Sunday, January 10, 2016

Part 2: A Series of Unprecedented Events by Chad Taylor

January 7, 2016.
The clarity of these things have never been so vivid and imminent. November of 2015 I released part 1 of these visions and admonishments. Please read part 1 here: on. Fb.Me/1ONi4cI "Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvelously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you..." Habakkuk 1:5
Strict curfews will be enforced with severe consequences to those that oppose them as martial law is imposed from state to state. Some cities will be high priority I. E., District of Columbia, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, Detroit, Colorado Springs and other major centers of commerce, communication and transportation.
Immigration laws will be in effect restricting travel over county, city and state lines with no emphasis on race or gender. FAA and FEMA will work in tandem restricting airspace, water-ways and roads as nearly all of our liberties are commandeered.
What we watch on television and social media will be strictly limited as many are forced underground to communicate. Media companies will be merged into one government sanctioned organization as the coup for complete control of all television, radio and Internet is enforced. Protest of any kind will be punishable by imprisonment or worse. Public demonstration or public gatherings will be illegal as these laws are implemented. These wide spread divestitures will be imposed on every level including church and religious gatherings of any kind.
Countless people with certain religious beliefs or that have been deemed a "enemy of the state" and having a "conflict of interest" will be detained indefinitely in the same type of camps that were used for the Japanese and others during WWll. The same anti-Christ spirit that confined Jews in "ghettos" in Warsaw, Poland and other places in Germany is already at work here in the US and has been given precedence now.
Entire states and regions will come under martial law. Similar to what transpired in the southern states and Oklahoma with the Native Americans commonly known as the "Trail of Tears" and other forced deportations will happen on a much larger scale now. It will not be limited or pertain to certain races but anyone and everyone that opposes their strict sanctions and laws. It will often be by force and will happen in days and weeks by train and other forms of transportation. This will be to insure the complete and total implementation of these plans.
Sterilization and euthanasia of what the government and federal institutions deem "unfit" will become widespread. Not only criminals will be in the cross-hairs and anyone that they conceive as "below" their standards or sub-par but anyone that oppose their sanctions. These lines will stretch even to religious and Christian entities that may undermine their agenda. This will evolve into euthanasia and sterilization clinics and "centers" where they will enforce these laws and tactics in mass. The concentration camps of Germany will pale in comparison to what they will desire to do in the United States and beyond. These seeds have already been planted over 100 years ago in many state's laws and will now be enforced.
States will attempt to secede and civil war will be inevitable. The Federal Government will expropriate land, oil interests and other strategic areas often without any resistance. Any semblance of freedom will be eclipsed by this coup d'etat as the powers that be enact their plans upon the United States. States such as Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma, Nevada, New Mexico and many of the southern states will be moral and spiritual high grounds as this spiritual battle ensues.
Canada will resist as will Alaska and many Native American Reservations will be a last line of defense as these unprecedented moments in history take place. "The last will be first" will take on enormous implications as places such as Native American Reservations become the front lines of resistance. 1st Corinthians 12:23 will be a plumb-line as the Lord raises up powerful and influential voices of freedom and revival in the most improbable places and people: "Those of the body we think to be less honorable, these we bestow more abundant honor."
From these harsh and often terminal conflicts will emerge a credible authentic church that will be comparable to the 1st Century church in doctrine and spirit - who also struggled with similar circumstances in Rome. Meetings and strategic prayer gathering from "house to house" as described in the Book of Acts will be paramount as the right to meet publicly is strictly enforced. Our value systems will so radically change in mere days and weeks that the New Testament mantra of "all things common" will once again prevail as each one suffers and rejoices with their brothers and sisters in Christ. The fires of these current events will produce a Daniel like anointing that will face the "fiery furnaces" and "lion's dens" of circumstances unwavering and bold. Countless people will be saved during these times as the season of excess and spiritual exuberance is eclipsed by a true Christian spirit where "greater love" will overcome. These are the days of Elijah. 


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