I cried "God Remember Mercy"... As I led worship...
Then... In worship, The realm was expanding God had begun to hear us. We began to move as one In the room.
You could feel the heart of God began to open a portal.
Then, Instantly I was ascending into a realm of the Spirit that was foreign to me
I had been here or had I?
I was instantly in a room in heaven .That room had white marble walls
I was instantly in a room in heaven .That room had white marble walls
I saw a slit in the wall I was completely a bystander
The wall part and the Lamp stands were circling about this room
I noticed this room was round
I saw a table in the center of the room. It appeared as if it were one with the very foundation I was standing on.
I began to shake Something was happening.
The room had begun to swell as if the wall were alive.
I saw that slit in the wall.
This had become a doorway and 24 diligent lovers of God white hair like wool knowing that their hair was filled with wisdom
Instantly the 24 were standing at the table/
no one saying a word...
Simultaneously they 24 took off their golden crown and placed them on the table.
Not one looking at each other all looking staring ahead as if they were in knowledge of something unknown
I seats of pur4e diamond appeared the 24 Took off their shoes
The shoes were golden slipper with golden leather latches.... The took their shoes and placed them on the table
The heart of my one beating was beating faster and faster I was seeing something not seen by me before
I heard a sound a far off I heard it closer then closer The door cracked I could hear a snap in the atmosphere
The doorway was open and in came on wearing a white robe
He glided across the room as if his feet could not touch the ground... the table which was a roundtable it had opened and the One was in the center of the table.
the 24 were bowing as if they knew.... and ha been here before
I wept desperately in my heart, He was so beautiful. It was HIM the one I loved.
My beloved Lord was standing in the midst and I felt Like my heart Burned within me.
(Luke 24: 32)
He spoke to the 24 only words they understood
The table moved and an opening appeared there He was standing in the middle of the table.
Each of 24 began to move out from around the table ....The crowns on the table were Now exactly as the one who wore the greatest crown of all Their reflection was beautiful.
The Lord looked at the shoes He absorbed them ... they were His feet
they belonged to him. ( psalms 119:133)
The 24 were now going out a hidden door. It had appeared out of nowhere... or I was totally unaware of its presence.
The Lord longingly looked at them. His Love was emanating from His Heart it was surrounding each one of the 24 Personally and Corporately.
He was moved by such grand obedience. The submission of all that was there was surrendered to Him.
The walls of the room had moved. A great hall had emerged.
Angelic beings were standing all around the room lamp-stands burning and worship was beginning to emerge with a clarion call of willingness to be apart of whatever He was doing.
I was watching as a bystander and longing deep within my heart which still felt that Holy Fire. I desperately desired to be apart of what was happening...
My hands were going faster and faster across the guitar strings I was playing in worship....I was aware of Both dimensions.
Paul said in the body or out....(2 Cor 12: 3)
Then suddenly the 24 had scrolls in their hands.
Orders from the Realm of GOD. The highest realm of the heavenlies.
Orders from the Realm of GOD. The highest realm of the heavenlies.
The throne had beckoned them to be dispatched. They were willing to go. As one they stood on the threshold of eternity and time....An invasion was about to commence.
On that threshold, each of the 24 began to exhale. When they did instantly angelic beings looking just like them started to descend to the greater below. Each one carrying the scrolls that the Master had given them.
A melodious sound emerged from the worshipping beings in the great hall. It was exactly beautiful.
They were cheering on the new assignment of the angelic army that once captivated the very 24 elder who was in the highest of heavens.
Then the sound began to come home... I was coming home to the room in worship.... The entire congregation and I had emerged with vision of the heavenly realm...Some saw swords on the table others saw Bread coming out from the hands of the Lord.. others were lost in a fragrance of heaven It was glorious! their own strength been given up to the King of Kings.
I knew He was sending the angelic to us here in the below.. to assist in the days to come. I knew the realm had been dispatched We were to gain Help and access in the times and season ahead.
HELP IS ON THE WAY! Psalm 46: 1 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
A Word emerged,
"It's time," He said, "The Realm of sobriety and purpose has been released... NOW released For the days and season are changing and it's time to reflect on the foundation once belonging to the church
The Church has been broken and better its time to Gain new vision and No longer be involved in the fights and calamities that cause faith to weaken.
Put in a the FULL armor of GOD and be alive ( Eph 6 ) Says The LORD~!
He who shaped the heavens was beginning to invade the House of Glory. The sound of all creation began to groan waiting for the visitation. ( Romans 8: 22)
We heard it. We smelled it. It was tangible and we knew our now assignment had changed. It had happened. It was happening to all in the below.
A new wind was emerging with Glory in its movement.
One by one we began to cry "come, Lord Jesus so come ... so come...."
"Welcome the safe reckoning of justice," says the Lord
The plows will overtake theAmos 9: 13The days are coming," declares the LORD, "when the reaper will be overtaken by the plowman and the planter by the one treading grapes"
New wine will drip from the mountains and flow from all the hills, .... it's coming The days are coming and each one will see and behold the Glory of the Lord."
The house will be greater. Haggai 2: 9 Yes said the Lord We have seen the beginning of the latter days.
The elders ............their angelic resemblances released to minister to us'
The cry comes out now So come so come ...Hebrews 1:14 Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?
As The Presence not captivating all of us in the room cried over us So Come all ye faithful come to the Lord.....
I'm coming back... says the Lord. Yet even so now
I'm with you in body and spirit... Yes, I'm here with you even now ....
Be brave I am sending Help .... Great help....
Be brave and of GOOD courage I overcame this for you.
John 16:33 "I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
Dr Theresa Phillips
Dr. Theresa Phillips and her husband The Reverend Robert Phillips ret USAF have been asked by the Lord to take the Message of the King ,His Throne, and His Scepter to the nation to help stabilize the church for the days ahead.
Passionate about people and lives being changed for the GOOD of the King of Kings. Opening Realms for People to be Restored to their "Original Intent"
A Local Pastor and International Speaker Dr Theresa has been reaching around the world
Dr Theresa is the author of over 22 books and 1 Southern Gospel album
Is the founder of Global Prophetic Voice
She also is the founder of Royal Scents A Kings Oil HERE
I really Believe that each person carries the Identity of The Glory of GOD
Our Desire is to see that come forth leaving no one out. Theresa ...
Invite Dr Theresa Phillips to speak at your meeting HERE
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