my people know not the judgment of the LORD." Jeremiah 8:7
A few days
ago, I shared a word about the recent Supreme Court decision to legalize gay
marriage in America. In my summary, I exposed my heart and the grief that I have
experienced because of the court decision. My grief includes a spiritual
snapshot of what the decision will mean for the United States.
Ladies and
gentlemen, this country is in trouble. After the abominable announcement, Obama
lit up the White House with the gay colors of the rainbow. In so doing, he
polluted the residential figurehead of the nation. So not only has the Judicial
Branch of the Nation blasphemed God, but Obama also blasphemed the God of Heaven
with arrogance and hubris.
This act
ensures that America has turned a dark corner and is now going to reap the
whirlwind of fiery judgment.
Over the
past seven years, I have been warning that many horrible judgments are coming to
the United States. Some believed the warnings. Some people mocked them and some
people accused me of being a liar. Nevertheless, through the years, I have
remained on the wall and relayed what I see approaching.
Because of
my appointment, God has allowed me to see prophetic glimpses of horrible things.
At times, when I experienced some of the visions in the spirit, they included
moments of terror. Over the years I have learned, that our God is powerful. He
is mighty and I have also learned that judgment is a portion of God's
To know
God means that we must understand judgment. We must understand that in addition
to His mercy and holiness, He is also a God of judgment.
"Thus saith the LORD, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the LORD which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the LORD. Jeremiah 9:23-24
This is
one of the missing elements in today's church. Today, most Christians do not
understand this aspect of God. Nor do they understand that God gets angry. They
do not understand that the evil works of man can upset the divine applecart.
This is no small thing. God tells us in Jeremiah that failure to understand His
judgment results in the condition of a foolish heart:
"Therefore I said, Surely these are poor; they are foolish: for they know not the way of the LORD, nor the judgment of their God." Jeremiah 5:4
According to the verse above, God considers those without the knowledge of judgment to be poor of soul and foolish. Therefore, it is very important to have this knowledge and understanding.
must also be taught that when God gets angry, it is a fearful sight to behold.
Jeremiah 5:22 tells us that we as his children should possess a healthy fear of
God. We should also know and understand that there is a time to tremble and be
afraid of His fury.
"Fear ye not me? saith the LORD: will ye not tremble at my presence,..."
In the
verse above, God asks the people why they do not fear Him. The Hebrew word for
fear is "yare." The definition of "yare" means - to fear, revere, be
When I
shared my lament in my prophetic essay titled, "I Grieve," I stated that because of the horrible evil that
has overtaken America, all of God's people should be afraid. I said this because
this means that the terror and fury of God's judgment is going to plow the land
The fear I
was referring to was THE FEAR OF GOD!
admonition meant that we should be afraid because God is going to grind America
into a dust cloud of chastisement.
Now folks,
please try to understand what this means. It means that we are all going to see
fearful sights that GOD IS GOING TO BRING! And as a result, some of the
population is going to perish. This means that out of the thousands of readers
of my essay, some of them are going to experience grief and sorrow by the loss
of family members who were not ready.
layman's terms, this means that in the coming divine purge, the family members
of some are going to die. To me, this is a fearful thought. Therefore, the
people of God should mourn and be afraid that the fury of almighty God is on its
I was not
talking about being afraid of man, and for the benefit of those that did not
understand, I am explaining it to allow clarity. I hope that those that were
confused will see that in the context of history, America has crossed the line
into territory that has destroyed empires in the past.
I do not
say these things lightly. The terror of the Lord is unequaled in the universe
and His fury is something that no human should ever want to see. Unfortunately,
it is approaching America.
After I
sent out my lament, several people emailed me and said that I was an error
because I admonished Christians to be afraid. This is not what I was
summary, brethren please harken yourselves to a solemn realization that from
this day forth, on any given day, the next divine event will arrive. When it
does, I hope and pray that you and your family will be sheltered under His
In the
Book of Revelation, we are shown a glimpsed of the end of days. In Chapter 14,
an angel cries out to the entire world to BE AFRAID because the judgment of God
has come.
"And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven,...Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come:" Rev. 14:6-7
In the verse above, the Greek word for "fear"
is: Phobeo which means - to fear, be afraid, to be struck with
fear, to be seized with alarm,
This is
where the word phobea comes from, but isn't it interesting that it is used to
described the attitude that the saints should have as God judges the earth. The
fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. And when one sees that the fury of
God is approaching, the wisest course of action is to be fearful, tremble, and
also have an attitude of humbleness and repentance towards Him.
This is
where we are my friends. So please prepare your hearts accordingly. I also hope
that these words will help to clear up any confusion.
In His
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