Saturday, January 30, 2016

Shifting and Tearing by Jim Hammerle

A suddenly is taking place in the natural and the spiritual world.  This suddenly is caused by a shift in the heavens, as another fullness of time has arrived.  During this shifting much of your life will be torn from its comfort zone.  Men’s hearts will fail them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken,  Luke 21:26.
It will look like disaster is coming, but for the kingdom citizen it’s only a restructuring of your life, in order to handle the new suddenly.  Old ways of doing things, old mind sets, old methods, old habits and old places will change in one day, causing a tearing feeling, but fear not all is well, for those who totally trust in Me.
Where do I go and what do I do now?  Tears at your mind!  Fear, doubt and unbelief will try to enter your heart, but you must refuse to give them a place! Isaiah 43:18-19   Without this shift in your life, you would be destroyed by this heavenly shift that is well under way.  Make no long term plans, Matthew 6:31-34, and hang on to Me tighter than you have ever have,. Isaiah 26:3.
Do not try to figure out what is happening in the natural, stay in the Spirit and I will keep you in perfect peace from here on out.  The world has never seen a shifting like what is taking place now, so to compare is a waste of time,  Matthew 24:21.
Nothing is out of My control, but everything will be out of mans control.  Their sin, rebellion and greed has created a monster that will destroy all that they have built,James 5:1-6.
The war in the heavens creates great turmoil on the planet.  Kingdom citizens must only keep their eyes and minds fixed on Me, and listen carefully to My instructions, and all will be well with them.  Now is the time you will discover the value of knowing My voice,  John 10:3-5.

Jim Hammerle

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