Santa Rosa Beach, FL
This is a very strategic year in God's timetable. This year, which actually began September 14th of last year according to the Hebrew calendar, two things happened of great significance for me. On one of the very first holidays of the year, September 23rd, first, it was my birthday, and secondly, and more importantly, it was Yom Kippur of the Jewish year 5776, which is a historical Hebrew "Day of Atonement."
This past Yom Kippur, however, was a very special one, because it also essentially launched the once-every-50-years "Jubilee" year.
It has been documented that very significant things happened both in Israel and the U.S. during these "Shemitah" years. These have included great victories in wars, but have also included stock market crashes, terrorist attacks, and international affair changes. This is a special time that can be viewed as a "Super Shemitah" year, where even greater things happen than during "Shemitah" years. This is true because 2016 is a "Jubilee" year in the Lord.
There are many similarities between "Shemitah" and "Jubilee" years, but where "Shemitahs" happen every seven years, "Jubilees" happen only once every 50 years. This is the one and only one that myself and many others will ever experience during our lives and this age of time before Jesus returns again. I felt the Lord say that for the United States of America during this "Jubilee" year, "Mercy will triumph over judgment."
However, what happens after this "Jubilee" in the USA will be determined by what we do as a nation. If we, as a nation, repent and return to seek the Lord, we will experience God's blessing. This "Jubilee" year will be a tipping point balance for the future. However, we, as individual Believers, can advance this year from times of besiegement to times of "Jubilee" as we individually seek His face for His direction.
Have You Felt Besieged?
1. To surround with hostile forces. Ex.The soldiers besieged the walled city.2. To crowd around; hem in. Ex. The wolves besieged the animal as it came out.3. To harass or overwhelm. Ex. The violent crowd besieged the embassy.
Besiegement: A prolonged surrounding of an object by hostile forces.
Many Believers have experienced the prolonged attack of the enemy over these past two to three years. These attacks have come in physical health attacks, financial attacks, family attacks, ministry attacks, along with emotional and spiritual attacks. There has been a need to establish a strong defensive barrier to prepare for a time to advance. Well, the season to advance is here. The gates of Hell will not prevail against the Church in this year.
Are You Ready to Move Into "Jubilee"?
Jubilee: Hebrew (yobel); definition: "A trumpet sound."
What happens in a "Jubilee" year?
-Captives are set free
-Families are reunited
-Debts are canceled
-Lands are restored
-Liberty is proclaimed
-Oppression and depression are broken
-Bondages are broken
Leviticus 25:10 You shall thus consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim a release through the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you, and each of you shall return to his own property, and each of you shall return to his family.
Angelic Intervention
There is a story in 2 Chronicles, chapter 32, that tells of a story where the Assyrians (modern-day ISIS) led by Sennacherib terrorized and besieged the Israelites led by King Hezekiah. The techniques used in the war are almost identical to what ISIS is trying to do today in modern-day Syria. He tried to instill fear, terror, and hopelessness because of his horror tactics. He even made verbal and written decrees against Hezekiah and the true God he served.
Talk about moving from "Besiegement to Jubilee" in one day! All it takes is one angel sent on a mission from God. We can expect to experience some "suddenlies" this year in the Lord, with angelic intervention in long-standing battles, taking us from "Besiegement to Jubilee."
Jesus is Our True Jubilee
Jesus is our true "Jubilee." Even though there are special seasons God has ordained for special victories, we would not have any "Jubilee" or victories if it were not for Jesus. He makes every other "Jubilee" possible. It is very interesting that in Luke, chapter 3, it states that Jesus began His ministry when He was 30 years old. This happened following the time He was baptized in the Jordan River by John the Baptist. Then, in Luke, chapter 4, it states what His first official act of His ministry was.
Luke 4:1-21 ...And Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about Him spread through all the surrounding district. And He began teaching in their synagogues and was praised by all. And He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up; and as was His custom, He entered the synagogue on the Sabbath, and stood up to read. And the book of the prophet Isaiah was handed to Him. And He opened the book and found the place where it was written,
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He anointed Me to preach the Gospel to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim release to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed, to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord."
And He closed the book, gave it back to the attendant and sat down; and the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on Him. And He began to say to them, "Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing."
Numbers of Victory
The Lord has always spoken to me with numbers, especially the number 7, since the time I was "born again." He revealed Himself to me supernaturally through Matthew 7:7, causing me to be "born again" when I was all alone. At that time, He spoke to me, as an unbeliever, to get a Bible, and then it supernaturally opened to Matthew 7:7, where I read, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."
This was something that I had just asked the Lord about two minutes before. I was also born in the natural at the time of 7:07. My wife Shelly's birthday is 07/07. My daughter got married on 07/07/07. And finally, my first grandchild came into the world strategically on 06/07. So, when I think of the 7x7 year cycles of the "Shemitah" years, I can relate to those opening supernatural doors.
This will be a year where we can advance from "besiegement" into "Jubilee." The cycles of the previous 7x7 "Shemitahs" have set this time period up to be a "Jubilee" year.
This year represents a divine timing on God's timetable for a "Jubilee" year. Many things, including "Blood Moon" visions, a 50-year "Super Shemitah" timed "Jubilee," along with prophetic revelations are proclaiming this year with signs and wonders. These all substantiate that we are entering into an appointed time for planet Earth and God's new strategies. We are positioned as the Body of Christ to advance and see a revival appointed for such a time as this.
This year, where "mercy" will triumph over "judgment," will be a strategic one for every Believer – and also for our nation, the United States of America. May we be those that seek His face and find His direction for this year and beyond.
Gale Sheehan
Director, Christian International Apostolic Network
Director, Christian International Apostolic Network
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