Because many have been caught up in seeing false signs and wonders as a result of opening themselves up to the occult, that when I pour out My true glory, many will miss it. Remain steadfast in your faith believing that what I have promised that I am faithful to perform. Keep seeking after Truth and I will lead you and guide you through all the turmoil and the chaos that has come into the church. If you seek Me with all of your heart and remain satisfied with the simplicity of knowing My word, I will bless you with true revelations, and you will experience My presence that will change everything about your life to that of mediocrity to that of excellence in discernment, in revelation, in prophesy, in moving in My gifts.
And you will see fruit in your life that you have never experienced before. Things will go from night to day in a matter of minutes as you step out obeying what I will show you. For surely I am cleaning up My bride for she needs to be ready. When I pour out My glory I need a clean vessel to move through. I don’t need one that has a mixture of pure and the unholy, truth and error, and strange fire. I need one who has allowed the purging of My fire to take place. I need one who is willing to pay the cost of being rejected, blasphemed against, falsely accused as being evil, and shunned.
I am opening you up to be able to partake of My sufferings because I trust you to be one of My closest friends. Just like John who chose to draw so near that he could hear My heart beat. He knew of My love and he stepped out in obedience. He loved not his life even if it would be unto death. Those who are My closest friends will be treated like the prophets of old when many said they were crazy. You need to stay unique in your convictions and do not follow the crowds. For many are called but only few are chosen to partake of all that I will do in the end of all times.
For surely this is the end of all times, and I am about to do a work that will shake history. Do you want to be a history maker? For I will do signs, wonders, and miracles that have never before taken place in such intensity and quantity. Yes, I will open up prison doors. I will clear hospital wards with my healing power. I will set free not one from demons but a whole ward of mental patients. You have believed for greater works well they are about to take place. And because you were willing to pay the cost to forsake all to follow me, you will play a big role in what I will do.
Yes, forsake all that is the popularity, the reputation, to be shunned and falsely accused. For who are you out to please, the multitudes or Me? For yes, you will not be popular. You will not have a big following. People will not want anything to do with you but you will have My glory flowing in you and through you. You will be going from glory to glory each day as you are being conformed into My image. You will be a complete and holy vessel that I can live My life through and perform all that I have planned to do in these last days, as you have known them to be.
Things are about to change in a major way! For yes, I am shaking up My church and I am getting My bride ready to do a mighty work through her.

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