at what she said, and he put his hand on her chest and looked at her deeper. He sighed, and nodded. She then went forwards and lifted her hands and said, “I believe.” Nothing happened. She was not lifted up, and she began to get angry. She stormed angrily out of the room, and the man shook his head and deeply sighed even more.
The man in front of me was visibly shaken by the woman’s reaction, but quickly squared his shoulders and went forwards up to the older man. He had sandy blonde hair and was slender in build. He reached out his right hand to the old man, and the old man took his hand smiling. He said, “I do believe, and I desire with all of my heart.” The old man stood up and ushered him to the cloud. The man then raised his hands and was lifted up and he stood on the open pages of the book. He looked down into the book and the book lit up and he began to sing, and he rose up into the air and flew away. I do not know where he went to. The pages of the book turned.
I was next, and I walked over to the old man, and he looked at me with a twinkle in his eyes, and I said, “Hi Jesus, you know that I absolutely believe.” The old man burst out laughing, and then he changed into Jesus. Jesus laughed even harder. He said, “Susan you never cease to give me a laugh. I do know that you believe. That’s the reason that you are brought here. I wanted you to see this. This is a picture of how I want my people to enter into My possibilities by their faith, and to engage their destinies.” He took me by the arm, and said, “come.”
We walked over to the platform where the clouds were suspended, and you could actually see as far as there was sky. It was endless. This was an endless room. I was taken back for a moment because of the vastness of the sunlight and the cloudy expanse before me. I looked over at the massive book that was filled with light. It looked like a huge monument, but it was a literal book with real pages that were turning. There were living scenes in the book. It was a living book. It was Jesus also. Jesus nodded in agreement with my thoughts.
“Yes, I am the Word. I am the very thoughts and the endless possibilities of My Father. For every expression and every thought of His, came from His heart before He made it. Every word was made into substance, and His wisdom was written down for you all to explore in it’s depths. Many of My people are weary and heavy laden with burdens and cares. This robs them of their dreams, their hopes, and their creativity. So, I am drawing them afresh My People back to Me. I am drawing My People back to simple trust in Me. I want My people to dream again in Me.”
“I am the giver of dreams. I am the revealer of dreams. I am the author and finisher of your faith. I want My people to ask of Me, to draw inspiration from Me, even in the midst of their daily life. I am as Wisdom unto you. I am council and insight. I can illuminate anything that is cloudy to you. This is a time to stir yourselves up and to ask Me for fresh vision, and for creative thoughts and ideas from heaven. I am full of creative ideas. I am the Creator. It’s time to ask of Me.”
“I created men to have a continual relationship with Me, so that they would partake of all that I am throughout their days. But mankind only wants to come to Me when it serves them. This is to their detriment. I have a rich, full life for all to attain to, and even though life on earth is hard due to sin, it is also a rich place when you walk in fellowship with Me. I am your daily supply of wisdom, and of provision. I know all things, even before you are aware of them on the earth. I can provide a detailed plan for you for each day, for you to navigate your way.”
“I brought you here so that many will see that I hold their books safely within Me. Everything for their lives is written by Me and within Me. I am the Word, and I am Wisdom, and I am also your daily guide throughout your life. But many do not believe in Me. Many do not want My help, nor My council. This life on the earth is not your real life, I am to be your real life, the eternal one that lives within you. I gave you each an assignment to accomplish on the earth, and it is up to you to fulfill it during your life time. It is wisdom to ask of Me, and to draw from Me for each day.”
“This is also a time to recognize that only by faith can you enter into the fullness of your destiny, as it is written on those pages by Me. You must believe in Me and know Me. You must walk with Me closely to fulfill it all. That is why it is a relationship, a covenant. I am going to begin to open the deeper things of your lives to you, as you come closer to Me and spend time with Me. There are crucial steps for you each to take that will be necessary for the global changes coming ahead. You must let your hearts be drawn to Me more, and to the ideas and news of men less.”
“True Faith, that is truly grounded in Me, and rooted in My Word, can never be supplanted nor overcome. But few have attained to that level in your day. This must change. I am stirring many to have hope in Me again. I am stirring many to trust in Me again. I am stirring many to dream again. You cannot let go of those things that I planted deep inside of you, No! You must step out in your faith onto them! You must speak them forth daily and believe, and then patiently walk them out until they are fulfilled!”
“I want you to go and step out onto your pages and take a look,” Jesus said. I lifted my arms and suddenly I was instantly standing upon the lighted pages of the great book. At first, I could not see anything because the light that was coming from the pages was very bright, but I kept looking. I knelt down onto the page, and then I saw a beautiful small stream running between a pathway of rocks that was high up in a hill country. The leaves of the trees in the area were turning into the fall colors. I could smell the crisp air and could feel the spray of the stream as it met my face, and I could actually feel the waters on my legs and feet. I looked down again and I realized that Jesus and I are actually in the stream!
Jesus then laughed at me. We were truly no longer on the book in the heavenly room. We were IN the book! I was laughing with him now, and He stood there with his hands on his hips watching me as the waters ran past his feet. I could see little fish swimming by and darting in the water. I looked around us and it was a indeed a wooded wonderland everywhere. I smiled and wondered where we were. Jesus picked up on that thought, and said, “This is the whole idea. There are endless possibilities within Me. There is much to be explored, and much to learn from Me. It is time that you to dream again. I want your faith to soar, and to long for more.”
“It is to those that do dare to dream, that are the teachable ones. If you are teachable, then I can use you in the harvest fields ahead of you. If you are set in your ways, or if you are rigid in your thinking, I cannot use you. Much has been sown into My Church that I did not intend to be, so I have to do some renovation within each of you. But those that can stretch in their faith, and who can believe and trust even when they don’t understand, and who can let go of preconceived ideas, these will begin to rise up higher and higher in My councils in the days ahead. I am the living bread that must be eaten daily and partaken of often, and also believed upon fully.”
I am going to teach you through My written Word, and also by revelation. My Spirit will always take that which is, and will blow upon it so that you can see and understand that which is to come. When you then can see that which is to come, then you can step out upon it by your faith, and walk right into it throughout your life. I am going to unveil many hidden spiritual doors and corridors of Truth, so that your generation can quickly make up lost time, and can mature right on time. I am going to accelerate your time. I am going to inspire your time.”
“Come, Let’s look and see what we can see.” Jesus walked through the stream over to a bank and up to a small rise in the grass. He said to me, “what do you see?” I was still crossing the stream, but I stopped and looked and I saw that the stream was flowing nicely, but it seemed as if the better part of it was being stopped higher on up. So I walked down the stream to where the stream rose, and I reached up with my hand to a pile of larger rocks that were in the way of its course. I began to remove the rocks one by one, till the waters flowed evenly over the newly cleared area, and the stream instantly grew in size. The waters rushed stronger and I was almost swept off my feet by the increase in its volume.
Jesus was instantly by my side again. He looked at me and said, “This is a picture of what happens when you believe one wrong thing, it will reduce your faith to a trickle, and dry up your spiritual vision and your dreams. If you listen to the wisdom of men, then all you get is their measure. I want My people to see that I am full of unlimited possibilities, and full of hope and the author of their vision. I know the future, and I know that plan for each life. No man can know it all but Me. It is time to ask of Me in faith, and let Me guide you into the rich place I have for you.”
“When you realized the problem of the stream, you went right over and took the obstruction away, and the stream instantly grew in size and enlarged in volume. I am going to do such a radical work in your day, and I am going to uncover all of the stones, the barriers, the lies, and the fears that stand in My peoples way, so that they can choose to take them away, and to fulfill their courses in Me. I am here to give birth to your destinies. Now is the time to look at things head on, to decide to take your rightful place at the helm again, and to steer straight into Me.”
“I am going to fertilize your dreams. I am going to unlock your visions. I am going to apprehend your hopes and bring them to fruition. I am going to stir your desires till they grow higher, and I am going to take you by the hand, so you can agree fully with Me. You are in the New Season, and I want you to look out to the horizon with expectancy and with faith, knowing that I have written your days out ahead of you, and I want to you take a step forward and breathe in the atmosphere of life again.”
“You are My Fishers of men. My Harvest is waiting for you that believe. I will tell you when to turn, where to stop, when to rest, when to go on ahead, when to speak, and what to say. I am faithful to My Words and also to you. Trust Me to guide you. I have written the best things for your days. Many will choose not to believe, because they are not looking into My Books with Me. They are looking at the world and at sin’s calamity. If you keep your eyes looking into Me, you will live out your life in liberty. You will see all that there is to see, and reveal the knowledge that I reveal to you, to all that I will bring you to as you go.”
“You are My living books. You are to be My epistles to be read of by all men. I want people to see My endless possibilities throughout your life. I want them to see living faith in operation. I want them to see Me, living within you vibrantly. I, Wisdom, will pour out through your life’s pages, and I will touch many around you as you walk with Me. Believe fully in Me, and as you grow up into spiritual positions, and into the spiritual stature that I have for each of you, then all that which is written of you, shall be.”
- The end.
Isaiah 45:8 Let fall in showers, you heavens, from above, and let the skies rain down righteousness [the pure, spiritual, heaven-born possibilities that have their foundation in the holy being of God]; let the earth open, and let them [skies and earth] sprout forth salvation, and let righteousness germinate and spring up [as plants do] together; I the Lord have created it.
James 1:22 But be doers of the Word [obey the message], and not merely listeners to it, betraying yourselves [into deception by reasoning contrary to the Truth]. 23 For if anyone only listens to the Word without obeying it and being a doer of it, he is like a man who looks carefully at his [own] natural face in a mirror; 24 For he thoughtfully observes himself, and then goes off and promptly forgets what he was like. But he who looks carefully into the faultless law, the [law] of liberty, and is faithful to it and perseveres in looking into it, being not a heedless listener who forgets but an active doer [who obeys], he shall be blessed in his doing (his life of obedience). 25 But he who looks carefully into the faultless law, the [law] of liberty, and is faithful to it and perseveres in looking into it, being not a heedless listener who forgets but an active doer [who obeys], he shall be blessed in his doing (his life of obedience).
Hebrews 6:18 This was so that, by two unchangeable things [His promise and His oath] in which it is impossible for God ever to prove false or deceive us, we who have fled [to Him] for refuge might have mighty indwelling strength and strong encouragement to grasp and hold fast the hope appointed for us and set before [us].19 [Now] we have this [hope] as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul [it cannot slip and it cannot [a]break down under whoever steps out upon it—a hope] that reaches [b]farther and enters into [the very certainty of the Presence] within the veil, 20 Where Jesus has entered in for us [in advance], a Forerunner having become a High Priest forever after the order (with the rank) of Melchizedek.