Friday, January 1, 2016

Children of Light are Being Awakened! by Munday Martin

It's Time to Awaken to Bring in an Untold Harvest of Youth
1 Thessalonians 5:5-6 For you are all children of light, children of the day. We are not of the night or of the darkness. So then let us not sleep, as others do, but let us keep awake and be sober (clear-minded).
God, in this new year, is about to pull the veil off of many people's eyes in the Body of Christ worldwide to "awaken."
It is high time to awake to Father God's beauty, love, and supreme authority and headship that He has delegated for us to manifest to the world. He is calling us to unlearn any false ideologies or false teachings about Him and submit to the teachings of Christ in order that we may manifest fruit to the world so that they too will no longer be in the dark of night.
A warrior Bride, who has been tested and refined like fire, is coming forth; and the Lord showed me it will be a massive, young generation being called into the arts and entertainment industry who will be illuminated by the light of the world to expose the confusion and the wisdom of this world.(Photo via Pixabay)
I see a massive harvest in the lives of screenwriters, producers of film and reality television, inventors of apps and gaming, authors, inventors of social media platforms, and musicians. A massive army is being raised up, causing a cultural renaissance in America and around the globe.
God is asking us to pray into this, as it will be a defining platform He is using to swing the sickle in for an untold harvest of youth.
The Lord is Revealing His Plan for You and Love for the Lost in Such a Way that People Will RUN to the Church
Many will receive dreams and visions of the exact thing God has called them to fulfill for the rest of their lives, causing a massive tilt from unbelief in the secular world to a full-on encounter with Jesus. They will no longer just encounter dry theology, but they will encounter the Light of the world – Jesus, causing faith and surrender to the true living God and His Son Jesus Christ.
It is no longer a time for the Church to fight against sinners, but to love the one bound in sin. Leaders in the Body of Christ will be so tenderly convicted by the Lord to no longer rule in a place of authority just for the sake of their love for power and position, but the Lord says they will put on the servant's towel at this hour and truly be prepared to equip and empower this youth awakening that has already begun across the planet.
The reason for this is because there shall be a greater level of accountability required for those being called into these massive harvest fields, and it will have to take true fathers and mothers in the Church who truly want to see the children they raise up go further than themselves! Living relationships are coming forth for spiritual fathers and mothers and spiritual children. It is all going to be centered around love.
A tidal wave of a baptism of love is coming to the Church for unbelievers. The Lord says, "I am about to shift the mindsets of entire cultures, cities, communities, indigenous people groups, and nations to the light of My Son. This is a time to seek My face for the breath of time you are here on planet earth."And the Lord says He will not hide but reveal His plan for you! Just come to Him and ask Him. (Photo via Pixabay)
Upon this new discovery of the greatness of God's light inside the Body of Christ, the world will want to run to the Church because goodness, light, love, and mercy will ooze out of this new arising company of voices of cultural influence. It will be sweet like honey.
Arise and Shine! Begin to Demonstrate and Manifest Your New Nature
It is no longer time for seasons of revival, but a revival has been unleashed that will never depart the earth again, and it will flow, horizon upon horizon, for a sweet-toothed world. This world wants the ultimate truth and wants to experience the supernatural, and God is about to do such a quick work in the earth because the enemy knows his time is short.
It is the hour of Ephesians 3:20"Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us..."
The Lord showed me He is illuminating our imaginations in order to put us in a place of discovery and favor to give us a greater decree of scope and influence. If just one percent of the Body of Christ in the world would not allow the restrictions of doubt to put a blockade in between them and what God wants to accomplish through them, I believe the whole world today would be turned upside down, like it was said of those in Acts 17:6(Photo via Freeimages)
"And when they could not find them, they dragged Jason and some of the brothers before the city authorities, shouting, 'These men who have turned the world upside down have come here also...'"
Educational systems and man-made scientific approaches to de-mystify the wonder of creation and the Creator has put caps on people's perceptions, thus enabling their crippling disease to live by mere meager possibilities. It is no wonder that so many people in our world are starving inside for something supernatural and extraordinary. In fact, He is head over heels in love with them, waiting for His Sleeping Beauty, called His Bride, to wake up and inject the truth of His Word and His baptism of the Holy Spirit into their spirit-man so they can believe and live and not die!
God says, "Arise and shine. Begin to demonstrate and manifest your new nature. Sound the alarm and let the invitation shine through you as a beacon for all to see, that trusting in My goodness for eternal life with Me is free!"
Isaiah 55:1-2 Is anyone thirsty? Come and drink – even if you have no money! Come, take your choice of wine or milk – it's all free! Why spend your money on food that does not give you strength? Why pay for food that does you no good? Listen to Me, and you will eat what is good. You will enjoy the finest food.
Munday Martin
Contagious Love International


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