Thursday, June 4, 2015

David Hogan 1

Transcript of David Hogan
“Faith to Raise the Dead” Tape 1
Underlined words were in dialect, or using idioms, and are now correct English. Words in parenthesis ( ) are to show context, they are not part of his speech.

(Starting at the beginning of his talk.)
[Time: 0:28]
OK. Are you all doing well? Sounds like it. Here’s what we’re going to do. I really appreciate you honoring God in me, and all of that, but I really want to give it to Jesus. Is that ok? Jesus! Jesus! Hallelujah! Because without Jesus we are zeros, but with Him there’s nothing we can’t do. Nothing! All right, let’s have a seat please. Grab your bibles please. So all of you think you want to take the world for Jesus, don’t you? I’ve been out there battling for a little while. Hello Brother Cabo, how are you doing? (man answers him) Me too. I’ve been out there a few years. I am a pastor’s son. My daddy was, in my opinion, one of the best men of God I’ve ever met. He was a Southern Baptist pastor, a good guy. There was one thing he had on his heart his whole life. My whole life I was taught one thing. One thing: win souls for Jesus. That’s the only thing that matters. You’re good for nothing if you can’t do that. What do you think of that?

OK. I have to apologize to you for a few things. I don’t have a very fancy vocabulary; I wear cowboy boots; and I’m not going to wear a tie, so don’t get mad at me. OK, that’s all the apologies you get. OK. I hate hypocrisy. Hypocrites deserve the hell they are going to get. Don’t ever lie to anybody. I was a little Baptist boy that grew up and was destroyed at first by hypocrites. Religious demons tried to make things bad for me, and they did for a while. But then Jesus came. And…I’m really glad to be here! I feel the Holy Ghost in here. Yahoo! Jesus! Whooo! Fuego! (Spanish for “fire”)

I really do have something to say. And, see, the problem is really simple. Really, it’s not complicated. I’ve worked very hard for lots of years now. 22 years I’ve worked hard in the jungle. I’ve been shot, beat, stoned, everything you can find that our brother Paul went through, except I haven’t been shipwrecked in the ocean. I’ve only had my trucks swept away from under me by rivers. 

These men that are with me, would you all stand up please, you guys that are ministering with me. Miss Judy, you too please. I don’t know if you all know anything about covenant, but you will be taught that, I know that man over there. But we have a covenant together, me and those men you just saw. We own each other’s blood, and Jesus owns our blood, too. Isn’t that amazing? And I suggest that you learn to become covenant people with each other, and with the ministry that God is calling you to do. Because you have one goal, and that is to die for souls. If you’re not a martyr, you’re nothing. Now, that’s my opinion, because I am a martyr. You’re looking at a man that is dead for the benefit of another people. Time will prove me right. And when I stand before Jesus, here is what He’s going to tell me, OK?  “Well done!”  That’s what He is going to say.  “Enter into the joy of the Lord.”  That’s the only thing that is valuable. That’s the only thing that matters. That everything you do, every breath you take, every step you take, is because you are headed for that Great White Throne. And you want one phrase coming from the King: “Well done!”  I like that! It feels good to me. And I’m going to have it. You may have another agenda. That’s your business. I don’t. My purpose is to bring these Indians that I work for, we will all walk up to Jesus, all of us, and we will bow to our King, and He will say “You boys did well! Come in here.”  If may not be as wonderful as you can do. But you should look around, because we will be there. 

OK? We work with Indians. Several different tribes, I think it is between 18 to 20 different tribes of people we are working with now. I’m known, or our ministry is known, for something. We are extremely committed. If I give my promise to an Indian, the only reason I won’t be there is because I’m dead. I speak for the King. I am an ambassador for Jesus. Do you understand how important what you say and what you do is to other people? So I want you to understand that. Like I said, I grew up as a pastor’s son and it was an awesome time for me, it was good. I need to decide what to talk about here. Turn in your Bible to Matthew chapter 21, please. I certainly hope I’m right. 

I am married and have four children. My first grandchild will be born this week. That’s fun. What is fun is that I will be in Europe. That’s is what is fun. God spoke to us a long time ago to go out and work with these people in the places where other people have failed to see the need or the value of the souls that are out there. I’m not trying to ridicule what anyone else is doing, that’s not my goal for being here. It is not my goal for being here to lift us up either. My goal is to lift up Jesus, to motivate you to win souls regardless of the cost. That’s my reason for being here. Nothing else matters to me. These people, or nations of people, that are out there, certain books and people say that these nations where we work are already evangelized. They are liars. There are thousands of villages, thousands, that have never heard the name of Jesus. That is sin! The great fire of heaven is on the earth, and there are thousands of villages that have never heard the gospel. That is sin!  And we are going to get them. You might not. I’ve been down there for almost 25 years and I’ve never seen you there yet. And I’m diligent about going out every day to at least one, usually two, sometime three villages, and preach. I’ve never seen you out there, it’s amazing. We will see.

All right, let’s go this way. I was a brand new Christian, but was very zealous for the devil before. I used to be a gang member. Jesus came and touched me and brought me back. And so I was very zealous for God with the same commitment I had for the devil before. And it hasn’t stopped yet. There were people that told me when I first started, because the fires were so bright in my heart, they told me “You can’t last long with that big of a fire.”  They were telling me “You have to calm down a little bit, to be able to go a long distance.”  That is not scriptural! That is religion. That is the devil trying to talk you out of the precious holy fire that is burning in your heart. So, don’t listen to them. Don’t hate them, just smile at them and keep walking. They are wrong. Because here we are, a quarter of a century later, and we have more fire now than we ever had before. But I had a problem. It wasn’t that I lacked zeal. It wasn’t that I lacked Bible knowledge. I wasn’t that I didn’t have a place to preach. The problem was, this great Jesus that we all know exists, where is His power? I think that is still a valid question for most people. I can feel His presence often, there are certain songs I can start singing like “Holy and Anointed One”, and I immediately start to get tears in my eyes, and it affects me deeply because He is so awesome. But where is the power of God? Where is it? Well, I found it! I sure did, and it’s alive. It’s not some fairy-tale or hoax. It’s not some illusion that escapes us continually. It’s real! And I want you to have it. And more importantly, Jesus wants you to have it. So have it!

(David says something in Spanish) Hallelujah!

So I went out to the mission field, with no training, no Bible school like you have the great privilege of going to. I didn’t get to hear any great people talk. I didn’t know anybody. I was a Southern Baptist boy that got filled with the Holy Ghost, lit on fire for God, and sent out by the charismatic renewal in to the jungle. Whoof! It looked like a ball of fire coming down from the sky and started burning up the jungle, it really did. I didn’t know what I was doing. We are just now learning. But I did know that I didn’t have…I was in a church service run by another ministry, I was invited there and hadn’t made it all the way through language school yet. I was there and couldn’t understand Spanish yet, just a few words. There were probably 400 Indians standing around. The Holy Ghost is everywhere in the meeting. And they brought this little girl up to me. 4 years old. And they set her down. I didn’t know what was wrong with her. I tried making sign-language, trying to get God to give me a supernatural revelation of the language, I’m trying to have faith and be there, I’m trying to do it regardless of my lack of ability and failures, I was there anyway. And so this old Indian, whom I admire greatly and is one of the greater men I have ever met, he says….that’s very simple, she can’t hear!  The problem was she was born deaf. So I knelt down there, and I had watched the power of God, this was in 1977, I had watched the power of God fall in the place and knock everybody down, I watched people wailing and moaning, and I had nothing to do with it, I just happened to be there. Jesus came, and I was amazed at what was going on. Benches and benches full of people were falling and wailing and moaning, and I had never seen it before. I was just a little Baptist guy, remember? But it didn’t matter to me. I don’t value manifestations, I value Jesus. Manifest however you want to, it’s not going to impress me, I want Jesus. 

So I’m holding onto this little girl, I’m down on the floor, I had seen other things already get healed, and I was impressed with Jesus, and my heart was almost ready to burst with joy and faith. I just knew it was going to happen! And I knew I was going to run off that mountain like a madman, screaming and yelling and glorifying the King. And I prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed and it did not happen. That impressed me. There was that much of Jesus, and what I could see and what I could feel, and the little bits of knowledge that I did have in me, and it bothered me and irritated me inside that she was not healed. Because she is 4 years old, she’s not the one to blame. 
OK, let’s blame the right one. Is it God’s fault? Is it that little baby’s fault? Then whose fault is it? (audience responds “Satan”)  Wrong! He cannot stop the power of God. Do not think the enemy of my King is that powerful. He has no right to stop the King! I accept the responsibility. I am the doorway that is blocked. I am the logjam. I am the problem. It’s not Jesus, and the devil cannot stop my King. I’ve seen it too much now. You can’t make me believe it. Don’t try. I would just laugh at you for your lack of experience. We are going to have a good time this week, aren’t we? 

Listen to me. I was weeping, I was complaining, I was screaming, I was commanding, I was jumping, I was very frustrated and she stayed deaf. All right. So here is what happened. I am humiliated now. All of the great wonders of God are flying all around me, and this baby, that I wanted healed so much, is still deaf. I don’t like that! That is the devil to me, and I’m not going to accept that. Something has to change. I have to find the point that is the hardest and crush it so that it will move. So as I was on my knees weeping and holding this child, I called out to Heaven, “Please, would you help me? Just a little bit?”  And He did, there was a vision. I haven’t had a lot of them, just a few, probably 4, maybe 5 open visions where it is like a movie and I was there. What happened was, there was this awesome pasture, and it was beautiful, lush, and green and full of nutrients. The right things were there. And there was a huge beast, a big bull that was very strong, that represented me.  He was snorting, and ripping the ground, and eating the right nutrients, and the power was definitely there. And the bull was tearing up the field with its horns.  And then, suddenly in the middle of this huge beautiful pasture, there was a little present placed there by the Holy Ghost. And this huge, power bull walks up to that present, and with all of his power and might and all of his great ability, he could not open that present. In the next moment, there was a baby, 10 or 11 months old, maybe 15 months old at the most, sitting in front of that present and was very happily and easily opening the present. The big bull was tearing the ground up, was very powerful, was eating the great nutrients, but it was the baby that opened the box, not the big bull. 

And I said to Jesus, “Either make me that baby or I’m not going to preach.” And He said, “You must become like a little child to enter the Kingdom of God.”  It’s not the manifestations; it’s not the great power you possess; it’s not your great abilities, it’s becoming like a little child and using the gifts of heaven in your life. That’s the answer. That’s it! And so I’ve been working on that ever since. All right, that ‘s one thing that happened. Oh, the little baby girl never did get healed. My fault. I stand before heaven responsible, because I’m not a person that will give the blame to you. I’ll take the responsibility and I will trust in the mercy of God for it.  I began to seek Heaven after that. Like I have said, I am not a man of fancy words. But my heart is so thirsty, I want Jesus. I want His great gifts. All of them! I will not be lacking in any gift. Period. I have the right to ask, I am a son and not illegitimate. I have the right to my daddy’s reserves.  And so I went to Him.  I went to the Bible and I began to find out from Genesis through Revelation, all the prayers in the Bible. I took them all and studied every one of them. I took them apart and studied them from every angle using commentaries. I wanted to know why when then men of the Bible prayed, their words did not fall to the ground. Then I studied fasting. Because the two things that move Heaven are prayer and fasting. If you can submit your soul in prayer, and your body in fasting, God hears you. So I looked through the Bible, and this is my opinion that I am about to share with you, in my opinion the hardest thing I could come up with, the most difficult thing I could find in the Bible for God to do was once a human being is dead, to bring that person back to life again. So I decided that through the Old Covenant and the New, that that was a thread of God’s power that was in both covenants. And so I decided that I was going to seek Heaven until the day came that I could walk up to a dead person and touch him and watch him get up from the dead. That is what I decided to do. I decided that it doesn’t matter if I have to fast until I turn into a bone, I don’t care. If I have to pray 24 hours every day, I have to have the great glory of God that it takes to change the world around me while I’m still alive.  I’m going to have it. So that is what I did, I sought after that. 

I was called many things by people around me. I was “too immature, too young, I didn’t understand, I was too zealous, I was over-zealous, I was under-zealous”. I was called everything. But it didn’t stop me. Once I figured out that from Genesis to Revelation there was a common flow through all the prophets, apostles, and men of God - they all went towards God from the same direction. You cannot get Him any other way. When I decided that was right, that is what I did. And I still do the same things. And so began an ordeal of year after year after year of prayer and fasting, diligence, hours and hours and hours per day fasting, praying, seeking Heaven, and reading and studying and meditating on the scriptures. Thousands of hours of riding in a truck on a bumpy old road, beating up and tearing up vehicles, and motorcycles, and horses, myself and people around me, all of us getting hurt and getting over it. But I would not be satisfied until I, with my own hand, could see something that could not be faked. How do I know you even had a headache before they started praying for you? 

So I sought Heaven, and the response was wonderful! Right here in Matthew 21, there are a few things that we are going to be talking about in the next few days, and you will probably going to get tired of hearing it, because I’m going to say it over and over and over and over again to you. It says right here in verse 17, that “He left them and went out of the city into Bethany, and He lodged there. In the morning-time, he returned to the city.” What does it say about him?  “He hungered.”  The man was like me, he gets hungry. Sometimes he wants a double hamburger.  It says right here that he saw a fig tree, but he found no fruit on it. He only found leaves on the tree.  Could I give you some advice? We are trees, most of us. I know that I am a grafted-in tree. I am grafted-in to the orchard of God, the vineyard of Heaven. Do I have the right, when the King comes to me, to not have fruit on me? Do I have the right? Is there an excuse good enough? “I haven’t been in the season Lord. It is not the season Lord.” He is the King, and when He comes wanting fruit, who are we not to give it to Him?  Who do we think that we are? I know this: It doesn’t matter how deep the mud, it doesn’t matter how much it rains, it doesn’t matter how hot it is, it doesn’t matter what kind of food it is. None of that is important. One of the problems with people who want to come to work with us is that, I need to tell you this before you come, I don’t see the distance between this place and that place, I see when people are raised from the dead and born again. I don’t see the difficulties, and I don’t understand people that do see them. And I don’t want to understand them. I see people that don’t have Jesus, and whatever it takes me to get there doesn’t matter, the amount of money is not relevant. The amount of things that have to be expended so that one person can be born again doesn’t matter. What matters is that they go with me, and Jesus tells us “Well done!”  That is what is important. And so I am not understood because I don’t understand. I don’t understand when someone’s flesh needs something, when I know that another soul is going to burn in hell unless I get there, and my flesh is crying, so what?  They need the fire of Heaven on them. They need zeal in them. They need compassion. And I have those things. And for me not to get it to them is sin. 

I have been equipped with fruit that the world needs. Who am I, that when the King says, “Give it!”, I don’t give it, because of some immaterial little bump like bullets or machetes or something else? When the King comes I don’t want this, I don’t want Him to tell me “No fruit grow on you ever again.” I don’t want to wither up and dry, and become useless, a person that could have borne fruit. I don’t want people to say “He used to be a good tree.” The Bible says in verse 21, I don’t care what kind of translation you have, it will say something similar to what mine says. It says “Truly, I say to you, if you have faith” - that’s what we are talking about here isn’t it? Isn’t that the whole thing? 

Not long ago my son went out - my son is now 25 years old and he works with us. He’s been through school and he works with us. He’s a good boy. - he went out to church with my son-in-law. My daughter got married and she and my son-in-law work with us also.  I teach my kids to preach the gospel, there is nothing else worth doing. If God decides that they are going to do something else, then He’ll have to train them, because I’m training them to preach. They would have to go to school to do something else, because they are all going to be able to preach, because that is God’s will. That is my entire view on “family values”. And I am the boss, too, in my house.  So my son went to church because it was God’s will for him to go to church. The place was in political turmoil. There were terrorists near that area. I am being nice when I call them terrorists. I’m being very “politically correct”. Devils! They are devils. All of them. Anybody can rape a woman, and anybody can take a little baby by the feet and break its head open on an oak tree. You are not “macho” (manly), you’re a devil if you do that. Now you know another doctrine we have. We hate devils. 

So my son went to church, and it was a normal sunny day, just like here except hotter. We use these motorcycles called a Honda XR-600R. Are any of you familiar with that? It’s a very nice motorcycle. We use them to go up into the mountains. We also use trucks called a 1-ton, 4 wheel drive, Ford. They don’t make anything else, I think, but maybe someday they will. So they went to church, my son-in-law went on his motorcycle, and my son went in his truck. They went to two different churches. But something happened. The town I live in  has much political turmoil. It is a “cabeza”, which is a capital or main city. It is a headquarters of many, many demons.  I was asked by several missionaries, “Why are you moving into that town?” Because there are devils there, that is why I moved there. There are many prettier towns, and towns that have much fewer devils. But why not go where the devil is and set up the Kingdom of God, and let’s take it from him. I recall where the Bible says something like “be violent and take it by force”. 

Are you all bored? OK. So these terrorist devils took over the town I live in. But the problem was that my daughter-in-law was inside the town. The enemy had the town cut off, it is a big town, and there was a lot of bloodshed and war happening. My son and son-in-law are out doing the will of God, they are out preaching the gospel. And my daughter-in-law is in my house alone, except for our 135-pound Rottweiler named Jake. I would not suggest bothering Jake. He’s like me; he doesn’t tolerate much. At least he didn’t at that time. I received a phone call, I was in another place, about 2:30 in the morning. My daughter-in-law was a little nervous. She had reason to be nervous, there were bullets flying all around. My son was gone, and she was talking to him on the radio, he was stopped by the army outside of the town. 

People ask me all the time “why do you live in that town?”  Another question they ask is “Why do you send your children into places you know are dangerous?”  Like I told you before, I don’t see the danger, I see souls. And when Jesus comes, He’s going to find fruit on us. If I submit to danger, if I submit to fear, doubt, unbelief, deception, if I submit to lies of the devil, I will not be fruitful - I will be defeated. Eventually. Let me read verse 22 to you. I would like to know if your Bible says the same thing that my Bible says in the first two words. It says, “All things”. Does yours say something similar? Does that exempt dangerous situations where your children are involved? Does that exempt situations, where people you love have been attacked aggressively by a demon spirit? Does it exempt when a ruling prince of the devil has come and grabbed onto someone, even though you are praying and fasting and seeking God, one sneaks by and one of your precious children is lying there dying of some unknown disease? Does it mean every situation except when your finances have run out? When your friends have deserted you? What does it mean?!  It must not mean those things, because the army I am in is not as big as you think it is. We get named all kinds of things. “You are an elite group”, “You are wild men”, “You are this, you are that”. I don’t agree with that. We’re normal, and we hate the devil, and it doesn’t make any difference what the “thing” is, it submits. It doesn’t matter what it’s name is. My Bible says in Philippians somewhere that all things, whether in the heavens, or in the earth, or under the earth, will bow to the name of Jesus. Is that true or not? Is that what your Bible says? Mine says that. 

I’m a militant, you’re correct in thinking so. I hate the devil and I despise bowing to him. I won’t. I won’t!  It is not even an option. “All things,” and there is another word “whatever”, “you ask in prayer”.  What will happen? You are going to believe! And then what will happen? You will receive. That is the end of it. Ok? I have to tell you what the Bible says, because I’m going to start telling you some things now that will “freak you out” (astonish you). 

My daughter-in-law asked me, “What do you want me to do?” I told my daughter-in-law, “You go to bed.”  Was there not a time when Jesus was in a boat, maybe in Mark chapter 3 or chapter 4, and there was a great storm. All of the apostles were frustrated, fearful, wondering in amazement at the storm. Where was Jesus?! He was asleep on the pillow! OK? Somebody was wrong in this situation. Who was wrong? It wasn’t Jesus. It wasn’t God. Do you see how frustrated this makes me? I told my daughter-in-law, “Lie down and put your bed by the radio so you can hear Jody, and you go to bed.”  She didn’t grow up in my home. She is a “foreigner”. I’m serious. She didn’t have the same values taught to her that I teach my children and workers. She didn’t go through the same stress and the same shaping mold and all the things we have been through as a family.  But she said to me these exact words: “OK”. Smart girl! She’s a blessing. So my big old dog Jake, since I wasn’t there, he circled the house a few times. She put out a small bed for the dog and he went over near the window and lay down. That was not his normal place to sleep. She told me later that through the night he would get up and walk around. She could hear his claws on the floor as he went through the house. He was checking to see if things were ok. He knew something unusual was happening. How did he know? I don’t know. Jesus. Jesus talks to my dog? Absolutely. He also talks to my horse. Sometimes He tells the horse to not listen to me (because of danger). The animals know. They’re good friends to me. 

In the morning, there was still no word from Jody. This is what I told her: By “x” time, if there is no word, I if there is no word, I myself will be there and I will get you out. How is that possible? Because there is something inside of me called the Holy Ghost, and I would not suggest that you annoy Him. Because He might decide to fill me with His power. I don’t live in the attitude of “What if He doesn’t?” or “Maybe I’m in presumption”. No! I’m not in presumption. It is God’s will to get my daughter-in-law out of that problem. Everything in between is irrelevant, I’ve already told you that. We don’t even look at that. You look at Jesus, you get the problem fixed, and that is all.  So Jesus, knowing that I will do that, intervened for me. A few minutes before the time I was supposed to be there, somehow He opened the way through the soldiers, I don’t understand how He did it, but then my son was able to get through. Jody got to his wife and everything was fine.  They were all delivered and it is wonderful. 

How is it possible to call upon a God whom you can’t see? Occasionally, we are allowed to feel His presence, thanks be to God forever!  How is it possible to call upon a being whom you’ve never seen, at least most people have not seen Him, and have Him respond? Because it says in my Bible here, let me read it to you one more time since you aren’t grabbing this yet, “All things whatever that you ask for in prayer, believing, you can receive it.” You can have it. It’s yours. You must understand, I prayed to Heaven for four and a half years to be able to touch a dead person and have them be raised up. I was around a lot of dead people, because where I live is not the same as where you live. Where you live, you call the coroner (person who verifies the death), the ambulance comes and takes away the body and you never see it again until the funeral, then you put them in the ground that is all. You have “embalming”, and the whole process of arranging the funeral can take several days. It is not like this where we live. The family takes care of the body. Every family takes care of their own dead. So there are many opportunities to touch people that are dead. Our mission work is very large. There are thousands of people who are born-again. And I very much want to aggressively “attack” you because you need to realize that what I’m telling you is real. Because you must understand that the things I will tell you later did not come to me just because I decided to say to Heaven, “OK, I’m ready to do this.”  We eagerly sought the Lord, and He heard our cry. And we continually seek the Lord and He continually hears our cry.   [Time: 46:15]

Go to Mark, chapter 3, OK? I can’t give you a step-by-step explanation about how to get all this stuff. I can only show you what the Bible says and it is up to you to take it. It works. What it says in that book is for me now. You can diffuse it, you can dilute it, you can do anything you desire to do with it. That is your privilege. But when He is talking in that book, He is talking to me. And it’s for now. OK? Here in Mark 3, somewhere near verse 13  is where we will start. I went days and days, and months and weeks and years seeking Heaven - “diligence”. Do you all know what that word means? It’s a new word that has been put into the English vocabulary. Jesus dropped it into the universe lately. “Diligence”. It came the same time as “faithfulness”. It came the same time as “discipline”. Most Americans don’t understand any of those terms. It came with “responsibility”. You must get those things in you, and they come through time with Jesus. “Sincerity” - you must have it. “Loyalty”, “Commitment”. 

Everything I tell you is because I am a “lifer” (someone committed to a task for the rest of his life). Do you all know what that means? I am not short-term, part time, looking for any other ministry. That does not describe me at all. Those Indians are my home, I’m going to stay there until I die, and I’m happy with that. It took great effort by Jesus to get me there, and I’m going to stay there. Do you understand that I am a person with a destiny and a purpose? I have been chosen, hand-picked by royalty for a job. I have been trained and possessed by the Great King, to complete what I have been called to do. Nothing else matters! I can’t see it. I can’t see anything else. The reason I can’t is because of what I’m going to read to you here. Because the first time - I must tell you this first, I can’t tell you success, I must tell you failure first. My greatest successes have come out of my deepest failures. Nobody likes that kind of preaching! 

[Time: 50:10]
“Monsoon”. Do you all know what that word means? I heard that last year you had a hurricane come here to this city. I saw that on the news. I said to myself, “Now we will see how committed they are to stay in this city.”  A little bit of rain tests everybody’s ability to stand (fortitude). The monsoons came. I was fresh in Mexico, I didn’t have any work at all. I had a lot of time off. When you don’t have any work, you have lots of free time. I am not the kind of person who enjoys a lot of free time, I like to be busy, busy, busy. Free time makes you very bored, gives you too much energy, and you usually make mistakes, at least I do. So I stay busy to keep that energy level down some. I had a little group of young people that I was spending time with, children that lived on the streets, about 25 of them. Many of them did not have a daddy (father), so I was teaching them about Jesus. I would take them fishing and play with them. They had never done any of it before, so I was like a daddy to them. The monsoons came. It was my first year with monsoons. I didn’t understand monsoons then, but I have a good understanding now. There was a knock at my gate. I went outside to find one of the young men standing there. “Mr. David, you are a good athlete and an excellent swimmer. Please get your swimming equipment and come to the river. One of our friends has fallen in and we can’t find him”. The monsoons cause the rivers to swell-up very fast. They are very treacherous and very bad. The boy had been underwater for an hour. I grabbed my equipment and ran down to the river. I stripped down and dove into the river. The water was muddy, murky, and scary. In Spanish it is called a “remolino”, where the water flows backwards from the current. In English it is called a “whirlpool”. There were four of us in the water, and they were certain that the boy was down in the water. Every time I would come up for air, there were over a thousand people on the edge of the river, and they were screaming orders to us. I’ve learned many lessons in the things I have faced throughout the years. Don’t tell me where to go unless you are going to get into the water with me. That’s another thing you don’t do to guys like me. If you’re going to get into that water with me and suffer and understand, and you let it beat on you, I’ll listen to you. But if you’re going to stay on the riverbank and act like you know everything, and say that we don’t know anything, even through we are putting the little knowledge that we do have into action and you are not, shut up. I mean that in a good sort of way. 

Eventually, we found him tangled up in the “willow” trees. Do you all know what willow trees are? It is a tree that has long, skinny limbs. When they are covered in water, the limbs are like tentacles. If you go by, it just wraps you up and won’t let go, and it is scary, especially when it is black under the water. The tree grabbed onto me, but I was able to break all the limbs off and get away, thank you Jesus!  I was scratched a bit, but that’s ok. Because while I was trying to get away from the tree, I touched the body of the boy. I broke him loose and brought him up. OK, we had a little boat. We put him up into the boat and were talking about what to do with him. We decided to take him out of the river, so we did. There were many people on the riverbank trying to give us advice. We got him out and laid him on the riverbank. And right in the middle of all that confusion, the mother was screaming and the daddy was wailing, it was difficult, I don’t like being near that, but you have to be sometimes. So we laid the boy down there, and right in the middle of all of that, Jesus spoke to me to pray for him, “I WILL raise him from the dead!”   You are right. It was an awesome moment. But I disobeyed.  Oops!  I’m standing there watching all of the confusion and hurt and pain. Do you understand what I am at for the Kingdom of God at that moment? I am a doorway of power! But because of what I am looking at right here - the faces of men - fear gripped me at the same time that faith did. Doubt and unbelief. My King was asking for fruit, and let me show you what I did. I was bent over him like this, I walked away. Oh, that is a bad feeling. I would not suggest that you ever do that. It will not be good for you a few minutes later. I can still feel the hurt and the emotions of the moment, because I disobeyed God Almighty. Listen to this! Listen to this! I live with this pain everyday. I condemned that 14-year-old boy to eternal damnation. He was not born again. 

By the time I had gone back home, the demon that was riding my back had finished his job. I was useless. I began to “blubber” (cry uncontrollably) and became confused and doubtful. The condemnation was huge. All kinds of other demons had settled in on me and became a cloud that I could not see through. I could not sort through the emotions and it grasped onto my spirit, because I had submitted to it. Because of one thing - the fear of man. They can take their intimidation and go back to the hell they came from. No more for me. No sir! I won’t “eat” that anymore, it is a bad and sour pill. That is why I seem aggressive to you. That is why I seem overpowering and intimidating. I won’t allow certain things that have “eaten my lunch”, to even come to the table with me. They are not even allowed to sit with me. They can go to hell, and right now is a good time to go. Yahoo! And I am serious. Oh, I can feel  the devil’s aggression on me. Can you feel it? 

So I went through a month of the most miserable days of my life. And finally, thanks be to God for a good woman, my wife is really tiny, but she’s really feisty (full of energy and aggressive attitude). She’s a good lady. She came marching in to the room, grabbed me by the shirt collar, and she said “Hey! Listen to me!” But I didn’t want to. I was “rolling in the mire” (mud) of it. I didn’t want to hear her, I didn’t want to hear anybody. She said, “This is what you are going to do.” I didn’t have a choice, I wasn’t the king anymore. She said, “You will either get up and win souls like Jesus told you to do, and you will let the devil fall off of you, and you will forgive yourself, and you will let God forgive you, or let’s go home!” That was God talking to me. She was the only one with enough courage to tell me. I looked at her and I said, “OK”.  So I got up, and go a few tracts. I went outside and started my old 454 Positraction, 456 gears, tuned headers, tuned carburetors, started up my old 4-wheel drive truck and I went to a village and came back feeling a little bit better. The next day, she helped me to get into the truck again, and I was a little bit better, until finally after another month, I was running at full speed again. But now I have the most valuable lesson of all in my experience. I am a failure without obedience to the name of Jesus. Yahoo!  That makes me powerful! Because now I know what the bowels of failure and hell truly mean: total destruction for the human body and soul. Total destruction of what little ministry that exists. You must realize this: Jesus is your source, Jesus will sustain you, without Him you can do nothing, but with Him you can do anything! 

(Start of second recording)
A few months later, I was doing very good! I had gone into a valley in Mexico that nobody, from anywhere, had ever gone into and said “Jesus is Lord!”  Oh, that’s fun! That’s fun! That’s fun. My job is fun! Yes, the hordes of hell are relentless. Yes, the diseases - you’ve never heard of them. The tormenting spirits, the lies, oh that is rough! But you have to understand this, these “principalities” - (speaking to the teacher in the room) Do they know what that is? (crowd laughs) Well, many times Americans don’t know these things. (makes chopping motion with his hand) Ooh, chop, chop, chop. “Principalities” are governing spirits, demons, governments that most people don’t think exist, but they are there. Long ago there was a man named Adam, he made a big mistake.  He made a big mistake; he was a traitor. When he betrayed us and the Kingdom of God, demon hordes were released onto this planet and they claimed territories and areas and established strongholds. And they defend it violently against the Kingdom of God. So from the day that Adam rebelled against God until the day that you walk into one of these villages or territories, nobody has ever fought against them. I am an ambassador from Heaven. I have the right to walk into these territories that have never heard this: “JESUS IS LORD! I proclaim it, and I decree it!”  So you are standing there, and when you proclaim “Jesus is Lord!” all of the authority of Heaven comes into conflict with the authorities of hell. And there is an amazing eruption that happens. And it is instant!  Demons - I don’t know how much of this will be alright to talk about.  (crowd responds) I am not swayed by your opinion in this matter. These demons will come after you, but when light hits an area, darkness flees from it. God allows me to have the energy to stand, and these angels that have been assigned to us, they look at Heaven and are scared. But they have to go with us. And there is another person that runs around with me. He is BIG! His name is Jesus, and He is with me, and He is my friend. In the Bible, in John chapter 15 I think, it says “I no longer call you a servant, but a friend.”  Wow! That makes me an important person. I’m a friend of Jesus. Do you understand? So if Jesus is my friend, why do I worry about this big prince of the devil that is standing there? Because Jesus said that it is ok for me to be there. So then (speaking to the demon) you get out! Because Jesus is the King of the universe, and you are a loser! 

I was in a village called “Kla-klapango”. I was there with my fancy 4-wheel drive truck. There is no electricity or water from pipes. I’m happy to be there. The smell of the jungle and the heat hits me because my air conditioner is off now. A little Indian man ran up to me, a little man about this tall, and touches me on the shoulder. He said to me “Brother David, Mi hijo esta para morir.” This means “My son is about to die”. I said “I must first go and preach the gospel, then I will go and lay hands on the sick.” Does your Bible say in Psalm 107 verse 20, “God sent His word to heal”? The word has to be preached first. That is just my opinion, OK?  It isn’t always that way, but this time it was. So he and I went to church. I turned on my little kerosene lantern. You have to understand the environment: grass roof, dirt floor, new “baby” church. I was winning! I had a few converts where there used to be none. I have a couple of new believers in a place that for thousands of years was controlled by a demon. And now there is the light of the gospel there with the ability to take ownership of everything it touches. The oppression and the pressures are very real, and they don’t feel good. But it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t stop the power of God! Do you understand? The little church service was good. I began to pack again to go home because I had finished what I came to do - preach the gospel. That man that came with me had sat with me through the service and listened while I preached. Now he said to me “Brother David, you must come and pray for my son.” I said “OK.”  We started hiking through the jungle. The scene was awesome! I was the only American within hundreds of miles. The trees were gigantic, and the smells of the jungle were wonderful to me. There are houses scattered around, but it is quiet and you cannot see them. I only knew they were there because a dog barked. It was dark like a cave because the trees block the light. And my little kerosene lantern gave us some light in the darkness. It reminded me of the gospel. Darkness surrounds us, and we walk into it with a little light. The gospel is power, and it helps people to see how to walk down the trail. It is wonderful! As we kept walking with the local men, we started up a mountain and I heard a woman wailing. I didn’t know what the sound meant. But the closer we went to the man’s home, the louder the noise became. We came close to the house and the Indian brother went inside because it was his house. He stayed inside for a moment. He came back out. Now responsibility “hits” me. The little Indian man was very angry and stood with his face in mine and said “My son is dead! Now YOU are going to heal him.” This was intimidating. How many of you have read the latest book on how to raise the dead? There isn’t one. Scripture verses began to run through my mind. Fear grabbed me again. Doubt and unbelief were there. This time was different than the last time. This time I don’t have the direct commandment from Jesus to me “Raise the dead”. I didn’t hear it this time.  Uh-oh, now things are complicated. Is it the will of God or not? Will it be the submissive, or permissive, or perfect will of God? Is the devil in him, on him, or around him? Who cares? Throw him out!

Ok, now things are going to get more complicated, and I am going to attack some more of your favorite religious dogmas. I went inside the hut. The hut was small because they don’t waste things there. I bent down to go inside the door. The house is made of sticks. The man made the house by gathering sticks from the jungle and tying them together with “bejuco”. What is “bejuco”? (someone responds from the crowd) Vines! How did you know that? Vines from the jungle. There is a certain kind of grass in the jungle, if you cut it on one of the 5 days of the full moon, the grass roof will last for 40 years. If you cut it on any other day, the grass will rot in less than 1 year. It is because Jesus made it that way. He is amazing! So I get inside the house and there are two or three candles burning. The first thing I see is a woman on the middle of the dirt floor, holding something, rocking back and forth, and screaming. Her 9 year-old son’s body is stretched out. He has been dead for 4 hours. I looked over by her right side, and there were two black-magic warlocks (witches) standing there. Standing next to them are two spiritist healers (witches). Two elders from the town were also there. They hate Jesus - they are antichrists. There were many demons there. When the woman, who is a Christian sister, looked up and saw me - I looked very concerned! There was a dead boy, warlocks, spiritist healers, and antichrists there. It is time to be serious! So what should you do? Pray, believe, receive, what?  “All things whatever.” Is this true? Are you starting to understand how I think? I believe the Bible. Scriptures from the old and new testaments began to go through my mind about how different people were raised from the dead. I didn’t know what to do because no one had written a book about this, except the Bible. I now know that the Bible is the only book I need for this kind of situation. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t have a direct command from God. I did not have an angelic visitation, I did not have a finger write on the wall. I didn’t even have a bird chirping. I had two black-magic warlocks, two spiritist healers, two antichrists, and all of them were chanting evil spells against me!  If I were a typical American, I would think “The spiritual “airwaves” are not clean, so I can’t pray. Praise the Lord.”  (crowd responds in agreement)  If I were to wait for the “spiritual airwaves” to be clean, I would NEVER pray! I do “pioneer” work. No Christian has ever prayed there before. So all the “airwaves” are polluted by the demon powers. Why do you think we have the Holy Spirit? Let me share some important information with you: There is not a devil big enough to stop Jesus! (crowd responds) Yahoo! That is really the truth. Isn’t it? That is the truth. Your emotions do not have any authority in the situation. Don’t listen to your emotions or you will always be in trouble. What the devil says - whether it is in your mind, or spirit, or what you are seeing or feeling or tasting or touching - has no authority over what the word of God says. What those warlocks were saying had no power over the word of God. They cannot - can NOT - stop Heaven. Yahoo!

I remembered what Jesus did. Scriptures began to run through my mind. I thought to myself, “Jesus probably did it right.” It’s very easy. Here is what to do. I’m going to show you. You can never say that you haven’t been taught what to do, because I’m going to show you. This hand was on the little boy’s head. The mother had gone back into a corner and was whimpering. I have my hand on the boy’s head, and my big hands usually cover up their little heads. Then I decided to see if he was only half-dead. Maybe I could find a faint heartbeat. That would be easier! I looked all over that boy for a faint heartbeat, a pulse, and there was nothing. So I said, “He must be all the way dead.”  So I began praying. Usually when I talk about raising the dead, there are many questions that people have. But I’m not going to give you the right to ask, so don’t even think about it. Don’t raise your hand, I’m not going to listen. The questions are always the same: “How did you pray? How long did you pray? What did you pray?”  Why is it important what I prayed? The name of Jesus is what is important. The method I used was probably wrong. But Heaven gives us grace and mercy and we give the glory to God. This way the situation usually is ok. So I began praying for him. I prayed in English. That didn’t work. I prayed in Spanish. Uh-oh, that didn’t work. I prayed in Indian. Uh-oh, that didn’t work. I prayed in “tongues”. Uh-oh, that didn’t work. That was all of the languages that I knew. What should I do? I told you already, I can’t give the credit to anything but the name of Jesus. I can feel God’s spirit on me now and I feel like He is carrying me away. I think I was so nervous that I was praying a few words in one language and then in another. But in every language, the name of Jesus was there, and that is what is important. “How long?” I have no idea. I know that I began to sweat a lot, but it was a hot night, around 38 degrees Celsius at 11 o’clock at night. I was praying and sweating and holding onto the little boy’s arm. He was stiff and sticky, and had lost all of his color. He was whiter than I am and usually they are almost black. Suddenly, while I was praying - the little boy was wearing a t-shirt - the father and I saw the t-shirt bounce. I looked at the father and his eyes were as big as mine, because he saw it also. But the devils are still standing there chanting. They are still angry and cursing God and me and everyone else. For some reason, that didn’t bother the Holy Spirit. What do you think of that? The Holy Spirit came into the room, thumped the heart of that little boy and made it work again. In a few minutes, his little arm became limp. And then - listen - the color came back into him. He became warm again. WOW! Some of you may be thinking “David, you should calm down!” but you are wrong! Maybe tomorrow, because today is the day of salvation, just like when Jesus was raised from the dead. Today is the day of power and resurrection. Today is the day of glory! Today is the day of visitation. 

I don’t know why God came into the room and through me, or however He did it, to heal that boy. I don’t feel qualified or adequate. I don’t feel like I have enough Bible knowledge. But that doesn’t seem to bother the Holy Spirit if I feel that way, as long as I call on the name of Jesus in faith. As long as I believe that “All things whatever you ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive.” That is what I believe. That is what the Bible says. Listen to me. I didn’t know what to do next, because his eyes opened and he looked at me. Almost all of the children are afraid of me because I am so big to them. But this little boy was in perfect peace. I picked him up - this is wonderful - this little boy who is alive, who was dead for a little over four and a half hours. You remember what the Bible says, that when Jesus raised children from the dead, He always brought them to their mother. And He usually told them to give the children something to eat. So I took the little boy and - those warlocks and spiritist healers are now like this (his mouth is wide open). (crowd responds) YEAH! JESUS! JESUS! Jesus. Jesus! YEAH! Yahoo! Jesus! JESUS! YEAH! 

I don’t believe in homework. (he is preaching in a Bible school) Sorry. That doesn’t mean your schoolwork. I am a man that lives in the jungle, so you will have to endure some differences about me. Please, read the Bible in Mark chapter 3:13. I want you to read them and think about them, and become them by the time I see you tomorrow. I want to read them to you and then pray with you, and I understand that some of you have to go. Stay standing up please. I’ve been on my feet for two hours, you can stand up for a few minutes. 

I was able to take that child - this is wonderful, this is wonderful!  I took that child over to the mother…”What should I say? What should I say?” You want to say the right thing, because everything you do now will be the pattern for what will happen in the future. Because now that the power of God has raised the dead, there is no way for me to go back. I cannot be calm; I must go “crazy”. I took the baby and laid him in his mother’s arms and she was astounded, like I was.  I truly wish that I could seem very “spiritual” with you. (changes his voice) This is what is going to happen brother and sister. But I would be lying to you. Jesus came there because He had compassion for that lady. And He helped me, too.  I was so astounded that it worked. It truly works. Here is what I told the lady, and it is a good thing to say if you ever get into this situation.  “Here is your son back from the dead by the power and the glory of the blood and the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.” Yahoo! 

It says in the Bible (Mark 3:13) “He went up on a mountain and called to Him those he wanted.” Now you are called. Uh-oh. The second part of that verse says “and they came unto Him”. You have done that. “Brother Hogan you are making this too simple.” No, I’m not!  He called us to Him. You have come to Him. The second thing that is very valuable is that they went. You have and so have I. You have started a journey with Jesus. The Bible says He ordained them (appointed them). That has happened to your life. That is why you feel compelled and drawn and sent and pushed out. You have been ordained by Heaven. OK? What were they ordained to do? This is important. If I can only leave one thing with you, this is it. In my opinion, as a man who has been around the world several times, I’ve been in some of the greatest services that will ever be. I have personally been where 21 people have been raised from the dead. Listen to me - that is awesome! But it is nothing compared to your ability to be in His presence. What did He ordain them to do first? To be with Him! Do you all see that? Is that what your Bible says? Mine says that. You have to take time and study it carefully. Don’t rush, don’t rush.  The first part is that you heard the call of Jesus. The second part is that you responded. You are obedient this far. But now you must understand that the most important thing you can ever do is spend time with Jesus. You won’t “glow”, if you don’t sit at the feet of Jesus.  I may be the most simple man you have ever met, but you won’t ever find anyone in our generation that has touched as many dead people and seen them get up as I have. How does that feel?  “I don’t like the way you dress.”  I don’t care, I don’t like the way you dress either. “I don’t like the way you speak.”  Who cares?  Spending time with Jesus is “numero uno”, that is “number one”.  Don’t ever forget that. If you start feeling important, you are in danger. I get to speak at the greatest conferences in the world. Do you know what the best part of the day is for me? I enjoy being with you, but the best part of the day was waking up this morning, walking over to the window of the hotel, opening the curtain and saying “Sunshine, you caught me worshipping Jesus again.” Me and the sun have this little race to see who can get up first. 

It says in the next verse, “After”. After they spent time with Jesus, then He sent them out to preach. That’s not first. That is second. You are valuable and you are important to the world. But you are useless without the presence of Jesus. Useless. Don’t go. Don’t humiliate yourself and the people who are sending you, without Jesus being with you. The way that you get Him with you, is to go to Him. Then He will send you to preach. Then there is something else that He will send you to do. It says in verse 15, if you don’t do it in this order, you’re not going to be successful. It says, “…to have power to heal sicknesses” and the fourth thing is “to throw out devils.” That is not the first thing. That is the last. OK? In my opinion, and the devils listen to what I say - they do, they fear us - the most valuable thing that you possess is the ability to seek Jesus. It is not how well you speak. It is not how well you pray. It is not how well you heal the sick. It is not the number of demons you cause to leave when you walk in the room. It is how well you know how to speak “I love you Jesus!” “I need you Jesus!” “Absorb me Jesus, possess me Jesus.” 

The day before I drove over here, there were approximately 7 new demons unleashed on me. It is - I don’t care if you understand this - the new demons are invigorating. It makes me stay alert. I respect my enemy (the devil), but I hate him. My King is bigger than any demon. Hell does not have a devil big enough to stop God’s power. I am very cautious how I am about to pray because of the things that are happening in our ministry. But I know you people have been touched by God and I respect this anointing with very great respect. Because God has let me speak to you, I am being careful that every word will be challenging to your spirit. You need the fire of God. You need the fire of God. I need the fire of God. We together need the fire of God. Do you have someone that can play the piano? I am not going to pray for each person here today, but there is something we must do. We need to thank Jesus for the blood that He shed. That is what we need to do now. I want you to know that if you open your heart to Him, you will not be ready for what will happen. Because He like it when we worship Him for His precious blood. His blood was pure and not sinful. His blood makes us clean and gives us relationship with God. It is perfect. The presence of Jesus has come into this house now. I can feel the power of Heaven and it is wonderful. I like it. I didn’t get very far in my sermon, is that OK? (speaking to the piano player) Do you know some songs about the blood of Jesus? Anything you know is fine with me. Do you sing or just play? Begin to softly worship Jesus and thank Him for his blood, OK? (speaking to the audience) I would like you to let your spirit “soar on wings of eagles”. Allow the presence of God to consume you. Great River of Life, flow through this house. Great Presence of the Wind of God, blow in this house. Great Fire of God, burn us! Change us! Consume us! We submit in the name of Jesus. Fire of God in this house! Fire!

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