Thursday, November 12, 2015



Words of Prophecy:

*       Only those who trust Me with ALL of their heart will be found "trustworthy" [loyal, faithful] in this final hour.

*       My Love [and Wisdom] "abiding" in the hearts of My faithful children will "draw" to them [as a magnet] those who are "trustworthy" [faithful, loyal, righteously motivated] in this most glorious hour while, at the same time, "repelling" those who are untrustworthy [unfaithful, disloyal, unrighteously motivated].
"repel"- to drive or force back; to resist effectively; to keep off or out; fail to mix with;

*       Natural "loyalty" [soulish relationship or friendship] remains "faithful" [trustworthy] to another only to the degree that that one continues to serve their "own" purposes [gratifies soulish {selfish} desire within them] - while true [divine] loyalty ALWAYS obeys Me on another's behalf at all cost to themselves.
"loyalty" - faithfulness; allegiance; devotion;

*       True friends "trust" - and true friends are found "trustworthy".
"trust"- reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety etc. of a person or thing; confidence; confident expectation of something; a person on whom one relies;
"trustworthy"- deserving of trust or confidence; dependable; reliable;

        ...."Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends".... John 15:13 NASB

        ...."a friend loves at all times".... Proverbs 17:17 NASB

        ....."Many a man proclaims his own loyalty, but who can find a trustworthy man [friend]?".... Proverbs 20:6 NASB

        ...."he who is trustworthy [faithful of spirit] conceals a matter".... Proverbs 11:13b  NASB
"denotation"- the explicit or direct meaning of a word or expression, as distinguished from the ideas or meaning associated with it or suggested by it;

"profound" - being or going far beneath what is superficial, external or obvious;

        In worldly terms, being "trustworthy" means that you are reliable, you won't pass on a secret you are entrusted with, you are honest and credible. However, the word's "denotation" in the Christian walk runs much deeper than that. To be a trustworthy friend in the Kingdom of God DOES encapsulate faithfulness and dependability but it works on a level that is more "profound" than our usual understanding of the term.

        If you have a trustworthy [godly]friend, you can trust that whatever they give to you, say to you and think about you is God's best in that moment. You trust them because they are seeking after the Lord, are filled with the Holy Spirit - and are relying on Him to direct their paths concerning you. You KNOW that every facet of whatever comes your way from them is perfect in the Lord's eyes. It is a very deep trust - for you are believing that they "selflessly" have your best spiritual interests at heart, just as the Lord has, continually.

        What is so special about being "divinely connected" with a "trustworthy friend" is that we have a sure [certain] knowledge that whatever they receive [on our behalf] is directly from the heart of God. Our aim, then, should be for everything that flows back [through us] the other way to be of the same calibre. In other words, our earnest and continual prayer would be that whatever we say and do would be said and done with a "pin-point accuracy" [perfect Love] - EVER inspired and empowered by the Holy Spirit for their "greatest good" [greatest eternal benefit]. To that end, it is of the utmost importance for us to stay close to the Lord at the foot of the Cross [signifying a life of obedience unto the denial of the self-life] - for it is the ONLY way that one can hope [with a supernatural hope that is rooted and grounded in love - and a revelation of the Father's Will] to be found a trustworthy friend in return.   

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