Salt Lake City, UT
Things have changed in our world as we know it. Unpredictable and uncertain days can cause anxiety and fear. These are natural responses as we thoughtfully anticipate our future. There are things we can do to keep our peace in these times. We MUST know who God is, how He instructs, and develop listening skills to hear and obey what He tells us to do. He is guiding this ship.
There are old methods and ideologies that don't even work. God is drawing everyone close to Himself right now for assurance, instruction, and alignment with His ways and character. These days could be called "listening days." The Word clearly instructs us to hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church, if we have ears to hear.
Rip Down the Rear View Mirror
Past things are going away. Nothing can change the past. It's done and over with, but the future is filled with promise. God always repairs broken bridges and heals wounded places. It's His DNA. His whole focus is on us, the ones He desperately loves and cares for.
Truth radiates from Him, and truth is the prison door key to freedom. People who were lied to and deceived by satan's trap, who distanced themselves from God, are getting ready to literally run back into God's arms and find their true purpose. We cannot afford to allow the past to dictate our future.
The trust bridge is being restored so there is a clear, firm path to cross back home and into their destiny.
What are You Lookin' At?
Jesus doesn't just HAVE the truth, He IS the truth. Our future is not dictated by news articles, world events, and shaky governmental decisions. Step-by-step directions are freely given to us as we navigate the days ahead. Jesus is our strong tower and we have open-door access to run into His protection and remain safe.
Ascend to the Mountain
Go up higher. Ascend...climb, go higher...and make your way up to where the help is. Desperate people do desperate things when their life depends on it. Living in the valley of despair with sick hearts is not where your future is. Lies and negativity don't reside in the Lord's mountain. It's where joy is present, which renews our strength.
The mountain affords a different outlook from a higher perspective. We get the bird's-eye view and see the bigger picture. This is where assignments are given out, but clear direction comes with them, so we aren't just "winging it," stumbling around to find our way.
Learning How to War a Good Warfare
Ninety-nine percent of the battle we experience is in our head. It's the battlefield where fearful thoughts can capture our hearts and produce anxiety. Anxiety in the heart weighs it down and then we can go into depression and start to feel hopeless. God is the God of ALL HOPE. He only does good things, and His plan for us is to succeed not crumble under pressure.Even the most seemingly impossible situation can be radically shifted overnight when God shows up. Hearts change, people's eyes are open, hope is restored, miracles happen, sicknesses leave, healing comes, faith soars, joy returns, and the list goes on.
In Genesis 18, Abraham petitioned God to spare Sodom and Gomorrah, not to destroy it even for 10 righteous, and God agreed. America has more people praying than 10 righteous. We are at the beginning of a SERIOUS move of God sent from Heaven to blanket this earth. Many, many, many, many, many will turn to Jesus in this outpouring of His Spirit. We HAVE to see the big picture and not lose hope.
Positioning ourselves before God will afford us clear access to hear Him and pray what He instructs us to pray. We have been given the opportunity to war a good warfare according to the promises given to us. When we remember the promises God has given us, we also realize that He fully intends to accomplish them. In doing spiritual warfare, it's most important to only declare what God does. State the facts regarding His purpose and call it in. When we give no place to the devil, he has no ground to stand on.
Exercising and using your faith will establish your firm foundation and pathway to walk on moving forward. We are more than conquerors and win a surpassing victory. Our focus is clear, our words are power-packed, and this is where God does the seemingly impossible to advance His plan and His Kingdom on earth.
Don't Agree with a Death Sentence
This Shunammite woman determined to make her way to the one who could make this situation right again. She wouldn't even utter words out of her mouth that didn't line up with the promise God had given. When she made her way to Elisha, she was absolutely confident that he would breathe life into her seemingly dead promise. Elisha came to her house, laid on the child, and life came rushing into him. Agree with life.
Our answer is to do everything possible to get before the One and ONLY ONE who can fix our circumstances. Death is literally swallowed up when life is present.
Hey, Where's the Faith?
Faith is a big, big part of our existence and relationship with God. In fact, whatever is not of faith is sin. There is a training in place right now to call things that aren't as though they are. This is the kind of faith that sees what God sees and speaks what God speaks. Faith is infused with encouragement. When we encourage one another, it's like pouring healing balm on open wounds.
It's easy to see the despair and devastation all around us, but God has other plans for us in participating in the greatest harvest and demonstration of power from Heaven this earth has ever seen. The ingredients contained in prophecy are edification, encouragement, and comfort. Life words are nurturing, causing things to grow and bloom.
Take Heart, God is Full of Surprises
Isaiah 60:1-5 Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and His glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.
Lift up your eyes and look about you: All assemble and come to you; your sons come from afar, and your daughters are carried on the hip. Then you will look and be radiant, your heart will throb and swell with joy; the wealth on the seas will be brought to you, to you the riches of the nations will come.
Cindy McGill
Hope for the Harvest Ministries
Hope for the Harvest Ministries
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