Saturday, January 2, 2016

2016: A Year of Wisdom, Instruction, and Revelatory Understanding to Release Miracles by Catherine Brown

Why Wisdom Plus Instruction Plus Revelation = Miracles
As we contemplate what the New Year of 2016 may hold in the Kingdom of God, it is my conviction that we are shifting into a deeper dispensation of grace by which we will move in new levels of wisdom, instruction, and revelatory understanding, which will in turn release God's miracle-working power and provision in our midst.
There is a global paradigm shift coming that will cause the Church to move from "revelation-only" to the much-needed gift of instruction-plus-revelation. It is receiving and acting upon the word of apostolic instruction coupled with revelatory understanding that will become the key to miracle manifestation.
When we consider the widow woman helped by the prophet Elisha (see 2 Kings 4:1-7), we see a clear principle of instruction coupled with revelation leading to a manifestation of the miraculous. The woman responded to the word of instruction of Elisha to go and gather empty jars, pans, and every kind of holding utensil from her neighbors and begin to pour the little oil that she had into them. (Photo via Pixabay)
It is my conviction that Elisha received some kind of word of knowledge concerning the multiplication outpouring that was yet to happen concerning the oil, but he approached the situation first from an instruction-based principle. If the woman had received a revelation-only word that the oil would multiply, she would not have had a strategy by which to engage with the divine supply of God into her situation. She would not have known how to move from passivity to faith-based activity without both instruction and revelation. She needed both to access her miracle. In fact, she needed two words of instruction from the man of God to find a solution to her pressing problem.
The widow woman announced to Elisha that her God-fearing husband was dead and that his creditor was coming to take her sons as his slaves to pay for personal debts. Elisha asked the woman, "How can I help you? Tell me, what do you have in your house?" And she replied, "'Your servant has nothing there at all,' she said, 'except a small jar of olive oil'" (verses 2-3).
The woman needed to realize she had the means of God's miracle provision in the "small" amount she didn't even realize she had. She was dealing with too much grief and trauma to be able to have a clear and objective perspective on how she could find a divine solution in the midst of her own personal disaster.
God is Still Sending Men and Women Today to Speak into Hopeless Situations and Bring About a Miracle Turnaround
Tremendous needs can cause a person to be blinded to what they potentially have in their hands that God can use to bring healing and restitution into their circumstances. The woman did not have much, but her sorrow had blinded her to what she had available to act as a faith-connector to God's solution for her and her sons. God sent her the gift of objectivity and faith in Elisha. God is still sending such men and women today to speak into hopeless situations and bring about a miracle turnaround for the multitudes.
Elisha gave the woman her first instruction, "'Go around and ask all your neighbors for empty jars. Don't ask for just a few. Then go inside and shut the door behind you and your sons. Pour oil into all the jars, and as each is filled, put it to one side.' She left him and shut the door behind her and her sons. They brought the jars to her and she kept pouring. When all the jars were full, she said to her son, 'Bring me another one.' But he replied, 'There is not a jar left.' Then the oil stopped flowing" (verses 3-6).
The woman heard the instruction and obeyed it. Too often we hear an instruction, receive a word of revelation, and then do nothing. Both the mother and her sons were involved in the practical and faith-response to the instruction and direction given by Elisha. The family was involved together in acting upon what Elisha had received from the Lord. Even the community was included in helping to prepare an infrastructure that could receive a miracle from God through helping to provide vessels to contain the miracle oil. What a testimony to God's glory it would turn out to be! (Photo via Pixabay)
They needed a word of wisdom to access the full blessing of the miracle. In receiving the miracle of oil, the woman and her sons had come three quarters of the way toward gaining God's answer to their dire circumstance of despair, but they needed a second word of instruction from Elisha, a word of wisdom which, coupled with the miracle provision of the oil already poured out, became the means by which God released the full strategy for financial freedom to the family. After the oil had stopped pouring, the widow went to Elisha and he said,"Go, sell the oil and pay your debts. You and your sons can live on what is left"(verse 7).
God didn't just give enough for their present circumstance. His provision enabled the entire family to have a means by which to live beyond their present difficulty. Through obedience to instruction and revelation, they were enabled to live in the overflow of what the miracle of multiplication had provided.
This year of 2016 will be a year of wisdom and instruction from God, which is going to unlock untold blessings from the Lord to and through His people. Your financial miracle is on the way in Jesus' mighty name.
It is my belief that 2016 will usher the global Church into a shift in focus from revelation-only to instruction-plus-revelation to release the miracle-working power of God into the lives of families all over the world. The abundance of God is received in focusing beyond what we can presently see, or even comprehend, to lay hold of things that are as yet unseen.
God bless you and keep you in His grace,
Catherine Brown
Founder/International Director, Gatekeepers Global Ministries


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