Warning - This
article is not for the weak!

Nathan Leal June 21, 2015
portions have been revised from a previous article written in 2011
Over the last few days I have been reminded by the calendar on the wall…and my wife, that once again, Father’s Day has arrived.
Day!” …Two words that some people do not think about when they say them.
Two words
that can have various potential meanings.
The day when the people of GOD gather for an assembly could be called “Father’s Day.” But how many people think about our Heavenly Father when they read those words on a calendar?
The day when the people of GOD gather for an assembly could be called “Father’s Day.” But how many people think about our Heavenly Father when they read those words on a calendar?
Aside from
that spiritual concept, “Father’s Day” is an earthly holiday invented
to commemorate fathers. Hallmark loves it because they get to
sell, “Father’s Day” cards.
members love it because it rallies motivation for the family to do something
difference,” you ask?
It is the
scene that is replayed over and over, millions of times across the country,
on Father’s Day. Traditionally, the wife and children will wake up the
father of the house; give him a card and say, “Happy Father’s Day!”
He’ll yawn
as he awakens and will say, “Thanks.”
They then
say, “Now take us to _____! (Fill in the blank) on a picnic, on an outing,
for a drive, shopping, out to eat etc…
Most of
the time, it is something fun. Why? Because it is - Father’s
Day…and Father’s Day is supposed to be fun.
On paper,
this day sounds like a good thing. It is good policy to acknowledge the father,
because after all, he earned it…right?
But this
is where the story becomes interesting.
In the
Judeo-Christian culture of yesteryear, a God fearing father was a staple of
society. Fathers were the backbone of most households. Men stepped up to the
plate and maintained their role at fatherhood.
Today, it
is a different story, in today’s culture of the new millennium, the father's
role has eroded. For the first time in American history, less than half of all
U.S. households are dwelling in holy matrimony!
The role
of the father has been replaced with the temporary uncommitted partnership of
a “baby’s daddy.”
Isn’t that
something? A child’s mother now refers to the father as the “baby’s
daddy,” ...or in the third person, “their father.”
In the old
days, a child out of wedlock was the fuel for “scorn.” But today, out of
wedlock kids have become acceptable, trendy and even progressive.
And it is
from this point of view that I would like to visit the meaning of the holiday.
Because I submit this to you, in my opinion, Father’s Day has lost its
Because for the most part, society has nullified the role of the father. Based
on my observation, out there in the world, “Father’s Day” is now a
commemoration for what almost half of the adult male population did ….they
made babies!
I am not
trying to be unkind, but the stats reveal the truth. Society no longer values
the moral virtue of marriage. When most households consist of people who are
"shacked up," the results speak for themselves.
Today in
movies, the big celebration is not about "the guy" asking "the
girl" to get married...it is about the guy asking her to move in with
And as
Hollywood goes...so goes society...
fulfills Bible prophecy:
"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;Forbidding to marry,...." 1 Timothy 4:1-3
passage above tells us that the trend of "shacking up" is a part of Bible
So as
people function in the new paradigm of societal musical chairs; moving in,
moving out, and in the interim making babies....
I must
ask, “Are men who spread their seed without responsibility deserving of
a Father’s Day card?”
friends, I propose that if this day is observed from the standpoint of only
procreation and picnics, this day it is not that special.
To the
world, fatherhood has become the role with a missing pilot. It is a role that no
longer has expectations. It has lost its nobility. Fatherhood has surrendered
its biblical foundations to the excessive lifestyle of irresponsibility and
But if you
are a Christian, this cannot be your viewpoint of fatherhood. Your definition of
fatherhood must line up with God's statutes which is what we find in the
And ladies
and gentlemen, the world's role of a father is polar opposite to God's
expectation of a father. According to Scripture, the father is supposed to be
the priest over his house, the spiritual authority, the (here it comes folks)
...the “head of the house!”
this view is contrary to the world, i.e., Hollywood…remember that TV
show: “Everybody Loves Raymond?” In that program, the dad is a bumbling
idiot who also happened to be whipped by his bossy and overbearing wife.
In the old
days of, "I Love Lucy," it was Lucy messing up…Ricky was the authority…not
anymore! Society’s view of men has evaporated.
Today, on
TV, men have become a caricature of "worthless bobble-heads," who are wimpy,
brainless, and disposable. But that is the world's view, which is a basket of
today, most believe it and as a result that viewpoint is destroying Western
But the
real truth is, it takes a real man to be a father. What is a real man? A young
boy who grew up and learned to put away childish things.
A real man
is one who learned the importance of the statutes of God and who maintained the
statutes for the full duration of his life. A real man understands his biblical
role to be the head of the house.
also....here it come folks...
Godly role of a father cannot be accomplished by man who tolerates being whipped
by a feminist wife with a Jezebel Spirit! (Ouch! Did I just say that?)
anti-God culture parades itself as trendy. But society’s record reveals another
story. A sad story that proves that the gender wars are an utter and colossal
failure. A failure that has capsized manhood into confused males acting like
little mumbling mice.
has capsized and inverted the genders.
acting like females, females acting like Butch Cassidy. This trend has been
fueled by Hollywood entertainment. Today, TV metro-sexual men preen
Preen? What is that?
Preen? What is that?
From the
Preen- to clean their fur with their tongue- like a
- Preen- to dress or groom with elaborate care.
I am not
saying that men should be hobos….but come on! In today’s new millennium, we now
have confused fellows preening and primping with their oils and lotions. The
only thing missing is mascara and painted toenails!
America, the statutes of God have been rejected to the point of blindness,
confusion and absurdity!
Absurd you
ask? How?
The pop
culture of confusion indoctrinates our young boys with a gender backup plan! If
fatherhood is not to their liking, no problem, go under the knife and try
motherhood. No worries!!!
trends are convenient for a society that has no rules and when there are no
moral absolutes, social creativity has no boundaries.
We can now
see the result!
anti-God social experiment has proven to be a failure! The end game of this
failure is the present judgment that is now shaking this planet! God has had
enough of this mess!
Christians, it is easy to see the world’s choices as a mess of dark confusion.
And this is exactly what we are seeing over the land; rampant
I know
that these are painful words folks....but someone had to say it!
Day” is a holiday on a calendar. But a man with a child does not make him a
A father
is a Godly man who is the priest over his house and leads his family to GOD.
Bambi can
make babies!
Bugs bunny can make babies!
A philandering fornicator can make babies, but that does not make him a biblical father.
Bugs bunny can make babies!
A philandering fornicator can make babies, but that does not make him a biblical father.
So what is
a biblical father?
A man that
fears God and is training his children in the way that they should go.
Because someday he will give an account before GOD and because being a father is
the greatest responsibility that a man with a child can have.
By the
way, men….Happy Father’s Day!
Nathan Leal - Watchman’s Cry
link to the audio is below.)
The are many people out there who want more of God
but at times, they struggle to understand God and the Christian journey. This
message will encourage those who are spiritually hungry or need a touch from
sermon is part two of the series "Jesus Feeds the Multitude."
In this
session we will look at the portion of scripture about Jesus being the bread of
life and the hope that He brings to mankind.
This is a
message that will strengthen those who need a touch from God in these dark
I pray
that it will bless you and your family. Please share it.
In His
Watchman's Cry
Watchman's Cry
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