Friday, July 31, 2015

Christine Beadsworth: NOAH, SET-APART AND SEALED PART 2 – Transcript of podcast

Remember we were talking about how Noah depicts the Bride, set-apart, sealed within and without and protected and walking on the waters of the flood? In Matthew 24:38, it says: “As in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage”. Now in the days before the flood, remember Noah was applying pitch to the outside and the inside of the ark. He was gathering food for the journey. He was a preacher of righteousness, úrging people to repent and I have to ask myself: what are we doing in the days before the flood? Are we like Noah, because, Beloved, it’s no good trying to apply pitch to your ark after the flood has begun; it’s not going to work. It’s not going to work to try and apply the Redemption Price, once the flood has left the Dragon’s mouth.

And so, in the days before the flood, what are wé eating and drinking? Who are wé marrying and giving in marriage to? Are we having love affairs with the world and being unfaithful to our Bridegroom? Do we have the Redemption Price outwardly, but within we are full of unclean thoughts and living for ourselves?

Picture the scene: Noah has painted the outside of the ark with pitch and the flood begins, it starts to rain. The waters come from above and the waters from below and he can’t even put the animals in the ark or install everything in the ark, because he still hasn’t painted the inside. We really need to be prepared in these days and to have understanding of the times and a sober question for Church Leaders, for those who call themselves Fathers is this, “Who are you giving your congregation in marriage to, in the days before the flood? Is it the true Bridegroom? Is it Him who is the Truth, the Way and the Life? Who or what are you asking them to embrace and are they being offered cups of mixed wine and the cup of abominations that the Harlot in Revelation is connected to - or are they being offered the pure milk of the Word and drinking of the blood of Christ, which is true drink?”

By the way, Jesus said: “Call no man Father, for you have one Father”, so what is this ‘Doctrine of Fathers’ that is going round the Body? It’s not true drink, that is for sure and its origin is nót the Spirit of Truth, because He would néver contradict ánything that Jesus só emphatically proclaimed. We have one Father and He is in Heaven and He’s the Father of lights and wé are the light of the world.

So once again: where you’re fellowshipping, are you being fed Danish Pastries in elaborate shapes and patterns with glazes and choc-nuts sprinkled on top; a dazzling array of choices, a smorgasbord designed to be seeker-friendly, but utterly devoid of true nourishment?  Remember the butler and the baker were shut-in; in the prison with Joseph? The baker’s dream involved birds eating pastries off his head and he ended up losing his head, while the butler, the cup=bearer, was released as the cup-bearer to Pharaoh. He was restored into his original position and as a divine networker. he was positioned right at Pharaoh’s ear for the time of dream interpretation.

So, it’s not time to be eating pastries, Bride of Christ. It’s really not time to be eating things that taste sweet in your mouth and sweet in your stomach. We need to be eating the true Bread of Life. We need to be like those men at Emmaus, who had their eyes opened to see Jesus in the breaking of bread. When you go to Fellowship on a Sunday or whenever you meet together, when the Bread of the Word is broken, are your eyes opened to see Jesus? If they are, then you’re receiving true Bread, but if they’re not, you need to reconsider and you need to go back to the Word and ask the Spirit of Truth to lead you into all truth. The Spirit of Truth takes that which is Christ’s and shares it with us. He puts us in remembrance of everything Jesus has said. He shares us the True Bread, the Manna from Heaven.

Just a little aside here: if you identify with Joseph and you’re wondering why you’ve been kept in prison longer than you anticipated, understand today that it is so God can put you on pause and keep you safe in the wings and have you waiting for His moment of positioning in your divinely appointed place of governmental functioning during the time when there’s a world-wide famine for the Word of God. Your butler friend is not suffering from Alzheimer’s. God is synchronising His clocks... He hasn’t released you when you think you should have been released. If He had released you 2 years ago, you would have headed off seeking Ministry and the recognition of man in a system that God Himself is seeking to dismantle and transform completely. 

Joseph was shut up and sealed in that prison, like Noah in the ark, until God called his name and then it was time for him to step into his appointed place. Until that time, God was putting input into him. The Spirit of the Lord was ministering to him in the secret place, away from the eyes of the general public.

Anyway, let’s get back to the Bride, set-apart and seeking union and closeness with the Bridegroom, wearing the shoes of the Gospel of Peace, which are closed shoes. Paul so clearly depicts the bridal heart attitude in Philippians 3:8. He says: “Furthermore, I count everything as loss compared to the possession of the priceless privilege of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord” and the Amplified says: “progressively becoming more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him. For His sake I have lost everything and consider it be mere rubbish, in order that I may win Christ”. There we have it again: My Beloved is mine and I am His, that I may know Him, speaking of intimacy.

Verse 9 says: “That I may be found and known as in Him, not having any righteousness that is my own, based on my obedience to the Law’s demands, but possessing that genuine righteousness” (that pitch on the ark, inside and outside) which comes through faith in Jesus Christ. For my determined purpose is that I may know Him.” Do you remember David in Psalm 27? “Oneness have I desired of the Lord. That will I séék after”.

And Paul continues in Philippians 3:10: “That I may in some way come to know the power outflowing from His resurrection and that I may also share His sufferings”. There’s that referral to the drinking of the Cup of Acceptance: Where you go, I go. We are one. I am no longer my own. My Beloved is mine and I am His and as we are in Christ and He is in us, then we come to know the power outflowing from His resurrection.

Verse 12 says: “Not that I have now attained, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to lay hold and make my own, that for which Christ Jesus has laid hold of me”. Not that I’ve already been made perfect...Do you remember the word ‘Kalah’, the root word for the word for ‘Bride’, which means ‘to make perfect, to complete’? Paul is saying: I haven’t already been made perfect, but I’m pressing on to lay hóld of that for which Christ laid hold of me. Christ laid hold of us when He paid the Redemption Price, that Bridal Price for us,  when we became betrothed to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. We are no longer our own. We are our Bridegroom’s. He has paid a Betrothal Price in blood for us and Paul gives us a key here: “One thing I do, Brethren, forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead. I press towards the goal to win the prize for which God in Christ Jesus is calling us upward”.

Once a Bride is betrothed, what is lying ahead? What is the goal? The goal is the wedding. The goal is the consummation of the marriage. The goal is complete oneness with Christ and she presses towards that. Let me say it again, she presses towards that; thát she seeks after: oneness with Christ, wearing those shoes of the Gospel of Peace, set-apart from the worldly ways.

Paul just gives a little bit of advice to those he’s writing to in Philippians. He says: “Let us hold true to what we have already attained and walk and order our lives by that”. Walk in the shoes of the Gospel of Peace, Beloved. They’re part of your asiritual armour and you can hear the aching in Paul’s heart as he cares for Believers and says: “There are many of whom I have often have told you and now tell you with tears, who walk as enemies of the cross of Christ”. How do you walk as an enemy of the cross of Christ? You don’t wear the shoes of the Gospel of Peace. Paul says such people are doomed and their fate is perdition. Their God is their stomach. The Amplified Bible says: “their appetites, their sensuality and they glory in their shame, siding with earthly things and being of their party”.

So here we see Paul describing people that are supposedly Believers, but they’re actually living and walking as enemies of the cross of Christ. They have been betrothed to Christ with the precious blood of the Lamb, but they’re being unfaithful. Their God is actually their stomach, their appetites, their desires, and they are siding with earthly things, having love affairs with the world. They are not set-apart and sealed. They are not living that life which says: I am not my own. I was bought with a price.

So, when we read in the letters that Paul has written, úrging people not to have love-affairs with the world and to come and wash our soiled hands and repent and return to the Lover of our souls, be restored to our First Love, he’s calling us back. He’s calling us back by the Spirit of the Living God into betrothal. He’s calling us back into a place of being sealed and set-apart as a vessel of honour for the Lord.

So Beloved I just wanted to leave that with you. We find, not only in the Old Testament, but in the New, that there’s a call to the Bride to take her eyes off the world, to take her eyes off the things that pass away, to repent of her God being her stomach, of taking the gifts and the beautiful things that God has blessed the Church with, the Bride of Christ and using them to prostitute herself before other Gods, before the Idols that the World System worships.

God calls His people to come out of Egypt. Come out of slavery to the world and its ways. Don’t have fellowship with darkness. Put on the shoes of the Gospel of Peace fúlly. Take off évery other pair of shoes and every other understanding of the Word that you’ve fashioned to your own liking and place your feet fully in the shoes of the Gospel of Peace in these days.

Do you remember the story of Cinderella, how she lost her shoe and when the ugly Step sisters were given a chance to try the shoe on, they were cutting off pieces of their feet, to stuff themselves into that shoe? Jesus is not coming for an ugly Step sister. There is one Bride and she’s pure and she’s holy and set-apart and she’s drinking of the Cup, but at the same time, within, she’s drinking of the River of Living Waters, the Fountain of Life, that is flowing to feed her as she’s sealed and set-apart for the Bridegroom. She has His name on her forehead.

Do you remember the 144 000 on Mt. Zion from Revelation? I think it’s Revelation 14. They have the name of God on their forehead. They’re not their own. My Beloved is mine and I am His and they are virgins. They have had no relationships with other women. This is clearly depicted with the strange woman of Proverbs that leads the young man into spiritual adultery and gets him to eat stolen bread. We have to realise that in Revelation there are many allegories, there are many pictures. It’s not always talking about a literal 144 000. 144 000 depicts a perfect number, a complete number. It is the full Bride on Mt. Zion, following the Lamb wherever He goes. Beloved, wearing the shoes of the Gospel of Peace, in order to walk on the water of the flood in these days, will number you among those on Mt. Zion. These are the church of the Firstborn.

I had a vision the other day when we were worshipping and I saw a seed that had fallen to the ground and I saw it almost as underground, but it had burst open and there was a green shoot starting to come up and as I looked, that green shoot was actually a person worshipping and that brown seed looked like the ark. I realised that as we position our feet in the death of Christ, as we position our feet in that Bridal Price, that Redemption, that pitch within and without and we live and walk and move from thát place of being in Christ, that the resurrection power of Christ flows through us and we are that green shoot that grows and bears much fruit. That green shoot never leaves the seed from which it springs. That’s where it’s rooted. That’s where it gets its nourishment. That’s the place from which it springs forth and if you remember Psalm 110 AMP, it says: “In the beauty of holiness, from the womb of the morning spring forth your young men who are as the dew”. From the womb of the morning, in these days, God is going to bring forth His Bond slaves, His Bride.

Remember the enemy is bringing to fullness and bringing to birth something in these days, but the Kingdom of Heaven is also doing it. The Kingdom of Heaven is also preparing an army of faithful lovers. The Kingdom of Heaven has also been working on those who have been drinking from the fountain within and setting themselves apart as holy for their Bridegroom, being single-eyed. One thing they’re desiring: oneness they are desiring and that is what they are seeking after and pursuing, forgetting those things that lie behind and pressing forward to lay hold of that for which the Bridal Price was paid.


The Backburner podcast
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