These are the days of the latter rain outpouring, but at the same time these are the days that the enemy is coming in like a flood trying to wear down the saints. Many have come to the point where they feel they just don’t have the strength to go on. Many are in the midst of transition coming from one place that they loved to be at and going into a place where the territory is unknown to them. They don’t feel the peace that they once knew, and have come to the place where they must walk by faith.
Thou He slay me yet will I trust Him many have to say within their heart. When you don’t understand His ways, you must always know that He is a loving Father, and whatever He allows you to go through is for your good, in making you the person He has called you to be. If many had their way, they would stay within the comfort zone where they know the people and situation is familiar to them. But you cannot always grow within the walls that bring comfort.
You must step out and take the Lord by the hand and grow up to be the soldier He called you to be. Within the comfort zone you cannot be stretched. Within the comfort zone you don’t need much faith. You cannot walk by feelings or by sight but by faith in order to mature to go from glory to glory. Keep on trusting the Lord for surely He will bring peace in the midst of the storm.

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