Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Are We too Busy? by Judy Bauman

Yesterday, during the funeral service of a friend, one of the presiding pastors said something I have been pondering. He said that even though most of us have busy schedules, when we receive the news of the death of a loved one, we drop what we’re doing to come together, as we were doing.

This morning I was relating this to how we choose to spend time with God. We can be so busy that we forsake spending time with the One who loves us most until something terrible happens. So let me ask you something. Does it take a death in the family or a terrible report from a doctor before you really take time to talk to God? (This is when I used to talk to Him most, or should I say complain, blame, and rant. Yet through all of it, He loved me into His arms!)

Many times, once troubling times pass, we tend to forget to converse with our heavenly Father. God loves us and desires us to continue a dialog with Him! Wouldn’t we have greater wisdom in life’s decisions if we talked to God during good times as well as the bad? I have found it is so much easier to hear His “still small voice” if my emotions are not up in arms! Have you ever noticed how difficult it is to listen to others when you are upset? How much more difficult to hear what God is spiritually speaking to your heart if the only time you speak to him is when you are upset?

We are urged in Psalm 46:10 to “be still and know” that He is God. Jesus said He was going to send the Helper, the Holy Spirit and that He will lead us into all truth (see and John 16:7-14). The only way to receive the HELPER is to receive Jesus. How do we do that? Ask the Father in faith as He gives without reproach! He promises to help us in good times and bad. How many more good times we would have if we were continually seeking the Lord’s will for our lives?

I pray you won’t allow the busyness of life to keep you from the best God has for you. Please don’t wait to talk to Him. He truly knows what is best for you. Talk to Him – and then listen! You will know He loves you as you do. Amen!!!

In the Father’s love,

Judy A Bauman

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