(Released at the Tri-County Prophetic Roundtable)
We are in a season of expansion.  Good or bad, we will see the fruit of our obedience multiplied.  So what has been sown will be reaped.
I see circles representing ministries.  And they are expanding and enlarging so that they overlap with other circles that are near and also expanding.  And the areas where they overlap will produce a beautiful mixture and blending of anointings and purposes.
It is also a season of expansion in the hearts of leaders - where we have allowed God to break us and we have stood in the face of rejection, abandonment and betrayal and chose to love and move forward when we wanted to throw in the towel.
We have come through a season of choosing obedience over desires and expectations - and allowing God to fully take the reigns.
He's breaking the mold and shifting the way ministries are established.  Relationship is key.  He is forming bonds that cannot be broken.  This will be required to withstand the repercussions and "blow back" (see below) that will be experienced by ministries and leaders who will be instrumental in hosting the move of God.
When our focus is on protecting the ministry, the ministry will not be able to withstand the opposition.  But when we focus on protecting relationship, the ministry will stand.
He is pleased with where we are in the process.
  • "Blow back" is a term that originated in the CIA in the 50s.  It is defined as "unintended consequences of a covert operation that are suffered by the aggressor."  I feel that we are to understand that WE  are the aggressors, not the enemy.  We are on the offensive.  We have the upper hand as we move forward and take the ground He is giving us.