Saturday, January 9, 2016

GLORY FIRE WILL FALL by Yolanda Ballard

Be still and know that I AM GOD.  Bow down before Me; love and adore Me.  Worship Me in the beauty of holiness.  A clean and holy life is pleasing to Me.  Be separate from the ways of the world.  Sanctify yourself; be set apart, and I will show you the way you are to go.  I will show you ways that will bring great fulfillment.

You will prosper in all ways and live in safety if you put Me first and My righteousness.  I will stir up and bring forth all the talents and gifts I placed within you if you would only trust Me.  This is the day of the great outpouring of My spirit, and I want to use you greatly.  Lay your head upon My breast and draw close so you can hear My heartbeat.  I want to share with you the burden of My heart but you must draw close to hear.  I will give you strategies so you can pray effectively and see it done.  My will be brought forth and My kingdom will come on earth as it is in heaven.

Yes, this is the day of the great outpouring of My spirit where My glory will fall.  My fire will fall and burn up all the dross out of the hearts of My people who are called by My name.  I will clean up and separate them unto Me.  I will take away all the mixture and deception.  I will stir up My gifts within them.  I will pursue their hearts and overtake the work of the enemy and recover all.  

I will set the captives free who had been held in bondage since they have been born even in the Spirit. The enemy had seen them a threat and worked overtime to hinder so they would not grow up in Me to be that threat to the kingdom of darkness.  I am raising them up a mighty army and restoring all that was stolen from them and they will be even stronger than before all the setbacks.

Rejoice for I have given you the land.  I have set you on paths of righteousness for My name’s sake.  Surely goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life and you will dwell in My house, the house of Yah, forever, says your God.

    Yolanda Ballard

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