Wednesday, July 15, 2015


I saw angelic hosts descending from heaven and they each had a ball of fire in their hands. I saw them descending upon the people of God that have felt "hit" in the last few weeks by "arrows", and strings that were placed in specific significant places (set ups) to "trip them up". Nets and cages set up to "catch" the people of God "off guard" and contain them, this "sudden out of nowhere" attempt of "containment" has come up because of act of moving deeper through the threshold of breakthrough. The enemy is attempting to find ANY way he can to "trespass" in "under the radar" ways, and there has been a "sudden" hit, upon many in the past week or so that has left many feeling heavy, contained and disheartened and an "obstruction" to the flow within them and through them.

I saw these angelic hosts stand before the people of God that were walking through this and they placed the balls of fire into their chests. Suddenly, there was an explosion of the fire of God within them, that left NO PART untouched. I saw arrows being burnt up, nets being dissolved, cages melting away, and the fire of God flowing OUT of them and BURNING UP strings that were around them to try and "trip them up".
I then heard the Lord speak..
"As the arrows, nets, strings and cages have attempted to consume you, it has been the enemy’s attempt to counteract what I am doing. I am coming to you as your ALL CONSUMING FIRE. Get ready to enter into a season of knowing me as Your ALL CONSUMING FIRE. Being consumed by Me, like you have never been consumed by Me before."
"I have you covered. For every arrow, for every net, for every string, for every cage sent against you to hinder you, to contain you and stop you from moving forward, TENFOLD return in your overcoming shall be given unto you. The reason for the attempt of this intense attack of "containment" and "hindrance" is because you My people are moving into the greatest harvests of your personal lives and destiny’s thus far."
"This is what the enemy is afraid of…"
Suddenly, I saw a treasure chest before me, it was old and wooden and beautiful.. and I saw the hand of God as a fist move down upon this chest and it shattered releasing ALL the treasures inside upon the people of God.
"For such a time as this" treasures are being released. Treasures, keys, revelations, impartations, provisions all being released to move people further into their DESTINY. There was such a free flow of treasure, upon treasure, upon treasure that what had been "stored up in heaven" was now being released upon the people of God and as the people of God received it, they were activated in moving forward into their destiny. These treasures were flowing through them and into their homes, their families, their churches, their cities, their nations and into the world and great changes were taking place.
The enemy is attempting to keep many of the people of God who are moving into this place as they have "lived low in surrender" from receiving this "outbreak" of the Lord’s treasures. BUT GOD…!!!! The Lord has you covered! Stay close to His heart!
For "destiny points" are at your door. Even if you feel like you have been contained or held back, press into Him, He will take care of it.
I then saw the Lord smile with excitement and He said:
"I have heard the cries of My people. "How am I going to get out of this? How am I going to get where the Lord wants me? How am I going to move through this?" and I say unto you My people…. ENCOUNTERS WITH ME ARE GOING TO GET YOU THERE. Encounters with Me are going to see you placed in places you could never have put yourself in, go to depths of intimacy with Me you have never imagined, and awaken your giftings to higher levels to see them MAKE ROOM FOR YOU. Rest, Rest, Rest, Rest, ENCOUNTERS WITH ME are going to TAKE CARE of EVERYTHING!!!"

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