Saturday, June 27, 2015


Today there was a momentous ruling by the United States Supreme Court. "The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 on Friday that state bans on same-sex marriage are unconstitutional, a historic decision that extends gay and lesbian nuptials nationwide." [Newsmax] After reading a number of articles online about this subject I asked the Lord if He had anything to say about this ruling? This was the answer I received.
Lev. 18:22 You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination. [NKJ]
Judy, this is a day of infamy*, but you knew in your heart this day was coming. You have been watching and waiting, as have many others. People think they can shred my Word. People think they can mock my Word. They think they can do whatever they want to do and there will be no consequences. This is false - but to them it is true.
I have bided my time very patiently with the USA. I have given you years - even decades - to repent, but repentance never came. Instead people continued "Hell-bent" (literally) on the path they were on. This path does not lead to LIFE. It leads to DEATH.
Having rainbow flags will not help you. They will not keep you safe. They will not keep away the famine, the marauders** or the plagues.
The USA has given me the "Heave Ho"*** and you rejoice. You think you have made a great decision, an earth shattering decision. Yes you have, but NOT in the manner you expect. You think you have opened a door to a new era. Yes you have, but what is behind that door is not what you expect at all.
Your current joy will turn to great sorrow at what your defiance and rebellion have unleashed. You have not chosen LIFE. You have chosen DEATH, so your system is going to DIE. All your money, your baubles, your entertainment - everything you have defined as the great life and the American Dream is going to DIE.
Nor will this be a long drawn out, prolonged affair. Your house of cards will come down quickly - suddenly - without warning (if you have not been paying attention). What you have planned for other countries, what you have wished for other countries, what you have done to other countries, all will come back on you with a vengeance. All of your plots and schemes to continue to dominate others will fail and fall to the ground. As you have done to others, now they will do to you.
USA - You sealed your fate today. I ask for justice and mercy. I ask for righteousness, but that is not the portion you have chosen. America will tremble. America will groan and wail in dismay. Your news announcers will not be able to stop "beating their lips".*4
This was not MY decision. This was YOURS. Many have worked long and hard for this day. They feel elated and vindicated. I AM THE ONE WHO VINDICATES AND I DO NOT VINDICATE CRASS REBELLION AGAINST ME!
For those who belong to me, hold on and don't let go. Your day is still coming. I intend for you to shine like the stars in the heavens and you will.
Your Daddy
*Infamy: the state of being well known for some bad quality or deed
**Marauder: a person or animal that goes from one place to another looking for people to kill or things to steal or destroy
***Idiom: "Heave Ho": the act of throwing someone out; the act of firing someone

*4 Idiom: "beating their lips" or to Beat (one's) gums: to speak excessively and aimlessly

1 comment:

  1. Although I heartily agree that judgment is coming to America (and the entire world) What exactly has America done to other nations? That sounds like Obama talking. We are a world power who in recent years gave the Jews back their homeland (Truman) shed our blood on foreign soil on many warfronts. Saved the world from communism and Nazism. Freed the slaves. America has had the power to take over nations, steal their oil, their money. America could have but hasn't....Also why would Judy think those common words need defined? That seems rather condescending. I don't mean to be disagreeable but this one seems a bit off.
