Bedford, TX
This is the time of year that we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. In the midst of shopping, Christmas gatherings, and holiday festivities, it's easy to lose sight of "Whom" we are actually celebrating! I'm guilty of not pulling aside more and spending intimate time with the Lord due to all the busyness of this holiday season.
But, the other day, while preparing for our church Christmas party, I sought the Lord for something to minister to our ladies whom were attending the gathering. I desired something fresh, something new; you know...something revelatory to minister. After all, how many different ways can we impactfullyteach the Christmas message? Well, precious reader, keep reading. What the Lord spoke to me about the birth of Christ was astounding! You are going to love this revelation.
He Brought His World with Him
Isaiah 9:6-7 is probably one of the most familiar Biblical passages read during this time. Even Handel, the musician, included this passage in one of the great choruses of his Messiah oratorio. It's highly possible that each of us either sings it or hears it often during Christmas. Let's take a moment and read what Isaiah said as he prophesied the birth of Jesus, the different names by which Jesus wanted to be known, and what His mission was on the earth. Then, we will study these important facts individually:
"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government will be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this"(Isaiah 9:6-7 NIV).
Okay. Let's begin our study. Jesus was born with the "government" of God upon His shoulders. What does that mean?
Well, again, He brought Heaven with Him when He was born, but He also brought Heaven's government – the "rulership and dominion" of Heaven to our earth. Bottom line: He was coming to earth to establish His Lordship on the earth.
The earth is the Lord's, according to Psalm 24:1. Though the devil would love to believe it is eternally his – it isn't! Jesus came to reestablish God's dominion over the powers of darkness. Yes, Jesus is LORD over all the earth! His birth was simply an announcement that the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven were at hand; yes, He brought His Kingdom with Him, and now it was available to mankind.
It's unfortunate that, like ornaments we hang on our Christmas tree, we only yearly carefully read all that Isaiah prophesied concerning the coming Messiah. Have we ever stopped to think about all that applies to the King of kings and how He came to give us Heaven on earth and dominion over evil? Now, I know that most of you reading this article understand that we have been given dominion over the enemy and that the original mandate in the Garden of Eden was for mankind to rule and reign upon the earth. However, did you ever really stop to consider or ponder all that Jesus brought with Him besides that? Well, again, keep reading. There's more!
What Jesus' Different Names Mean for You
Now that we've established the fact that Jesus brought dominion and an established Kingdom with Him at His birth, let's delve into more revelation. Did you notice just how He wants to be recognized? He wants us to know Him as "Wonderful Counselor," "Mighty God," "Prince of Peace," and "Everlasting Father."
When Jesus said He wants His name known as "Wonderful Counselor," just what does that entail? When I began to ponder just how Jesus wanted to be known as that (and other names as you will continue to read about), I became overwhelmed with a desire to dig in and begin an in-depth study. Think about it: If you could choose a name that would reveal how you truly desired to be known – what would it be? Yes, it's an identity thing...but Jesus was choosing an identity for eternity! It involved names that would never change and would be names so pregnant with eternal power to fulfill the promises within that name.
Your "Wonderful Counselor"
The name "Wonderful Counselor" involves God Himself being our Counselor. He counsels us different ways: Through His Word, a revelation, a prophetic word, a dream or a vision, a friend, a pastor or minister...and each time the Word is spoken or revealed, there is an atmosphere from Heaven released and we can press into all that Heaven has to offer us at that time.
His counsel is "wonderful." Some Bible translations separate the words "wonderful" and "counselor" with commas. The New International Version (NIV), which I have used, identifies Jesus as "Wonderful Counselor." I love His name identified both ways. He is a Wonderful Counselor, and yet He is simply Wonderful! In fact, He is wonderful and a wonder because He came as both God and man. His love is a "wonder" of the angels and glorified saints – as He came, died, was resurrected, and ascended to Heaven.
When we study the word wonderful, you find that it means "wondrous" and a "miracle." Oh, my! This means that when God speaks to us, there is always a miracle, a sign, or a "wonder" attached to that revelation. His desire is to speak, reveal His godly counsel to us, and also provide the miraculous power to receive and demonstrate that counsel!
Let me make it plain. Let's say that we have been through a healing class and we now have the revelation that it is always God's will to heal. Actually, His godly "counsel" concerning healing has been revealed to us. Then, we take the next step...and remember, there is always a miracle attached to whatever God counseled to us or with us. Believers, if we know this, we will pray expecting! And, amazingly, Jesus wanted to be known as "Wonderful Counselor!" Yes, He wanted His name to be known as a counselor that backed up His counsel and wisdom with a miracle! How awesome is that? Goodness, my faith is elevated with this revelation. I just know that yours is also. Reader, there's still more...hang on!
Your "Mighty God"
Yes, He left Heaven with the mindset of prevailing over our enemy and giving us abundant life!
It's traditionally acceptable to think about baby Jesus in the manger. And, of course, it's all part of the beautiful Christmas story. But also, let's remember that Jesus came with a purpose, to destroy the works of the enemy. Dear Believer, whatever it is that you are going through; know this...Jesus came to empower you to be an overcomer!
Yes, it's true that He came to provide salvation. But, it's so much more!Salvation is derived from the Greek word sozo, which means more than being "saved"; salvation is a word that fully translates as protection, prosperity, healing, and (I like to say) everything that Heaven has to offer! When Jesus died on the Cross, we reaped the full benefits of sozo!
Jesus came as a Champion over every stronghold, every setback, and every mountain that attempts to stand before you! You have been promised victory according to the "counsel" of your Mighty God! The enemy will attempt to speak lies that will bind you to the shame of your past. If you struggle with the lies of the enemy, I strongly recommend my book, Silencing the Accuser: Eight Lies Satan Uses Against Christians. This book will empower you to renew your mind so that you can move past your past and experience all that God promises. I want you living victoriously!
Your "Everlasting Father"
As I write this article, I am even more convicted to think "eternally." In other words, my focus needs to be fixed on heavenly things. This does not mean that I bury my head in the sand and not watch the news. It means that I am aware of my surroundings, but that I take everything that concerns me to prayer. I am to now get God's take on the situation and receive His "counsel" as to how to pray. I will continue to pray Heaven to touch earth, but with a more "eternal" view.
Your "Prince of Peace"
Believer, receive His peace right now – He is watching over His promises concerning you!
The Zeal of the Lord Will Accomplish These Things for You!
This passage is very clear that the "zeal" of the Lord will bring forth the increase of the government of Heaven on earth. This means that the Lord is jealous concerning us and our future. God is very passionate concerning establishing His Kingdom on earth, and He is passionate concerning each of us being able to experience all that Heaven has to offer.
Dear Believer, during this special season, let's embrace and receive His counsel and His miraculous intervention in our lives. Receive the wonder of all that He died to give you! Also, let's become more eternally focused and fully embrace His everlasting love. And, lastly, let's trust the Lord for safety and protection. He is our sword and shield and high tower. We need not fear – His zeal will preserve and protect us, and He promises to zealously watch over our destinies!
In Him,
Sandie Freed
Zion Ministries
Co-pastor, Lifegate Church, Hurst, Texas
Zion Ministries
Co-pastor, Lifegate Church, Hurst, Texas
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