Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Words of Prophecy:

*       Those who open their heart to receive the "fullness of My absolute Truth [Kingdom Principles] in this hour will both receive and appropriate a "burning" [activated, divinely energized] "revelation" of the "absoluteness" of the perfect liberty that has ALREADY been purchased for them by the precious Blood of My Dear Son - and, truly I say to you, they will immediately enter into the "greater works" that He mentioned - greater works that will literally turn the world "upside down" in the glorious days just ahead!

        ...."Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater [works] than these he will do".... John 14:12 NASB

        ...."Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit".... 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 NASB
        In this final hour, it is certain that each and every last one of us - as true [faithful] sons and daughters of God will need to be found "abiding" [dwelling] in the "fullness" of the perfect liberty [freedom from everything that entered this earth at the Fall] that was purchased for us at Calvary. As the child of God is found diligently seeking after and walking in the fullness of their Covenant [inheritance] in Christ THEN the Father, Son and Holy Spirit will be unhindered in the perfect unfolding of all things in their lives [both individually and corporately] - a perfect unfolding that will reap a Great Harvest of souls into the Kingdom in a very short time [relatively speaking].

        I remember one day meditating on the scripture which states, "where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty" - and Jesus spoke to me and said, "and where there is liberty, THERE the Holy [My] Spirit will be unhindered in the carrying out of the Father's perfect Will and purpose". As we enter into the place of perfect liberty in this hour it is certain that we will see and experience the "greater works" that Jesus mentioned - and the "world" indeed will be "turned upside down" with a much needed shaking that will disclose the darkness that has held many captives in bondage.

        What a tremendous honor and blessing it is to be called as vessels of holy fire in this final hour! Because of the outpouring of this holy fire [through holy vessels] vast multitudes of captives [including many who seemed destined for Hell] will enter into the perfect liberty that was purchased for mankind at the Cross and they will become "flaming testimonies" to the Love and Grace of God to a crooked and perverse generation. NEVER doubt the power of God - for it is unlimited [without measure] in the place where perfect liberty abides [dwells]!

        ...."ALL things are possible to him who believes".... Mark 9:23 NASB

Prayer of Proclamation:

Father, we thank you and praise You  for the perfect liberty that is ours, in Christ. We set ourselves in this season to enter into the "fullness" of that precious freedom - KNOWING in our hearts that You have empowered [and will continue to empower] us perfectly to carry out the "greater works" that Jesus said we would carry out. Help us Father to see ALL things through Your eyes that we might not be found limiting Your Spirit in ANY way - as we move forth in obedience to His, still, small Voice. Create in us hearts that are found faithful in even the littlest details of our lives, for we know that You are able to do great, great things from even the smallest of beginnings [where faith abides] - and we declare all of these things  DONE, in Jesus Name. Amen.

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