Friday, August 21, 2015

Thursday Dream – The Surprise! 9:00 am given through Beverly Juelsgaard-Fischer

I’ve interpreted most of this, within the dream, with additional interpretation in blue from Priscilla Van Sutphin.  I feel like this is pretty self-explanatory. I would love this to be for me, but I think I am representative of One in the Body of Christ in this, so put yourself in my place!  Please share as the Lord leads.  God Bless YOU!  Bev
2015/8/13, Thursday  Dream – The Surprise!  9:00 am       given through Beverly Juelsgaard-Fischer
DREAM: Scene 1: I am walking up steps to a building, like one of the government buildings in Washington, D. C. The building is broad and white with the steps going across the front, and the steps are broad and white also.
I have on a trench coat and a hat (it reminds me of Humphrey Bogart's style) so I feel like I'm there on business, like I was going somewhere undercover.   (Additional interpretation: Walking in steps of authority but hiddeness.)
(At first I thought these two scenes didn’t go together, and were two separate dreams.  But the more I looked at these, I think they go together, because everything isn’t always as it appears.  And I have the impression that this is a secret event, which is why I’m in a trenchcoat, much like someone undercover, so that once I'm in the building things change, even my clothes..  I also believe the government buildings are Heavenly Government buildings. (Additional interpretation:   changing clothes to me always means changing ROLES )
Scene 2: I'm in what appears to be a grand white house with columns in the front, attending what I think is a formal dinner and ball. As I enter the entryway, I can see two huge rooms beside each other, with a wall in-between. The double doors, to one of the rooms are closed, while the other set of double doors are opened.
There is someone in uniform, a butler, I think, who takes my cape and tells me I need to go into the dining room first to eat, that there is a sumptuous feast prepared and I am to partake of it.
My cape is off and I look down to see I have on a beautiful white gown with diamonds sprinkled down the front from top to bottom.  As I look at the skirt and twirl around, I can see the diamonds are also sprinkled around the back of the dress. (Additional interpretation: Glory and purity...reminds me of Isaiah 60)  I feel like I am Cinderella at the ball given for the Prince.  I have a beautiful tiara with 12 kinds and colors of jewels on it, let me see, hmmm, the 12 stones for the 12 tribes, and shoes that shine and sparkle like the sun!  (Additional interpretation: Malachi 3:17..."on the day that I make you My jewels...")  I don’t believe I’ve seen anything quite this beautiful before!
As I walk into the dining room, I’m escorted by someone, but I don’t know who they are, or where they came from.  I am literally walking on air!  The room is so huge and has table after table of people sitting, eating, and talking happily. There is such joy, happiness and a feeling of fulfillment in the room.  There are uniformed people waiting on the people at the tables.  But, there are also tables of food at the sides of the room with servers, so if you want more and you don’t see it at your table you are free to go find it at the side tables. 
There is a feeling of “community / friendship / unconditional love” but also “greatness” there with anticipation of something about to happen or an announcement about to be made.  Excitement is in the air!  I now notice that the wall between the two rooms has what appears to be consecutive doors that are being opened between them.  There are musicians in the room next door, which appears to be a ball room.  The musicians are warming up and I can hear the music just loud enough to enjoy, but it doesn’t overpower the conversation.
As I walk into the dining room with my escort, we pause and all talking ceases.  Heads are turned towards us.  I’m not sure what is going on or what will happen next, as I’ve not been in this type of situation before.  Someone comes towards us and asks for a card.  My escort whispers something to him and his very sober face instantly lights up with a huge grin from ear to ear.  He motions someone to come seat us and another to come take a message to the host.
There are many dining, so my escort and I are taken around the outside of all the tables.  I see empty places and keep thinking that we will be seated any minute, but we continue walking.  My excitement over all of this makes me feel like I’m going to explode at any minute!!!
When I’m finally seated, it is next to the host of this event. I’m feeling very honored to be seated next to the host, when I turn to my escort, and find out he has left me!  I’m not sure what to think, because I had felt some security in this new environment, as long as I had an escort at my side, so I was feeling a little abandoned.  But, I sat down, where I was told to and waited to see what would happen next. 
Then my host turned to look at me.  As He turned, I could feel a presence and I noticed a long white beard, then I remembered the voice I had heard, as he had whispered to the person on his right.  It was God, the Father.  Beside Him, to His right, was Jesus, His Son.  Jesus peeked around His Father’s beard, and smiled.  I looked into those bottomless eyes of love that literally had me melt on the spot.  For those were the eyes and smile and face that I’d learned to love. My heart leapt up into my throat and I was speechless.  I felt like I was drowning in His love and couldn’t stop looking into His beautiful eyes.  He smiled and I thought my heart would stop. 
But then the Father said, “Eat, and partake of all that is before you, for this is the Betrothal Feast.  .  (Additional interpretation: WOWIE ! THAT is the anointing for awakening too...the LOVE.)
I was slowly able to take my eyes off of Jesus, so that I could eat and partake of all that was before me.  So many different kinds of food, from all over, and much that I didn’t recognize.  I was truly amazed!  Then as I looked around the room there were people from every tribe and nation there to celebrate the Betrothal Feast.  It didn’t matter, how long they had known the Lord, or what they had done in the past, these were the ones who had given themselves to the Lord in every way: mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and financially.  They didn’t hold back anything; they had given It all to Him.  They had given their all to Him and had let go of the things of man.  They had passed the tests that had been placed before them to become the “Overcomers” that God had created them to be.  They had trusted and rested in the Lord. 
As I looked around the room, the colors were so bright and beautiful. Truly magnificently brilliant to behold! It was all so beautiful. The feeling of community / friendship / unconditional love and peace was so strong, it was as if I could taste it.  Truly only God could do all of this! I finished eating and as others had before me, walked through the doors between the rooms, with Jesus as my escort, into the ballroom. Many were already dancing with such joy and exultation!  (Additional interpretation:  Only God can bring this kind of Unity, and it comes through an outpouring of His love...been talking for years about a tsunami of His love, Pouring out His honey.)  It was so spectacular to see and nothing like I had ever experienced before. 
God was on His throne, watching all that was unfolding before Him.  His eyes sparkled with joy and His smile covered His face, His chest was swelled, like a very proud Father.  These were His children before Him and this had been a long time coming for them, according to their time table.  Much had taken place, but every part, every tiny event had been so worth it to Him and them. 
Then the atmosphere changed and the room became very quiet.  “Ahmmmm,  May I have your attention please?” the Father said.  “I would like to make an announcement.  I would like to introduce you to My Son, Jesus and His Bride-to-Be.”  Cheers, clapping, and crying were very obvious throughout the room.  For the events about to unfold would change all of them once and for all.  

1 comment:

  1. Kim is a man of God. Several years ago, he prophesied the oil barrel will be $40. At that time because of the Iraqi war, oil prices were up almost every day. At that time it was around $110. Today, it came to pass. The oil barrel is $40. But he had another word. He prophesied of some new fuel that will change many things and the industry as we know it. Pray it will happen. Amen
