Friday, January 15, 2016

You Can't, But God Can by Lonnie Mackley

While I was praying I saw a picture of a mountain climber and it looked like they had climbed very high up on a mountainside. But as the view zoomed in I could see that the climber was trapped in a spot where they could not progress any further. They had tried every possible way to overcome the obstacles to go higher, but in the end there was just no way; so they had no choice but to sit down and just wait. As they waited, I could feel the heartbreak and exasperation in this person’s heart as they fully understood that they did not have what it takes to go any higher. Then suddenly I saw the Lord appear, take their hand, and lead them up the mountainside with His great strength and ability.
JOB 19:8 He has blocked my way so I cannot pass; he has shrouded my paths in darkness.
Many of you have reached this place where you cannot progress any further no matter what you do, and not only does the path ahead seem obscured, but you are out of strength to even try anymore. The Lord wants you to know this day that although you have reached the end of your strength and ability, that you will never reach the end of His strength and ability; and He wants you to trust Him in your inability and powerlessness. It’s a lot harder to trust God when you can’t do anything than it is when you think you can, but that is where real faith and trust is developed. Just about every person that God has ever used in a big way has had to do a lot of waiting and trusting as He prepares them.
EX 4:13 But Moses said, "O Lord, please send someone else to do it."
Look at Joseph, David, and especially Moses and you will see this same pattern of being brought to a place of utter inability and having to face the truth of our fleshly limitations. Someone once asked a preacher why God kept Moses in the wilderness for 40 years before he led the Israelites through their wilderness, and he simply answered; “Because 39 years was not enough”. God knew exactly how long it would take to prepare Moses where he was truly ready and emptied of himself, and the same thing applies to you. Plus Moses had to go forward with some limitations where he had to just trust God to be what he could not. So even though you can’t, just know that God can, and trust Him!
HAB 3:19 The Sovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Lonnie. That really spoke to my spirit. In His Love, Doug
