I saw many of the people of God with hearts aflutter and the anxiety levels rising as the “tides began to rise” around them. There has been a feeling of being at the point of being overwhelmed and these random issues with anxiety attempt to steal peace, joy and contentment.
It was then that I sensed the Lord saying “Come away with me, beside still waters and I will love the anxiety away.” I saw the Lord then lead His people who were battling with these high levels of anxiety, moments of panic and being overwhelmed, He sat with them beside these still waters. (Psalm 23:2) As the people of God “leaned in” and rested their heads on His chest, they began to hear His heartbeat and with each heartbeat was a line of a lullaby of love that was sung over them. (Zephaniah 3:17) As I watched the lullaby of love that was coming from His heart into theirs I saw the tangible manifestation of peace begin to take over.
He was steadying and settling their anxious heart, reminding them to be anxious for nothing (Philippians 4:6) but in the place of ‘leaning in’ and resting on His chest, to let everything that was on their hearts be known to Him in intimate conversation and not let thankfulness leave their hearts for all He has done thus far. Anxiety was being broken by the embrace of perfect love, the embrace of comfort, encouragement and truth. Peace and safety was returning in the revelation of Him. The people of God were moving from high levels of anxiety, to deeper levels of peace. Where the “storm inside” was being settled and they were beginning to command “storms around them” to cease.
“As the tide has been rising and many have been overwhelmed in a negative sense, the opposite is about to occur. The tides are turning and the tides of My provision, My peace, My favour, tides of encounters with Me and deeper intimacy are happening right now. Where lands have been dry in intimacy with Me, suddenly waters shall spring up in the desert. Where there has been lack of provision, the tides are turning and My provision will flow like a river. Where there has been lack of peace because of anxiety, the tides are turning, carrying My people into deeper encounters to feel a greater measure of My tangible peace that surpasses all understanding. Where doors have been locked shut, the tides are turning and doors will open. Where health has been a major issue holding many of the people of God back, tides are turning and healing is coming.”
“A CORPORATE TURNING is happening right across the body of Christ in SIGNIFICANT ways, and that is why the tides have been rising higher than ever in the negative. You will not drown. You won’t be moved or shaken because these encounters with Me are anchoring you deeper in Me. You will see Me, hear Me all around you. You will see My faithfulness and know My peace like you have not known before.”
“I am steadying your anxious heart, lean in, listen to My lullaby of love over you. ALL will be well. I am here!! Steady hearts, arise!”