Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Word for January 2016 by Deborah Taylor

Eroding Infrastructures!

January 2016 will reflect a culmination, a coming together of the onslaught of adverse weather conditions.  "How long?  How long, will My people turn their faces from Me" says the Spirit of the LORD?  "My heart grieves for this nation.  Where are My intercessors?  Where are My prophets?  Where are My watchmen?  Where are the priest who cry between the porch and the altar?  Where are those who cry out for mercy and justice," says the Spirit of the LORD?  "Your infrastructures in both the spiritual and natural are eroding.  Your hearts are full of contempt because You do not seek Me with all Your heart, mind, and soul.  Have I not told You that if My people will humble themselves, seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways I would heal their land?  Turn now," says the Spirit of the LORD!

Increase Your Prayers.  Stay abreast of what's coming by increasing your prayer life.  If you're prayer life is non-existent find time for it.  Saturate your day, home, job, and life in prayer.  Now is the time to draw close to God.  Those who know how and when to move will do so because they abide under the Shadow of the Almighty.  Fortify your life with the shield of prayer.  "Fortify, fortify, fortify," says the Spirit of the LORD.

Meditate in the Word.  Ground yourself by meditating in the Word. The grass will grow, the flowers will fade but the word of God will remain forever.

Dark Days Ahead.  Not only will the weather continue to align with the fulfillment of end time events but the days ahead will be dark, as sin seemingly overtakes the light. But holdfast!  The darkness will never overcome the light but the light will overtake the darkness.  I saw hopelessness everywhere as the economy began to spiral downward but out of hopelessness a new song was birth.  A song of breakthrough.  A song of restoration.  A song of hope to guide God's people into the newness of a new day!

Kingdom of God has Come!  The earth, the earth, the earth is groaning!  "Get in place My sons.  Get in place my daughters.  Get in place and occupy!  Greater things shall you do for I have given You Holy Spirit to tell you all things.  Yes, He will even show you even the things to come for the Kingdom of God will touch the earth and many uncanny and unstable events in the atmosphere will occur but I have overcome the world.  Occupy and trust in Me," says the Spirit of the LORD.

Stand Firm and Endure.  Stand firm now no matter how difficult and trying the days become for God has a predetermined a set date when He will deliver His people. Let all be well with your soul and do not be alarmed by what you see or hear only press in to God.  Press in, press in, press in and He will provide you with the instructions to maneuver through any situation.

Prayer Points:

Continue to Pray for America.  Continue to pray for exposure of terrorist attacks on American soil.  Pray for intercessors to arise for this nation.  Pray for laborers.  Pray for stability in earthquake ridden areas.  Pray for stability in the waters, especially in the summer months during Hurricane season.  Pray for mercy.  Ask God to keep you in the ice storms and to prevent the loss of any lives.  When the rain and wind storms, and tornadoes come to your region take authority and ask God to "take the devil out of the storm!"  Ask God to provide divine strategies for the days ahead.  Pray especially for the waterways in America.  Pray for the spiritual and natural infrastructures in this nation.  Pray for righteous leadership in America.  Pray for exposure of unethical practices in the government and elections and that only those You choose will remain standing.  Pray for the youth and elderly.  Pray, pray, pray for America, especially its economy!

Continue to Pray for Israel.  Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.  Pray for a shield of protection to surround and keep her from flying missiles and rockets.  Pray for God's timing in all things.

Pray for Turkey, Russia, China, Japan, Iran, Syria, Italy (especially Rome), Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Kenya, Nigeria, and select African countries.  Pray for England, Germany, France (especially Paris), and India.  Pray for New York, California, and the northern states of Minnesota, North Dakota, Iowa, Idaho, Michigan, Maine, Maryland (especially Washington, D. C.) and the southern states of America.  God is calling America back to Him!  Repent!

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR:  We thank God for another year. We thank God for you! It's been both challenging and rewarding in so many ways, BUT GOD, brought us through victoriously. In the 2015 Scribal Watch we thank You for bringing us through. There is so much ahead for us!

In 2016, The Writer's Inkhorn International will look forward to another exciting Commander Summit filled with educational equipping for end time living (more information forthcoming).  We pray you will join us.  

Unleashing the power of the prophetic pen, building Kingdom Commanders, and Restoring Ancient Paths,


Humbly released for prayerful discernment on December 31, 2015
©December 31, 2015  All Rights Reserved.

Subscribe to our free month Scribal Watch reports at The Writer’s Inkhorn

Reprints allowed in full or excerpt form if link to source (thewritersinkhorn.com) is added and the message is not altered.

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