Saturday, January 2, 2016

Here’s Why We Can Be Hopeful About 2016 by Doug Addison

Are you feeling hope or dread as we enter into the New Year? Be honest.
Even in the midst of uncertain times with natural disasters, terrorism and rumors of economic troubles ahead, I believe it is actually a time to be hopeful like never before. God is still in charge and has a plan for us.
Good news for the New Year
I spend a lot of time and energy trying to persuade people that the ship is not sinking and that we are not going down. The prophetic words I am hearing from God are positive, not negative.
God is calling out a remnant of people who will have faith for more and stand up against negative words of judgment. We need to agree with Heaven over our lives, families, finances, cities and nations.
We need to agree with Heaven over our lives, families, finances, cities and nations.
What I am hearing for the New Year is that there is hidden treasure available to those who have the eyes to see it.
“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.”
Matthew 13:44 NIV
The next 10 weeks
Last September God spoke to me that we are in a 24-week time until March 9, 2016. God is preparing us for a radical change and shift that will take place over your life.
This is going to take place around 10 weeks from now. We are going to see more 24-hour turnarounds and sudden acceleration. In some cases it might look radical, but rest assured God is orchestrating things in your life right now.
I encourage you to read my prophetic article, Strategy for the Next 24 Months, and get ready for these things to happen.
Look to God, not the storms
Yes we are in trying times right now and I am not saying that we will not see difficulty. But it is important to keep our focus on God and the promises given to us. Remember how Jesus responded when two very fierce storms came against the boats that He and His disciples were in?
In both cases the enemy was trying to kill them. In one instance Jesus was asleep during the storm (Matthew 8:23–26). He stayed at peace and stopped the storms by speaking words of authority against them.
Another storm came against their boat in Mark 6:47–52 and Jesus went out walking on the water above the waves. He rose above the attack against them.
We need to take authority, stay at peace and rise above any storms that come against us. This will be a key for what is in store for 2016. We need to focus on what God is revealing to us and not on the attacks that come to take away our peace.
We need to take authority, stay at peace and rise above any storms that come against us.
Prophetic Forecast for 2016
I’m excited to announce that after a bit of delay with the publisher, my newest book, the 2016 Prophetic Forecast is ready! The paperback version is available right now for pre-orders. They will be shipped to you starting the week of January 4. (And see below for how to win a free 30-minute coaching session with me!)
Get ready to cross over into not only a new season but a new era!
I hope you have the best New Year ever.
Doug Addison
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