Santa Rosa Beach, Florida
Below are prophetic bullet points with each carrying key revelation for the year ahead:
The Key to Breakthrough
• Opportunity will demonstrate on your path as you learn to FLIP your defeat into victory.
• This is the year of the Deborah anointing. These prophets will begin to prophesy and shift our bound up territory into freedom as far as the eye can see. Leaders who have arisen with authority and authorization will receive a double portion anointing to prophesy breakthrough.
• Walls of division will crumble as the Body of Christ realizes the power of Heaven is being released, causing unity as never before.
• Supernatural intervention will break through as the Church makes declaration of freedom, safety, prosperity, and strength.
New Revivals, New Discoveries, New Hope
• A supernatural discovery of a medical solution will be discovered to a specific form of cancer. This will be the beginning of many solutions to cancer in every form.
• New, supernatural impartations of hope will spread through the Church. Hope that the world offers is only temporary. Supernatural hope will release a joyful expectation of the plans of God prospering.
The Light of God Will Surround His Own, Dispelling the Darkness that Comes from the Enemy
• Reaching out your hand to bring unity will also come from your heart. Trust and dependence will grow rapidly in the Church as the Church will become a city of refuge and Noah's ark of safety. The Lord is angry against the plans of the enemy. He will save His own!
• The light of God will surround His own, dispelling the darkness that comes from the enemy. Throughout the world there will be a glory that is pervasive...stronger and mightier than any that has been seen before.
• Supernatural healings will spread throughout the Kingdom as the Church walks in a new place of humility and repentance. The type of healings will astonish leaders in the Church and build their faith to demonstrate the supernatural.
• The healings and miracles of the 1940s and 1950s will be the baby to this adult release of fullness of miracles.
2016 is a Year of the Supernatural Visitation of Heaven
• A new accuracy will accompany the prophetic words of the prophets...trumpeting strategic political decisions coming from the wisdom of Heaven.
• Leadership in the Church will join worldwide coming against the Spirit of Antichrist.
• Joy will begin to break out in the Church in spite of the war with darkness. Jesus will visit many Churches all over the world, and a breakthrough of His Kingdom will rule.
• This year, apathy will be confronted. This apathy concerning God's Word and plan has affected the Church, causing many zealous Believers to become lukewarm. Shake yourself with the purpose of God and finish strong.
• Personality clashes will begin to melt as a heavenly LOVE is released to the Believers worldwide. No longer will the Church be plagued with indifference. Believers will either become hot or cold...lukewarm will be strongly resisted by God.
• New, witty inventions will be released from Heaven causing the wealth of Heaven to be pocketed into the Kingdom – the inventions will fund the vision of this last-day move of God. Be cautious with what you speak, as your words will gain supernatural power.
Victory Will Be Promised as the Church Joins Together in Unity
• Families will grow stronger in love and covenant. A healing power will be released to touch broken marriages and family members, causing the family unit to arise with covenant power to heal the brokenhearted and restore the lost.
• Worship will arise with a new war mantle. The Jehoshaphat trumpet will go before these worshipping warriors. Victory will be promised as the Church joins together in unity.
• The battle between light and darkness will take a sharp increase. We are in a spiritual shift which has resulted from the times and seasons we are in. 2016 will be a focus of the light shining brighter. In 2016 the Kingdom becoming brighter and the focus of the war becoming clearer will be met with the Triumphant Church. No matter the path God takes us, our passion and covenant will fuel us through the war.
• The year of 2016 will be characterized with a servant's heart. A special impartation of grace will settle upon all Believers who are seeking Him. A servant's heart will break out in celebration no matter how intense the war becomes. End 2015 with a focused, worshiping heart, exalting God to His rightful place in our hearts and home, and allow the passion of your love for Him and His Church to climax with joy!
Bill Lackie
Frontline International
Frontline International
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