Tuesday, June 30, 2015

SHOES OF THE GOSPEL OF PEACE ~ Transcript of Audio by Christine Beadsworth

I am wanting to release these podcasts, not to present something really professional or entertaining in any way, but I am finding that as I am receiving things from the Lord, that I am not actually having time to properly document and write in a cohesive article. Yet I am wanting to share the information, so I am going to do a very unprofessional podcast, just record what I have journalled and I pray that it would be a blessing, that the Holy Spirit would further open things up to you as you meditate and research further into what I have spoken about, and look into the Word.

On 05.05.2015 as I was falling asleep, I don't know if any of you have ever had this, kind of a flash dream, very quick, almost just 2 little scenes, it took less than a minute to see it, and then I spent the rest of the night with the Lord unfolding what He was saying to me through the picture He showed me in that little flash dream.

What I saw was somebody needing to put on a pair of shoes and this person was trying to slide their feet into a French loaf, one of those long narrow breads that the French make.  It had been hollowed out and the ends cut off for the toes to stick through, and they were trying to put their foot into that load of bread but the bread broke over the top of the arch of the person's foot.  It was really kind of a strange thing to see.

Then the Lord said to me “It is time to put on the shoes of the gospel of peace but My people do not know how to put them on.”  I asked what the loaf of bread meant and He reminded me of the two men at Emmaus after Jesus' resurrection, and how their eyes were opened to see Him in the breaking of bread.

Just to back up a little bit, in the 2 days previous to this I had been doing a lot of research into CERN, the Large Hadron Collider that is built in Switzerland and what they are trying to do there.  I don't have time to go into it all now right now, concerning that, but there are a lot of videos on YouTube concerning the dangers of CERN and what they are trying to do in tearing the veil between the seen and the unseen realm and to access dark matter.  Even Steven Hawkings, the renowned atheist and physicist, has warned them that they may severely regret doing what they are doing, because it may cause the whole world as we know it to collapse.  He, of course, doesn't realize that the tearing of the veil is going to open the door to a lot of demonic activity being released into the natural and the visible realm on the earth.  (If you want to do background reading, read Revelation 9 where it says that an angel was given a key to open the bottomless pit and to release a huge number of locusts onto the earth).

Previously, when I had read this about the key, I had also kind of pictured a real key going into a keyhole but when I started researching CERN, I realized that a key can mean knowledge to open up something, and I really believe these scientists are being given knowledge by demonic beings who are wanting them to open the door to the bottomless pit, in order to release this huge number of demonic beings into the earth realm. So Revelation 9 is very pivotal at this moment.

So with that in mind, I saw this flash dream of the person trying to put the French loaves on their feet and God saying it is time to put on the shoes of the gospel of peace but My people do not know how to put them on.   He reminded me about the 2 men at Emmaus who had their eyes opened to see him in the breaking of bread.

The word Emmaus means ‘hot spring or hot, a day’ in Hebrew, so in essence, the town Emmaus is symbolic of the Day of the Lord, and the Lord's disciples having their eyes opened to see Him in the breaking of bread, and of course, in that account in Luke, as soon as their eyes were opened to see Him in the breaking of bread, they arose and went back to their brethren and shared what they had seen and heard.  So there is a great need for our eyes to be opened to see Him in the Day of the Lord.

When I asked why the bread had broken over their feet in my dream, the Lord said their feet were the wrong shape, their arches were too high, and they had  fashioned the bread shoes for themselves. In other words, out of the bread of the Word, they had made their own style of shoes, cut them to suit themselves and the Lord emphasised that this is really to do with pride, when we fashion things after our own imaginations and our own understanding, instead of walking in what God has provided.

The Lord said to me, that the shoes of the gospel of peace are closed shoes, shoes that are closed over the toes, and they are needed in these days because the enemy will try and reverse what has been done since Genesis 1, and he will operate in a counterfeit of Genesis 1, and instead of saying “Let there be light” he is wanting to release darkness in the form of dark matter through the rent veil.

When God said “Let there be light”  Genesis 1 tells us that He then separated the light from the darkness and before He spoke the words “Let there be light” there was darkness over the face of the deep. The enemy is wanting to return it to that state.  The enemy is not wanting the light and the darkness to be separated, he is wanting the veil between light and darkness that separates them to be torn so that darkness can invade where there is light, so that everything becomes dark to one extent or another.

God said “Let there be light” and there was light, and He saw it and it was good but when the enemy wants to release darkness, he is going to start calling darkness light, and he is going to start calling good evil, and evil good.  He is also wanting to remove the firmament separating the waters above and the waters below.  The waters above speak of heavenly revelation, the waters below speak of earthly or soulish, fleshly revelation and he is wanting to remove that firmament that is separating those two, so that people don't realize that the revelation they are receiving is from the demonic.

So let's go back to where God said there needs to be closed shoes, and the reason He said we need closed shoes in the days ahead is because the waters or the words being released from above in these days will be passing through the second heaven and contaminated by dark matter, and the waters from below will have filtered through the pit from which the locusts emerge and they will contain dangerous toxins, and only closed shoes will prevent one's feet from being contaminated, and will protect one's walk in the Lord.

Remember that the release of water is really the release of words; it's a type or shadow of words being released and it is very important because the church in these days is seeking for a Word from the Lord and seeking for direction and confirmation, and if the waters released seem to manifest as words of light but they are actually words of darkness, and if we walk in them and we follow them, we are going to find ourselves walking into very dangerous paths and into demonic traps.

So it is really important to heed this warning from the Lord, that the shoes of the gospel of peace are closed shoes, and those are the only shoes that His people need to walk in these days.  Don't fashion your own shoes from the Word to walk in, don't walk in pride and think that you know better than the Lord, and think that you are wise in your own eyes.

If you remember in Revelation 12 the dragon, satan and his angels are cast down to the earth, as there is no room for them found in heaven anymore, and then he releases a flood after the woman in the wilderness in order to destroy her, and that is a flood that comes out of his mouth, it is a flood of words, words that carry dark power, words that are poisonous.

So you don't want to drink in just any word that is being released in the earth in this season.  The only safe waters to drink in the coming days are going to be those flowing from within, where the throne of God is in our innermost being.  There are rivers of living water flowing from the throne of God.  There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the Word says in Psalms, so that is the living water that you must drink.  Don't drink the waters coming from above or from below, or those which are flooding past.

The Lord also warned me that we need to keep the windows of our spiritual house closed, so that the rain from the second heaven doesn't come into our houses.  Do you remember that Jesus told the parable of building your house upon the rock?  Building your house on the rock is walking in the revelation of the Word but you need to receive the revelation of the Word from the river flowing from your innermost being, from the throne of God.  You are the house where God lives, and when the storms come and the rain falls, your house will stand but if you build your house on the sand of men's words, that sand will shift and move and will not be able to take your weight.

It is like when you walk on the beach and there is a lot of sand, the water has waterlogged the sand and you walk on it, you sink, it gives way.  Sometimes you sink right in up to your ankles, it is not a solid foundation to walk on, and the words of men in the coming days will be shifting sand, and so you cannot put your weight on them, you cannot build your house and your life on the words of men in the coming days.  You need to drink of the living water that flows from the throne of God in your innermost being.

You know what a closed circuit TV looks like; it has little screens that look at all the different rooms in your house to see what is going on in there, to see that no thief is breaking in or anything like that, and the Word says that we need to watch our house to see that the thief does not come in and steal.  This is speaking about guarding your heart.  Don't look out to what the world is saying and doing.  There are going to be poisonous waters released in the days ahead, and if you walk in the way of those words, those poisonous waters will soak into your feet and poison your walk.

If you think of soldiers in the past wars who tramped in wet boots where the water had leaked in, their feet rotted and their feet got diseased, and you don't want to do that in the coming days.  The shoes of the gospel of peace are watertight and they will protect your walk if you walk in what God has given you to walk in.

The gospel of truth and the gospel of peace is a closed circuit.  It is not open-ended.  If you have a look at the Word of God in Genesis 1, I want to ask you who introduced the first question mark in the Word of God?  In Genesis 1 we read “and God said let there be light and there was light and God saw it and He said it was good.”  You carry on reading all the way through Genesis 1, everything ends with a full stop, until you get to the place where the serpent said to Eve “Did God say?”.  God never intended his gospel to be a gospel with question marks.  God spoke and it was as He said.

Men have made open-ended shoes, questioning God's words, walking in those shoes with question marks, open-ended, and that often is their downfall.  It is satan who whispers to us “Did God say?” and God didn't intend it to be like that.  He wanted us to put our full weight on His words and understand if God said it, that settled it, and we had to walk in obedience to His commandments and not question everything.

If God says not to do something,w e need to obey, not alter the sentence to suit our taste in shoes.Unfortunately men have fashioned their own shoes, like those French loaves with the open toes, and you cannot walk in those kind of shoes in these days.

The Lord also said to me that His people want power to walk on water in these days but that these days that we are walking in are not the days for walking on water.  These are the days for passing through waters, and not being drowned, for going through fire and not being burned, for God giving men in exchange for us as, is mentioned in Isaiah 43.

So we mustn't seek for words that seem to carry power within them, to do outlandish things, because there will be a man who comes who does counterfeit signs and wonders.  If we will walk in the shoes of the gospel of peace that God has provided for us, the gospel of Shalom, then our feet and our walk will be protected in the days that are ahead.

The other thing that the Lord said to me is to be very careful what you watch.  Your eyes and your ears are gates to your inner being and there are going to be things released in the media, things released on the airwaves in the coming days that are going to be part of that flood that the dragon is releasing.  As CERN does its thing and the more there is demonic activity in the natural realm, the more there are going to be dark words and words that will bring darkness to your innermost being if you allow them in.  Be very careful what you watch.  Keep in the Word, be a Psalm 1 person whose delight and desire is in the Law of the Lord and you meditate on His Law day and night.

You need to walk in His will and be obedient and lay all your question marks at his feet, because if you hold on to question marks they become clothes hooks for the enemy to hang his garments on.  The garments he is hanging on those clothes hooks are not robes of righteousness. They will cause you to walk in the paths that the angels of light want you to walk in, wayward paths - like Eve, the enemy wants you to walk out of the garden of His presence.

So you have to come to a place where if God said it, that settles it.  Walk in it, believe it, be obedient to it.  A highway of holiness is high and raised, and we need to ask God to send forth His light and truth and lead us to His holy hill - not any old hill, His holy hill.

I just wanted to share that with you and I would recommend that you look into the information that is being released about CERN.  I would recommend that you meditate on that dream that I had of the French loaves being fashioned into shoes to wear that would break.  We want to be those like the men at Emmaus whose eyes were opened to see Jesus in the breaking of bread, and we need to eat the bread that Jesus has broken for us.

If we will go before Him and ask Him to break bread with us, and drink of the living water that flows from the Spirit of God, and just walk in what he shows us, simply, obediently, wholeheartedly, our walk will be protected.  Don't look for high and mighty revelation and amazing powerful demonstrations.  You might find yourself walking off the path and the highway of holiness in the coming days.



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