Sunday, January 10, 2016

A Series of Unprecedented Events by Chad Taylor

Nov 2015
Recently while in the airport I began to have a series of "unprecedented spiritual events" as a rapid-fire string of "warnings" or "alerts" began to parade before my eyes. It was stunning, powerful and startling. I saw these incidents "in part" and very quickly like a movie in "fast forward." I share these "events" as Paul did so long ago, "... In weakness and fear, and much trembling."
Borders & boundaries
Travel restrictions not just flying but driving, public transit even by boat and train. Only selected and certain groups determined by local and federal entities will not be impacted by these wide spread travel restrictions I. E., preferred businesses or anyone pertaining to government, military or sanctioned by. General travel will become so expensive and controlled that only the most wealthy and allied will be permitted to. State borders and even cities and countries will have strict laws imposed restricting travel.

Banking and common ordinary depositing and withdrawing of money will profoundly change as well. Regulations and restrictions will be imposed limiting some to only weekly and even monthly transactions as the world wide governments move toward a completely different form of currency. This will happen in many places with little if any forewarning preventing the general public from withdrawing or exchanging money and valuables.
Buying & selling Buying and selling of goods such as real estate, food, automobiles and even clothing will be extremely limited for extended periods of time as changes in property laws, taxation and human rights are altered and enforced. The way we buy and sell will be so radically changed it will seem like night and day almost overnight. Emergency medical attention even ambulances and
911 will be limited to the few and those that conform to these new standards and laws.
Water and the access to it will become one of the most contested and controlled substances in the world as land and proprietorship shifts sometimes even overnight. The illusions of grandeur of personal ownership, rights to land, water and property will be dissolved as secret laws and legislation unbeknownst to most are enacted.
Underground Churches
These events will have an alarming impact on churches and other non-profit organizations as the laws are enforced making most non-existent in a matter of weeks and months. Even some of the most revered institutions will be deemed unconstitutional or illegal I. E., Red Cross, Salvation Army and many others. Anything labeled Christian or religious will come under such scrutiny that most if not all well be forced underground if they desire to have any semblance of their former freedoms.
The right to bear arms will shockingly to many be deemed unconstitutional and intolerable and will be limited to only the very wealthy or those that comply to stringent control and conformity. Even certain branches and parts of the military will be severely limited as to what they can employ or equip. Certain branches of government will convene in absolute secrecy no longer gathering in traditional locations and buildings as these broad changes take effect. Washington DC will not remain the nations capitol as temporary provisions are made as these sweeping revisions take place.
Public schools will become one of the most dangerous and volatile places in the world for our children to be as these federally funded institutions become the enforcers and executors of these laws and regulations. Our children will be at grave risk as so many are forced to comply. These state and federally funded institutions will become a spiritual "ground zero" as traditional beliefs are put under great scrutiny and regulation.
California will lead the way on many of these life altering changes e. G., a test tube, a staging area to gauge public reaction. To be a "Christian" in California will rival some middle eastern nations in their persecution and maltreatment of them but from this persecution will arise a revival spirit that will eclipse even the greatest revivals in California's storied history. From this spiritual famine spoken about in the book of Amos will come "a sound of an abundance of rain" as many find their faith again. ( Amos 8:11 )

"And he cried as a lion: 'Upon the watch-tower, O Lord, I stand continually in the daytime, And I am stationed every night at my guard post...'" - Isaiah 21:8

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