Nashville, TN
You Are at a Strategic Intersection
Now to the One who can do infinitely more than all we can ask or imagine according to the power that is working among us... Ephesians 3:20 ISV
Don't Give Up, Don't Retire! You are Ambassadors and You Have an Assignment You Don't Want to Miss!
Many reading this right now have been in preparation mode in the midst of trials and challenges in order to become an army of resistance in the earth. God has allowed many of us to build a stronger backbone, as a result, and use our imaginations for Heaven's advantage! Divine assignments are now being released. This is a time of the overshadowing glory of God coming on His Bride, which will surprise the naysayers in our world today.
This remnant in the Church I am talking about will be the catalysts for the greatest outpouring the earth has ever known. We are corporately going to understand who we, the Church, really are! The Church in the Greek, "ecclesia," means "the called out ones." It also means ambassadors, senators, and judiciaries! We are now ambassadors of the greatest Kingdom that ever was and ever will be if we believe in Jesus.
Let's together recall a dynamic parable Jesus spoke and dig deep:
"The Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had to bought that field" (Matthew 13:44 NIV).
Science even proves that people who say they are "retired" can open doors of fatigue and even sickness upon themselves unknowingly as their bodies begin to shut down hearing the word "retired" over and over. Instead of desiring to throw in the towel, God is about to put a new fight of faith in you!
It is time to really peer into this mystery and face this awesome reality. Many Christians today still think they have sold all they had, bought this priceless field found in Matthew 13:44, and retired waiting for something better when they die.
Even many reading this want to give up, because you have been sick, in pain, in infirmity, or mental illness! Even while you are reading this, I want you to begin asking the Lord for His healing power to come upon you.Some of you are starting to feel a fire, a heat, or electricity coming upon your bodies right now. As a son of God, I command you whom are reading this to be made whole! Now, begin checking your body and watch it get better! Stand up and do something you could not do before, and then send in your testimonies as you are experiencing God's creative touch from this article!
It has been amazing lately how many people my wife Jennifer Martin and I are seeing healed even through threads on social networking, live streaming, and even cell phone calls when conducting meetings. I believe it will happen even on this word! Recently on a livestream I was doing on Periscope, a new App many ministries are using for spreading the Gospel, we saw a miracle. I called out a woman's name, condition of a car accident she had been in in the 1980s that caused whiplash in her neck, and exactly where it was hurting, all through a word of knowledge.
I released the power of God over her through the live broadcast. She was on the live stream and said she felt fire touch her and was completely healed with no more pain from a 30-year-old ailment! I was once in a meeting in Brazil and I simply laid my hand on a picture a lady brought me of a man who had been in a coma for 8 months, and he got up the hour I prayed over just his picture! Imagine that!
People have received new eyes, new eardrums, new teeth without anyone touching them in the atmosphere of praise, worship, and decree. We have seen God dissolve metal out of people's bodies, some that had been there for over 25 years. We have witnessed God grow limbs out, scars vanish, tumors disappear, doctor-verified miracles of new body parts with before and after x-rays as proof, and so much more. When these things happen in our midst, we see many come to receive Christ as Savior, including people from other religions and cults. Healing is my assignment. You can operate in this harvest glory too with your assignment for salvations! (Photo by Jennifer Page "Heaven's Dreams" via
Choose the Better
It is your time for divine assignments, and God is giving you a new desire to live! Paul said in Philippians 1:23-24 (NIV), "I am torn between two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body." We have to choose the better as Paul chose the better.
It is far better to stay, because we have made an imminent and powerful exchange on the trading floor of Heaven. We have traded the temporal for eternal. We have traded mortality for immortality. We have traded depression for unlimited joy, and hatred for unlimited love, as we yield to God's Word and His Spirit. Now, let's give it away to others.
It is BETTER to stay here on earth like the apostle Paul, arise, and see the greatest harvest coming on the face of the earth in the darkest of times. You get to be a part, friends!
Second Peter 1:4 (KJV) proclaims, "Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust."
Want more good news? We all get to share in it and be partakers of it. Partakers means partners. We are now partners with God and can operate in fullness and overflow...fighting the good fight of faith, not the depressing fight of faith!
Live Eternal Life Now and Accept His Divine Assignments
...Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Matthew 6:10 NASB
It's time to reach beyond this time-locked realm and into the eternal realm, where space and time do not have merits. Eternal life is not some wonderful endowment only to be enjoyed in the great by and by; it is to be furiously enjoyed now. Jesus best stated clearly in the Gospels exactly what eternal life is: "This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent" (John 17:3 NASB).
We are NOW eternal beings! We are loved and pursued relentlessly by an eternal God who is LOVE itself. Outside of time there is a realm called the glory realm where all things are possible. It flows from Heaven, it flows from within us, it engulfs us in our praise. Man cannot constitute this realm, darkness cannot win against it, and light will always prevail in this realm when it is tasted and practiced in our daily lives.
Many are also about to get a brand on their hearts of the burning love of Jesus again! The Bible says: "My frame was not hidden from You when I was being formed in secret [and] intricately and curiously wrought [as if embroidered with various colors] in the depths of the earth [a region of darkness and mystery]. Your eyes saw my unformed substance, and in Your book all the days [of my life] were written before ever they took shape, when as yet there was none of them.
"How precious and weighty also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I could count them, they would be more in number than the sand. When I awoke, [could I count to the end] I would still be with You"(Psalm 139:15-18 AMP).
This love has no limits. It will break off false belief systems that held you back yesterday and will be passé (out of date, unfashionable)! Time to take on a whole new wardrobe, and that is your new creation reality! As we are in a season of reflection, what we look at will magnify all the more, so be careful what you listen to and look into. Look into the Word and manifest your light on the earth as sons of light.
Jesus answered, "The work of God is this: to believe in the One He has sent." John 6:29 NIV (Photo via Pixabay)
Only believe and you will see the glory of God (see John 11:40).
Let me finish by encouraging you with this thought: People in the Body of Christ need to cease from being so frustrated about not reaching a destination but enjoy the journey of knowing God and walking with Him like Enoch. As you walk with Him, begin to ask Him for His divine assignments to manifest in your life today! Amen!
Munday Martin
Contagious Love International
Contagious Love International
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