Monday, January 11, 2016

Keepers of the Flame: A New Breed of Spiritual 'Superhero' is Rising by Jeff Jansen

Bob Jones' Vision of the Army of God
Most of us agree that we are in a season of great ups and downs in the USA and the nations of the earth. There are great uncertainties in our time, which cause great tensions due to the lack of clarity for the future. At the same time, we are in one of the most spiritually pivotal and progressive seasons we've been in for a long time. All can feel the spiritual tectonic plates ready to give way to a season of the new on many levels, including revival.
Wherever there are great tensions, there is great power and opportunity. All this being said, there are prophetic meters that have been given to us to measure where we are at in these times through credible voices – and without a doubt, one of the most constant of these credible voices I know is the late Bob Jones.
The Lord told Bob some years back that"there was an army coming forth that would be unstoppable. The first would be leaders, and the second would be the greatest army that nothing could ever stop; and when they reach the age of maturity, I am going to begin to release them in power. I will arm them out of My armory in Heaven. There is no gift that I will deny them. They will literally pull down the warehouse of God, and they will have no fear of the enemy. They will glorify Me beyond anything that has ever been. They will represent Me in My holiness and compassion." (Photo via Pixabay)
The Lord told Bob that this army was "The Army of God." There is a new people group rising in the earth that is hungry for the glory-presence of God. They are not bound, like much of the prior generations, with the rules and regulations that have crippled, stunted, or killed the post-modern Church. This army of God is hungry for the Kingdom of power and glory.
The Age of Maturity & The Army of God
When Jesus was about to begin His public ministry, He made His way to the river Jordan where John was baptizing. We know that Jesus is the Word of God, for the Scriptures clearly tell us in John 1:1 (AMPC)"In the beginning [before all time] was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself." And verses 10-11 (AMPC) state, "He came into the world, and though the world was made through Him, the world did not recognize Him [did not know Him]. He came to that which belonged to Him [to His own – His domain, creation, things, world], and they who were His own did not receive Him and did not welcome Him."
As a young man growing up, Jesus grew in favor with both God and man. He was subjected to His mother Mary and Joseph as long as He was under age. He was still a Son, but was under the guidance of another and directly responsible to His guardians. The Greek word for "Son" here is called "teknon," which is a relationship formed between people by the bonds of love, friendship, and trust, just as between parents and children. It is used in affectionate address by patrons, helpers, teachers, as if they are saying, "My child." Pupils and disciples are called "children" of their teachers, because the latter by their instruction nourish the minds of their pupils and mold their character.
This was the relationship with Jesus and His mother Mary at the wedding feast in Galilee. They ran out of wine, and Mary told Him to do something about it. He told her plainly that it was not His time yet. Then, realizing that it was about to be His time of introduction to the world, she told the servants, "Whatever He says to you, do it." The time was at hand for Jesus' public ministry to begin. Shortly after the miracle in Galilee, He found Himself at the river Jordan where John was baptizing.
In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. And when He came up out of the water, at once he [John] saw the heavens torn open and the [Holy] Spirit like a dove coming down [to enter] into Him. And there came a voice out from within Heaven, "You are My Beloved Son; in You I am well pleased." Mark 1:9-11 AMPC, emphasis mine (Photo via Wikipedia)
The Greek word used here as "Son" is the word "huios" which means "mature" or "fully grown." When Jesus stepped down into the Jordan river, He did so as the Word of God, but yet as a "teknon" Son. Through the waters of baptism, He rose up and John saw the heavens torn open and the Holy Spirit like a dove coming down to enter into Him and rest upon Him. And there came a validating voice out of Heaven saying, "You are My Beloved Son (huios – mature one); in You I am well pleased."
There is a fully mature Army of God coming of age in this season in preparation for what I believe will be one of the greatest revivals to ever sweep the world. Like Jesus, they are reaching an "age of maturity," being baptized with both Word and the Spirit. We've had many incredible moves of God in our day that have impacted cities, states, regions, and even nations, but there is coming a mature family of sons on the earth, a glory-generation that will be so filled with the Word and Spirit of God it will usher in the greatest revival and harvest the world will ever see, which will ultimately usher in the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Word & Spirit: Two Distinct Moves of God
Smith Wigglesworth prophesied in 1947 that the Great Revival would take place when two conditions were met. I want to quote this word in its entirety here in the following paragraphs:
"During the next few decades there will be two distinct moves of the Holy Spirit across the church in Great Britain. The first move will affect every church that is open to receive it and will be characterized by a restoration of the baptism and gifts of the Holy Spirit.
"The second move of the Holy Spirit will result in people leaving historic churches and planting new churches.
"In the duration of each of these moves, the people who are involved will say 'This is the great revival.' But the Lord says 'No, neither is this the great revival, but both are steps towards it.'
"When the new church phase is on the wane, there will be evidenced in the churches something that has not been seen before: a coming together of those with an emphasis on the Word and those with an emphasis on the Spirit.
"When the Word and the Spirit come together, there will be the biggest movement of the Holy Spirit that the nation, and indeed, the world, has ever seen. (Photo by Jennifer Page "Living Word" via
"It will mark the beginning of a revival that will eclipse anything that has been witnessed within these shores, even the Wesleyan and the Welsh revivals of former years. The outpouring of God's Spirit will flow over from the United Kingdom to the mainland of Europe, and from there, will begin a missionary move to the ends of the earth."
Smith prophesied this in 1947. Since then we've seen the 1948 Latter Day Rain Revival; the 1950s Revival that swept the world; the Charismatic Renewal of the 1970s; Toronto Blessing of the 1990s; the Brownsville Revival; the Smithton Outpouring; and Lakeland outpourings. I believe this next move of God will be an outpouring of the very presence of God manifest in and through a Word-and-Spirit people. It will result in global harvest and evangelism with corporate miracles, healings, signs, and wonders never witnessed before. This will happen in and through a corporately anointed Body of Christ on the earth filled with the Word and Spirit. The Church is waking up. It's time for the dread champions to arise!
In The Chronicles of Narnia, many parallels reveal to us what the spiritual world is like. I was especially struck by a scene in the movie Prince Caspian. At the end of the story, Lucy has gone to find Aslan to help in the battle that was taking place against the enemies of Narnia. In a calm manner, Aslan states that it is time to "Wake up your old friends, the trees." Those trees were fearless and powerful in battle. Trees are symbolic of men. God is waking up the "trees" of a Lazarus generation who will be an army of mighty ones on the earth that will overthrow spiritual darkness. They are known as the Dread Champions of God.
A New Breed of Spiritual "Superhero"
There is a new breed of superhero coming to the forefront. They look like no other generation. They are the dread champions of God. These men and women will in many ways be like King David's mighty men who move with supernatural dimensions that the world has never seen. The Church won't know what to do with them. Many of these will be unknown champions in the glory and know the very presence of God. Jeremiah 20:11 (NASB) reveals more about them:
"But the LORD is with me like a dread champion; therefore, my persecutors will stumble and not prevail. They will be utterly ashamed, because they have failed..."
Do you hear the battle alarm? It's ringing loud and clear! We are entering a very serious season, a season of confrontation. Our lukewarm, "business-as-usual" attitude must die. The Spirit of God is awakening and arousing the Church, prompting her to arise and take a strong stand for divine truth. The war is raging, and we must prepare for battle.(Photo by Mike De Lorenzo "Jesus' Return on the White Horse" via
We are champions because we have overcome the world by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony; we are the dread champions because we consider not our lives unto death. This level of radical obedience produces Believers who will truly follow the Lamb wherever He goes, no matter the consequences.
This is the nature of a superhero – and God is calling for spiritual superheroes in this hour. The word heroism speaks of bravery and fearlessness. Heros fight not for themselves, but for their King's honor, their country's honor, a greater honor than their own acclaim. These qualities of selfless valor are not born of the flesh, however we cannot exert our will and abilities to become a dread champion. On the contrary, our heroism is in direct proportion to our yielding to Christ, the one True Hero. Only as we yield to the Holy Spirit will we be equipped to display these outstanding qualities of God's champions.
The Keepers of the Flame are Bold as a Lion
Scripture declares in Proverbs 28:1"The wicked flee when no man pursues (them), but the righteous are as bold as a lion." It is time to arise and shine! We must not let the light of our hearts grow dim, but we are to be a shining beacon of hope and love, radiating God brightly in a sin-darkened world (see Matthew 5:14-16). If our light is to remain bright, however, we must rally now. Now! We must embrace the call to become "Keepers of the Flame" and defend the fire of the Holy Spirit. (Photo by Jennifer Page "Warrior's Heart" via
This is who you are now, Beloved: You are a people of burning passion, standing strong and filled with true conviction; never cowering, no matter the persecution or attack. Although we are observing an all-out attack to undermine the foundation of the Church and our nation, you are called to burn brightly with passionate love and radical obedience, true to the King. This is the call of the Dread Champions of God.
The "Super Shift" and the Unlocking of Kingdom Mysteries
First Chronicles 12:32 says that the sons of Issachar were men who had understanding of the times to know what Israel should do. The sons of Issachar were men who had a revelation of the times and seasons, who knew what God was saying, and were able to communicate this to the house of Israel. I believe we are moving into a "Super Shift" in the Body of Christ that will unlock mysteries to the Kingdom of God in ways the Church has never seen before.
Just as the heavens declared the coming of Jesus Christ, the last Adam that would come and be the firstborn among many brothers, so I believe that the Church of Jesus Christ is being prepared to usher in a second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ with incredible miracles, healings, signs, and wonders. I personally believe that we are in a place in human history in which great mysteries are being revealed by revelation knowledge. The blinders that have been upon the corporate Church will no longer be able to sustain their obstruction, as revelation and understanding will propel the Church forward. She will know the power of Christ in us – the hope of glory.
The heavens are declaring this "Super Shift" now, and we are going to witness a coming forth of an anointed people group that move in the upper realms of revelation and power, being prepared to bring in a Billion Soul Harvest! (Photo by Robert Bartow "Harvest" via
This army will not do this by conventional means but by a new breed of "super-human" ability, looking just like their older brother, Jesus Christ. Jesus paid the ultimate price in Blood to produce from seed form what will be revealed as a mature Bride that has grown and developed throughout the last 2,000 years. He is the firstborn among many brothers, or those who look like the Original Seed. And this company will do the same miracles and greater to reveal the true nature of God in the earth.
The Billion Soul Mandate
It is clear there is a great harvest of souls coming in. This harvest will be brought in by a supernatural generation that has been thoroughly prepared for harvest. This many-membered, corporately-anointed Body of Christ will do the same miracles Jesus did 2,000 years ago. We are His Body, and He will reap the reward to His suffering. The Lord will roar out of Zion, and the harvest will come in.
Get ready. This is the season; now is the time, and we are the generation through which the Lord Jesus Christ will release the furious sound of His glory.
Rich blessings,
Jeff Jansen, Senior Leader
Global Fire Church & Global Connect
Global Fire Ministries International


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