Friday, January 8, 2016


All of us like sheep have gone astray, Each of us has turned to his own way;
But the LORD has caused the iniquity of us all To fall on Him. Isaiah 53: 6

(God offers us a banqueting table to partake of, and yet many look elsewhere to feed their spirits with the goods of this world.
Eventually, those that look elsewhere, will discover that what they have eaten becomes like
poison to their bodies. His pastures are green, and all the other ones, may
look green and luscious, but they actually are barren and lifeless.)

"Where are my own in this hour? My people, many of you have forsaken me.
For you go here and there, sampling the food from different pastures.
Is my garden no longer a delight for you? What food would satisfy you, I
would ask?

For you have abandoned the temple of my son. You have gone after and have eaten the forsaken food.
My food would have satisfied you if you have eaten it.

But no, you would rather have partaken of the world's goods. You have joined yourselves to
the harlot.

Do you not know that friendship with the world means enmity with Me?
You have mixed a drink that will poison you eventually.

But I offer you a banqueting table, but the time will eventually run out.
The table that you now sit at, may seem to satisfy you now, but it will
become a bitter cup. "

Stephen Hanson
3655 El Morro. Rd.
Colo. Spgs, CO. 80910

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