Dear beloved: Above is a picture from the student Kesha held Friday night at Multimedia University in Nairobi. We had about 125 students from six different universities, it was a time of great praise and worship, then preaching and crying out to the Lord. I thought the roof was going to come off the place during the time of dancing and praise! The Lord also provided me with a guitar to play, so I led a session of worship as well. We ended the Kesha on our knees and with our faces to the wall, crying out to the Lord for protection from the enemy, and to tear down strongholds of the enemy over the country. It is hard to put into words all that happened, just suffice it to say God knows the sum of it all- it was a very powerful time. We are in expectation the Lord will do great and mighty things in response to the prayers.
Finished up the preaching on this tour of Africa by preaching today at Shiloh Wonders Worship in Embakasi, then also preached to a ladies group in the afternoon. This has been an epic tour of preaching, all totalled I have preached about thirty times in the crusades, pastor conferences, and the various churches in three countries. I thank God He has given the open doors, kept me stong, and blessed the messages every step of the way. I will be posting more testimonies from various pastors in the days ahead. If you want to see more pictures of the kesha, go to https://www.facmebook.co/jimrohw?fref=ts
I will be flying home on Tuesday, please pray for journey mercies through three flights and the long drive home. Thanks again to all you warriors who have prayed and supported this tour. I have had many awesome and humbling experiences serving the Lord, seeing so many make decisions to serve Him, and receive healings in the mighty name of Jesus. If you would like for me to come share with your church or missions group regarding the Africa mission or the Living Water Orphanage project, contact me and we can make plans for a date to come.
May God bless you again for your faithfulness in standing with Gather the Outcasts in Africa. blessings, in Christ, Jim Gather the Outcasts, Box 92, Norton, Kansas, 67654 501(c)3 Paypal at www.gathertheoutcasts.com or www.jimrowh.blogspot.com If you received this from a forward link and wish to be on the email newsletter list, email at pureprairie@hotmail.com
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