Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Two Kinds of Unity by Pam Clark

I watched the State of the Union address last night, got in a little late and later watched a rerun, but what came to me when I first tuned in sounded like a Tower of Babel unity speech! Now I am not trying to dog Obama, there is not a lot of fruit in doing that, but we can reason things...

Now please hear my points before you get on a negative bandwagon, that is not where I am trying to go with this... What came to my spirit was a human unity speech over the Kingdom of God. "We are the greatest people, we need to be one, and even though diverse, we need to uphold the best in us, etc." and there is some good truth in there. You could hear something similar in a church!

But as a spiritual person with a calling, I hear two worlds. I started thinking, "Where is the honor to God? Will he say God bless America still at the end? and he did. And what I have discerned about him is that he is working out his father issues BECAUSE he had an absent father who was a Muslim and he feels love for him (which is healthy) and has a heart of reconciliation. He has attended a Christian church, but I don't discern that he is born again (like many of you don't believe that) and therefore he does not discern God as his real Father. Many people are like that.

Now even the Pope it seems is getting on this theme of "We are all God's children and we should love everyone," and there is some reasoning in some of that we can go with IF we understand the Truth! But we also know (or should realize!) that not every God that is claimed is our God! There is not just one God in many forms. Nopey, nopey, nopey!!!

But Jesus prayed for unity and as His, we should as Christians have great capacities for Love. And I see a lot of it out there in the Body. (But it's funny how we forgive what we personally choose to forgive, the great hearts that we have and don't forgive other things.) But beyond the need for growing in our love, we NEED to know the DIFFERENCE between human unity and the Kingdom of God.

Many people know about God and in their hearts claim Him a bit, as best as they have figured out how to. Some, have never even had someone personally pray for them, so we need to think about that! It's the effective witness that works and that is our challenge. Otherwise they are open game for whomever! We don't bully people into believing in Jesus. He never did anything close to that, but He did say Truth like it is. We have to discern the spirits.

When man gets together as a group, man can do many amazing things - even today with the language barriers! Peace unity is better than violent strife, I think most would agree. And this is where we learn to understand the difference between civil and spiritual government. We really don't have that down too well yet, but we are working on it.

God operates very differently, yet we keep trying to make a business or corporation out of the Church. We need some organizational understanding but if we miss the Spirit of God, we are just going to have a natural organization. The Spirit of God supersedes the natural. It's why it is called Super-natural!

And the enemy, who just happens to have more experience and insight about the powers of God, comes in with his perverted super-natural. He was booted out of heaven for sin against God's nature, so the power of Life is not in him. Therefore there is no truth, redemption or overcoming resurrection.

And we are taught in Scriptures that this is going to play out in world events. He is going to play his hand or fallen powers and they were pretty impressive, but it's limited in time and space and eternity. Many people can mean well, but if they don't have the Spirit of God in them at work, they can pray and even get some good answers but they are not anchored in God. Some are lost and can be used by the enemy and some are just choosing evil. We have to face this reality.

So if we can understand that, we can pray accordingly. There are a lot of things going on here, as would and should be for the leader of the free world in the natural sense. For those who want his power, there is jealousy. For those who want their agenda, there is a contending, right or wrong. I watched his body language and as he mentioned that we should care about the Muslims too, he put his hand towards his own heart, and friends, that is the love he has for his natural Muslim father and he is trying to find that reconciliation or healing in a loving spirit.

That still doesn't make him born again, it's just a reach, and many "nice and good intentioned folks" are not "born again" Christans with a real relationship! And some are just very young and not maturing.

He has a vision for world unity and he is going about it in the ways that he knows and can figure out. And honestly, I'd love to see the perfect Christian run but haven't seen that one either in the current natural world. So we need to see what we are dealing with!

I pay attention to politics because they affect the natural world we live in, but my hope and faith is in the KINGDOM of GOD. While I can respect a fellow human being in the best ways I know how, they in all their glory are not going to bring in the Kingdom of God, except as His follower. I don't care if the Pope says "We are all one" there are really TWO kinds of unity -- God's and the world's.

Nimrod led the peoples of the world to a unity and built the Tower of Babel. He could have used a speech quite like this one! But God didn't like it, and destroyed the building of that "tower of unity to the heavens" (because they left Him out in His Truth, and He divided their tongues into confusion or babble, thus we have the word for worldly which is Babylon.

I could go on and on with this subject but most of you are smart enough to catch on. Some "nice" things, even family members, can seem to mean well, and most Christians have not arrived yet to have all the answers either, therefore we have to pull on the Living God who wants His Glory.

Stay tuned, I will probably keep writing more on all this - these are the end days where the powers are displayed and need to be understood

Pam Clark Ministries
PO Box 484
Moravian Falls, NC 28654.

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