Sunday, January 10, 2016

Word from the Lord by Doug MacCallum

Received the morning of 1/8/16, coming home from BC, Canada.

It is imperative you keep your eyes(natural and spiritual)on Me. The things that are about to take place are unprecedented. The only means of survival is in and through Me. My People will be challenged like never before, but for those in Me, and adhere to My Word, will not only be victorious but amazed! For you are to experience uncharted ground in My Spirit, the likes of which has never been realized. I say, once again, do not limit Me in any way, shape, or form! These events, about to happen on the Earth, will truly test all those that call on My Name, to see if My Word and Spirit are found in you. I AM forging Oneness in My Bride. My Holy Fire and The Hammer of My Word, will beat, fold, mold, and sharpen, My Mighty Sword of Battle in those who are fully yielded to Me. If you choose to remove yourself from My Process, you do so at your own peril. You will leave yourself, body, soul, and spirit, vulnerable to Satan, the adversary. Those that continue in My Process, will come forth shining as the Sun, an Army, terrible with banners, to deal a mighty blow to his(Satan's)headship.
Fear not, fear not, fear not, for I AM with you! My Plan of The Ages is unfolding. What does My Word say. It does not return to Me void. All I have declared has, and is, coming to pass. Ask of Me! Call to Me! I AM waiting to "engage" My Bride as never before. My Son awaits you. The table is set. All has been made ready for The Great Marriage Feast of The Lamb. It is time for His Bride to be fully and completely adorned in her white, pure, gown of Righteousness, that was purchased for her by My Son's shed blood. He will soon be avenged by My wrath that will be unleashed on the remaining wicked after My Bride has been removed from the Earth. But first, the Bride must be revealed to the Earth and the principalities and powers in the high places. My Glory will burst forth from her. She will be irresistible because My Great Power and Spirit will flow through her as a great tsunami! What eye has not seen, or ear heard, will come forth through My True Church! The mocking of My Great Name will end in the wicked's teeth.

Many, not all, will be gathered into My Fold at this time. But many's damnation will be sealed as well. To quote one of your own, "these will be the best of times and the worst of times." The decision is yours as to which one it will be. Remember, your decision is forever! 

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