Monday, January 11, 2016

Deliverance Is Happening For You Now" by Lonnie Mackley

JN 8:36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
There are many of you reading this word now that have struggled with lifelong addictions, mental and emotional problems, and many other bondages that you have just not been able to get free of no matter how much you have tried or cried out to the Lord about. But God wants you to know today that not only is deliverance coming for you from Him, deliverance is already happening in ways that you may not be aware of. Some of you are already starting to see old stubborn habits begin to lose their grip on you, and that’s because the Lord Jesus has stepped in now to do what you could not.
JN 8:32 “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
You see, the Holy Spirit has been giving us fresh and deep revelation of His truth that is setting us free from the inside out from the old lies that we have believed that allowed those old bondages to start and remain in the first place. The devil has lied to many of you telling you that it’s all your fault and that you will never be free, but that is just a lie that darkness has magnified in order to keep you hopeless and thinking that you are trapped. So no matter how much you have tried and failed to get free on your own, know that Jesus is stepping in now with His power, and you will be free indeed!
ZEC4:6 `Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty.
There is another powerful element to your deliverance coming, and that is complete freedom from the oppression of evil spirits. As the anointing of Jesus Christ rises on you for this last harvest those demons that have plagued you will not be comfortable hanging around you anymore, and once they leave they will not be coming back again. So trust that Jesus is moving and that He is delivering you from those old oppressors now that you could not get free of by your own efforts. Not only will you be fully free, but you’ll be sent out into this last harvest to help others like you to be set free as well!
ISA 10:27 On that day God will end the bondage of his people. He will break the yoke of slavery off their necks and destroy it as decreed.

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