Friday, January 15, 2016

2016 – The Year of "You are Coming Out!" by Steve Porter

Bloomfield, NY

"Even when I walk through the dark valley of death I will not be afraid, for You are close beside me. Your rod and Your staff protect and comfort me." Psalm 23:4
I am speaking prophetically to those who have experienced great loss and setbacks in the year 2015. Satan has come to convince you that things will never change, and he's almost persuaded you to believe that lie! He wants to keep you in the dark valley of death, believing God has abandoned you. This valley may symbolize a valley of defeat, the death of a marriage, a lost opportunity, the death of a job–deadly setbacks that seem impossible to overcome. 
Satan has come to rob you of your peace and steal your hope. But the Lord wants you to know that you will walk "THROUGH" the dark valley. You will not dwell there or build a house there; you will not camp there, because you're not staying there. You are coming through the valley in the year 2016 if you refuse to give up hope and instead continue to stand, holding onto faith in His all-sufficiency. 
The valley of the shadow was never designed as a place to stay for any length of time. It was never meant to kill your dreams or steal your destiny. Oh, how craftily satan has come to spread his lies, like flaming missiles bombarding your mind and slowly stealing your hope.
Yet I hear the still small voice of the Lord say: "My child, I am there with you in the darkest valley of life. I have not left you. You will not be abandoned to shiver in the cold. When you run to Me and ask Me to, I will send the warm blanket of My presence to keep you warm, sheltering you with My love, for I have a future and hope designed just for you, so refuse to give up hope."
In the year 2016, I believe the Lord wants to bring about events that will suddenly interrupt the downward spiral you've been in. Perhaps you've given up hope, believing your life is so far off course that it can't be restored, or a relationship was too far gone to be reconciled, and the valley is so dark that you thought you'd never again see the light of day.But God is getting ready to bring the devil's plans for evil to a sudden and life-changing halt. He will come in like a flood and set your life back on track, restoring your relationships to order, and bringing your finances and sense of equilibrium back into divine alignment.  
"So let's not grow tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up." Galatians 6:9
A Due Season and Set Time Coming!
My friend, there is a due season–a set time coming to bring you out of your darkest valley if you hold onto faith and begin speaking and declaring in faith what you believe He will do–if you refuse to give up on God. You were never meant to dwell in defeat. You were never destined to live life curled up in a fetal position. You were destined to win. Scripture says so over and over. He gives us a future and a hope. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Lord raises up a standard against it, protecting us from harm.    
I hear the Lord say: "I will use the pain to your advantage. I will reverse every curse and make the devil return 100-fold for all the losses in your life! Double for your trouble. Even your enemies will stand in awe at your restoration and amazing comeback!" I hear these words like thunder in my spirit for you: "I am giving you a powerful breakthrough in 2016 for I AM the King of the breakthrough!" 
If you knew the date of your comeback you would not stay in defeat. If you knew that God was bringing an end to all your misery and pain you would stand and praise God with all that's in you. "For I have been in your future," says the Lord, "and you are not staying in that dark are coming through it. I will comfort you and bring healing to your soul if you can choose to trust Me!
"You feel the valley is an ugly place, a place of defeat and lack...but I the Lord am invading the darkness with My power and presence. I am making the valley bloom for I am the lily of the valley and I am making all things beautiful. Beauty for ashes," declares the Lord! "I turn around for good what the enemy means for harm, to the glory of My name." 
My precious friend, do not grow weary in doing right; do not hand over to the enemy the rights to your life by living in dread and speaking negative words of doubt. STAND strong in the valley, for you are coming out! It's in the valley where the Lord is pouring on you the oil and perfume of His presence. It's in the valley where He gives you such a lasting revelation of Himself that you will never be the same again. You discover He is Jehovah-Jireh your provider; He is the lily in valley; He is your high tower and deliverer. It is in the valley where you're transformed by His presence, and He brings you out with a powerful testimony of His incredible love and power. 
In the year 2016 I declare over you: YOU ARE COMING OUT! I see great testimonies of His greatness and faithfulness. I see restoration and deliverance. I see hope where you have lost hope. I see faith in His faithfulness restoring the places where you have lost all faith. I see this year as a year of miracles where God will prove Himself faithful, healing your heart, restoring your sense of stability and giving you a brand new song of victory inspired by the Holy Spirit Himself.  
"And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19
Steve Porter
Refuge Ministries


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