Sunday, December 13, 2015


Words of Prophecy

*       The "apathy" and the "lethargy" that many  of My children have "allowed" to affect them in this hour is an attack rooted in demonic power and influence, and it is not something that one will walk above apart from the power of My Spirit.

*       "Making preparations" [moving forward in faith and obedience - even in the small, seemingly insignificant things] "fuels" a holy expectancy in one's heart for the fullness of the vision/blessing to come forth. The opposite is fear and unbelief [leading to "hope deferred"] which leads to a hopeless, lethargic and unproductive state of existence.
"lethargic"- the quality or state of being drowsy and dull, listless and unenergetic; indifferent; lazy; apathetic or sluggish activity;

          ...."Hope deferred makes the heart sick [one disheartened], but [godly] desire fulfilled is a tree of life".... Proverbs 13:12 NASB

"prolong" - to lengthen out in time; extend the duration of; cause to continue longer;

"push the envelope" - to stretch established limits;

"stagnant" -not flowing or running as water, air etc.; characterized by lack of development, advancement, or progressive movement;

"thrust" - to drive with force [the "forces" of the Kingdom - Love, faith, wisdom, righteousness etc.];

*       It is time for many who have been in a prolonged "valley of decision" to "push the envelope" [through an absolute faith and trust in Me] as far as their pursuit of the "fullness" of My Will for their life and ministry. For it is ONLY in this way that they will be empowered [through the continual accessing of My Grace] to rise above the lethargy, procrastination and "stagnancy" that has [up until this time] kept them mired in a place of doubt, double-mindedness and mistrust. This is the hour in which I shall begin to establish [and, in some cases, re-establish] divine connections throughout My remnant Church - glorious connections that will bring My faithful ones into the "fullness" of Covenant, first with Me, and, then, with those that I have raised up for them [to help them] according to the fullness of My purpose in this final hour. The spontaneous fruit of these "divine connections" will be a radical increase of the "corporate anointing" in the midst of all those who truly love Me throughout the earth - a radical increase [of unlimited Power] that will "thrust" [propel] My people into the "fullness" of their precious destiny, in Christ [both individually and corporately].

        ...."wake up the mighty men........ let the weak say, I am strong".... Joel 3:9b, 10b KJV

        ...."Little children, you are of God [you belong to Him] and have [already] defeated and overcome them [the agents of the antichrist], because He Who lives in you is greater [mightier] than he who is in the world".... 1 John 4:4 The Amplified Translation

        ...."But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you".... Romans 8:11 KJV
"lethargy"- indifference; Gk: "lethargos" - forgetful;

        A "spirit of lethargy" attempts to produce a state of "indifference" [apathy - lack of devotion] in the child of God. The "physical symptoms" of attack include excessive drowsiness, fatigue [lack of energy] or abnormally deep [and prolonged] sleep. "Food intake" [both physical and spiritual - EXCESSIVE physical food intake and LACK of spiritual food intake] is a key "tool" in any effective attack that "they" [the evil spirits] attempt. When one experiences an attack by this "spirit" they must simply "forge" ahead in perfect obedience [the exercising of faith and love in their present circumstances] ignoring the "physical symptoms", and as they are faithful to continually speak [proclaim] the words [given by the Holy Spirit] that will take authority over this evil spirit the Anointing that abides within them shall surely "crush" the attack and drive that "spirit" into oblivion!

        Another aim of a "spirit of lethargy" is to make one "forget" previous spiritual experiences with [revelation from] the Lord - through a sustained and oppressive attack [many times manifesting in heaviness] against both the soul [mind, will, and emotions]and the body. But it [the "spirit of lethargy"]can only accomplish what it sets out to accomplish if one chooses [allows themselves] to walk by "sight" [be moved by what they "feel, see, hear or think" - by taking the five physical senses as their final authority] and NOT by faith [revelation]. For if they continue to walk by faith and NOT by sight THEN they shall surely remain "above" the attack against them [Ephesians 2:6] - for it is certain that these evil spirits only have "dominion" in the "sense realm" [feelings - emotions] - through a "maintained" ground of fear and unbelief.

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