Sunday, January 3, 2016

Prophetic Word by KJ

sent by Harrietta

Thus Saith the Lord;             

     My people, I see many of you still do not really understand what  you must face.  Now World War III is about to begin.  It will be a nuclear war.  Because it is nuclear it will destroy most of mankind, and most of what man has built.  (Psalm 90 and II Thessalonians 1:8 & 9)

    There are many nations who have nuclear weapons and they will all use them. I am sad to see what is coming upon My people.

    The arrogance of your nation will bring disaster upon it.  Also the fact that your leaders do not obey Me.  They murder the innocent and allow murderers to live.  What does My Word say? You must not only need to know it but you must also live by it.

    Come to Me and yield all to Me, and do it now.  There is little time left.  My arms are open to receive  you.

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