Redding, CA
"Now hope does not disappoint..." Romans 5:5
Hope may seem like a simple word to us, but we must not allow the familiarity of our definition to rob the eternal potency of God's truth and power when it is applied in its full measure. Right now, I believe we have huge, collective reason to hope like never before. Half measures of hope are gone and our measure is being bound to His again.
It seems the enemy has been working overtime lately to create fear. You may have seen or felt it too. Social media and mainstream media are brimming with subjects that can cause our perspective to be far too fear focused while it tries to rob our hopeful future. You may even be experiencing a greater amount of anxiety, or areas of setback lately while the enemy's lies seek to add pounds of pressure and try to make you feel like hope would be deferred. BUT, as we know, fear is nothing more than a lie trying to lure us to agree with a false reality, seeking to keep us from being the reformers of hope we are created to be!
In fact, the amount of fear's lies that are being sprayed about tells us that it is the enemy who is actually quite afraid. He is afraid of the hope that is in you. We must not take on his fear, for it is his, not ours! He is afraid of Christ in you, the hope of glory!
"...I want you to be wise in what is good, and simple concerning evil. And the God of peace will crush satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen." Romans 16:19-20
Stamped By Hope!
So, I stopped what I was doing just to stand in His presence and receive. First, He spoke some loving affirmations that really strengthened me. And next, He gave me a word. But it was simpler than I expected. I saw a big stamp of the word "HOPE" come down and it marked me with great intention.
Immediately I kept listening to understand what that hope was towards, or what else He was saying about such hope. But every time I looked and listened, I just kept seeing and hearing nothing but hope. At first, it felt incomplete. Where was the rest? But that's when it hit me, even now I sense His nodding agreement, He was showing me a word picture that there was indeed: "Nothing but hope."
Here I was wondering where the rest of the word was, and the Father was telling me, "Nothing but hope" as He stamped down and marked me with the word in a very revived sense. Since that moment, the word has been LOADED! Same word, BUT renewed power! What if we lived according to the expectation that there is nothing but hope? The very reformation we long for among culture would ooze out of us everywhere. Hope breathes through those who choose to be awakened!
Imagine with me, if you will, a big rubber stamp of hope from Heaven coming down and putting its imprint upon every day, every thought and every promise and purpose in your life and family. "Expect" according to that stamp and its imprint. Determine yourself to renew your mind and expect nothing but hope!
Align with Hope's Expectation
Hope does not disappoint! (see Romans 5:5). No matter what season you've been in or are coming out of, hope cannot be dictated to or under defined by that season. Hope is hope is hope. It's always the same and it does not disappoint. Rather, hope APPOINTS the truth and love of God into its rightful place here on earth as it is in Heaven.
There is no partial hope. We must right now knock (and continue knocking) on the door of this next season and harvest the same way we knocked the very first time. Hope is an all or nothing proposition and we must not temper it to ease fear of disappointment. Tempered hope is destined to be a self-fulfilling prophecy towards our negative expectation.
I believe God wants to remind us that no matter what we've been through, in His eyes, there really is nothing but hope! Hope is ready to produce, and does not disappoint. Do not let go! When we appoint hope, hope appoints all the goodness of God!
Hope Appoints!
"(Abraham) who, contrary to hope, in hope believed, so that he became the father of many nations, according to what was spoken..." Romans 4:18
What is your hope pointing to? Watch hope APPOINT something that is contrary to circumstance and outside the pattern that your past season would try and teach you to expect. Bring each piece of your life before the Father and allow Him to stamp every piece of it, especially your thoughts, emotions, feelings and expectations with His giant rubber stamp of HOPE!
Declare it with us: I will not forebode with negative expectation, but I will allow my hope with God to APPOINT a new season that rises higher, digs deeper, and brings Heaven's perspective into and through every part of my life! In the name of Yeshua, Amen!
Joey LeTourneau
Imagi-Nations LLC
Imagi-Nations LLC
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