Friday, January 8, 2016


Dear Friends in Christ, Things are accelerating in the realm of the Spirit of the Lord for increased depth and growth in Him, which will bring much change and transformation this year.  The change will be in our own lives and hearts, which comes about by growth in Him. This type of growth will enable us with His strength, to live out and stand up for those things He is preparing us for. This year we will be able to be strong in the Lord, fearing not; prospering and succeeding in our purpose and calling in taking ground and advancing supernaturally by His power, which enables us, through His anointing, to succeed.
In our training times and various gatherings this year, we believe we will see even a greater flow of the Rivers of the Holy Spirit which will powerfully impact people in a life changing manner, which, in turn, will bring a greater demonstration of the evidence of God in their lives, and will equip and build the saints in the manifold wisdom of God for major impact in social transformation for this and future generations.
Janet and I, are thrilled and excited about this new season in which we are aligning up many things in sync with God’s heart to see a people who live and move out of the fullness of the victory of the cross on the earth.  We are seeing in our meetings and schools increasingly, this great flow of the riches of His glory, flowing like a river and releasing great rivers of God, that become rivers in desolate places. The impartation of His Word is incredible when it is anointed by Him; the Word will be busy about in the person to accomplish what He desires, and this will result in a people who are filled with the knowledge of His will AND in all spiritual wisdom and understanding (see Col. 1:9).
FOCUS: Training & Equipping the Saints for Acceleration
We feel such a grace from the Lord upon us as a portion of our ministry mandate, to encourage and equip the saints through our ministry, according to Ephesians 3:10, “to the intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the church to the principalities and powers in the heavenly [places].”
We will do this through our schools, programming, resources, and gatherings, with a result to:
•    Enable us to see a generation and the coming generation step into a greater revelation and activation of all that has been powerfully lavished upon us as His people upon the earth.  "Now we have not received the spirit [that belongs to] the world, but the [Holy] Spirit Who is from God, [given to us] that we might realize and comprehend and appreciate the gifts [of divine favor and blessing so freely and lavishly] bestowed on us by God." (1 Cor. 2:12 Amp)
•    To see mature sons and daughter about the Father's Business and training others to live to the full potential given and made readily available for every believer who has called upon the Mighty Name of Jesus.

We all know that our times are not the same as the previous years have been. It is a time for the maturing of the saints and to have a desire to see acceleration growth in all believers, both the young in the Lord and the seasoned, to see greater kingdom impact in our communities, regions, states, and nations. There are true riches that cannot be bought and when you receive this you have gained something far more valuable then gold, silver, rubies, and anything you can desire.
Please remember to keep us in prayer as we are about the Father's business. Janet, and I travel constantly.  Pray that we will be very effective for the empowering and equipping of the believer to live in God’s fullness.
Thank you so much for your constant love, prayers, and support. We are so very grateful for you. We cannot express deeply enough how much you mean to us.  THANK YOU precious friends in Christ... the Lord will provide for all your needs according to the riches of His glory. If you have seen a delay in harvest be of good cheer because the Lord is allowing it to accumulate compound interest!
Please join me in declaring in prayer, the following for your life!
“We’re coming into sync right now with the plan of Heaven for our lives upon the earth. As it is in heaven, so shall it be in our lives.  We’re going to walk in such a realm of the Spirit that we will gain strength; we are going to increase and we will be fruitful because we’re going to operate by the Spirit of wisdom.  The Holy Spirit is going to search out the deep things of God and reveal them to us, then He is going to give us wisdom to be able to implement and see the fulfillment of those things.  We thank You Father that we’re a people who are being led and instructed to live wisely and wittily by the Holy Spirit.  Our steps are ordered by the Holy Spirit.  This is going to be the greatest year of building according to the blueprints of Heaven for divine destiny that brings Glory and Honor to You Precious Lord.  We’re going to be amazed at what You are going to do this year. 
 We thank You, Lord, that some of those things that we have waited for ten or twenty years, that this year there is going to be a 30, a 60 and a 100 fold increase of them. I thank You for it in Jesus’ mighty name! Amen.”
Richest Blessings!
Keith & Janet

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