Tuesday, January 12, 2016

An Open Vision: Rightly Interpreting the Signs by Wanda Alger

Seeing heaven
With all the prophetic signs manifesting in the natural realm (blood moons, weather patterns, media headlines, etc.), the question isn’t whether or not heaven is saying something, the question is if we know how to interpret them correctly.  Instead of interpreting them as signs of looming darkness and impending judgment, we have an opportunity to see God’s plans and purposes for His coming kingdom.  We forget that the enemy loves to counterfeit. He can’t come up with anything original so he takes what God intends for kingdom purposes and twists them for his own. Many of the signs that have caught our attention in recent months are actually revealing kingdom realities – IF we can see them.
On December 21, 2015 I had an open vision in a dream. It was the second such open vision in a dream in the past 3 months. Both had to do with signs in the skies…
I saw the heavens open up and a portal had opened that acted as a gate. Out of this gate I saw 3 things come out, one at a time. The first was a blood-red moon. It stood there for a while and then moved off the screen. Next came a round time-piece that was transparent and had numbers on it. I noticed that the timepiece was reversed, but I could see the number “2012” written on it. Soon, it moved off the screen and out came a moving scroll of hieroglyphics. On this moving scroll were Egyptian symbols that were moving and pulsating. Unlike the other two signs, this scroll never stopped. It continued to come out of the gate and never ended.
At first, I didn’t think much of it because the signs were not necessarily new – the blood moon prophecies already rampant, the Mayan prophecy from December 21, 2012, and the Spirit of Babylon that is invading the earth. However, as I have continued in prayer, I believe the Lord is asking us to go deeper. Notice that these prophetic signs have usually been interpreted as negative consequences and indications of bad things to come. Well – they ARE signs of what is to come – but not necessarily what the enemy is doing, but what GOD is doing – and ABOUT TO DO.
Blood Moons:  There WILL be more signs in the skies – literally. We need to look up and not so much look around. He wants us to look for HIS signs. Just as the Star of Bethlehem pointed wise men to the coming of the Messiah, so will there be heavenly signs that will reveal God’s coming GLORY. This next “coming” will not be the physical appearance of the Bridegroom, but an awakening of kingdom realities – an outpouring of heaven’s glory and power revealed through the sons and daughters in His kingdom. This will be to empower this final generation to bring the Bride to her fullness before the wedding feast.
Mayan Prophecy of 2012: On December 21 of 2012, there were many in the prophetic camp considering the implications of this date. If I hadn’t had this open vision, I wouldn’t have thought about it again (my dream was on December 21!) However, as I probed deeper, I discovered the subtle, yet powerful, SHIFT that took place on this date (to read more, click here). On that date in history, there was a REVERSAL of things (thus, the numbers on the time piece being in reverse). A “new age” and “new order” was initiated by those who are of another kingdom. Even so, they are simply confirming what God wants us to know – there HAS BEEN A SHIFT in seasons – in TIME. The number 12 represents government – December 21 is 12 in reverse.
clock in reverse
The good news is that WE are the ones who have the opportunity to walk in the new realities of His kingdom power and authority. Just as those in the enemy’s camp believe their “global consciousness” can awaken this new world order, so we in God’s kingdom can awaken a global move of God’s Spirit pointing to JESUS CHRIST.  The reality of what it means to be of one heart, one spirit, and one mind, is being manipulated by the enemy (Philippians 2:2, Ephesians 4:4). Yet, the oneness WE have in the Spirit is so much greater and can reversewhat the enemy has planned!
The Spirit of Babylon: The Spirit of Babylon and all her cohorts (Leviathan, Jezebel, Ashteroth, etc.) HAS been unleashed – and it’s not going to stop. However, our prayers should go beyond just rebuking them, to OVERCOMING THEM. The truth being revealed is that HIS KINGDOM WILL NEVER END (Isaiah 9:7)!
As we rightly interpret the signs He gives us and reverse our worldly mindsets to kingdom realities, gates will open and His kingdom will enter and the increase of His government will never end! 
As the realities of God’s kingdom get closer, we should expect the supernatural to increase – not only in signs and wonders, but in counterfeit words, headlines, and interpretations. Yet, the enemy is only showing GOD’S HAND in what He has prepared for those who believe. Regardless of the threats of martial law, political chaos, and increasing Christian persecution, His kingdom is advancing. His power is increasing. His anointing is coming closer. Instead of fearing what the enemy is doing, we are to celebrate what God is revealing. NOTHING will stop His coming and NOTHING can overcome those who know who they are in Christ.
“What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him – THESE things, God has revealed to us through the Spirit.” (1 Corinthians 2:9-10, ESV)

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