Monday, January 11, 2016

Prophetic Word by Debra Lowe


January 1, 2016
This year promises to be the most exciting and adventuresome one for all who remain "believers", true believers.  We will arise from the place where depression and circumstances, tests, and trials have kept us in this last season.  The Lord will rise upon us this year and all men will be amazed at the brightness of His arising upon us, true soldiers of Christ.
Stand fast against all that is contrary and all that lie against the Word of God.  All who withstand the pressure of the enemy shall begin to break forth into a new song, for the travail has brought forth a new thing, a new vision, a new hope, fresh joy, restored relationships, refreshed callings, revived strength for the remainder of the journey.  This is the time for you to line up your thoughts with mine, and see the pathway, and the promises as I see them.  Enlarging your thoughts as you receive Mine, stretch out your borders, make strong your current boundaries.

Do not be bullied into standing still, no, go around the high places, trust Me.  I know how to guide you around the sharp and winding curves, I desire to bring you onto My high way.  It has been a struggle, but you will begin to see how strong you really are, every step will get easier.  A way that you can feel the wind again blowing you gently into the plan and purpose that I have set for you.  I Am making your time, all of your time beautiful.  I can turn the desert into a spring, an oasis for you to rest and receive the present heavenly assignment for your right now time.

You will not be ashamed or afraid as I guide you on the straight course for you.  You will shake off any heaviness that has tried to find an opening in your life, and your joy shall come like a refreshing, strong flowing river.  You will rejoice at your grand deliverance as you step into this season, boldly doing what you only dreamed of.  I will assemble people that will assist you and make your journey a delight for you and to multitudes of others.  You will know and really experience My favor, mercy, grace, and My unending love for you.  I will build and repair for you all broken and torn walls, and everything that had formed into iron, I will make it pliable for you.  This is our year to shine.  So believe Me, and you will see Me moving consistently and powerfully for you, to bring My promise and fulfillment of My Word to all who believe Me.

"Arise, shine for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. " (Isaiah 60:1)

"Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations: spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes;.." (Isaiah 54:2)

"We are assured and know that (God being a partner in their labor) all things work together and are fitting into a plan for good to and for those who love God and are called according to His design and purpose." (Rom. 8:28)

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