The new "fathers and mothers" are arising from the hidden place and are solid in their ability to lead this "revival army". They are unwavering in obedience to God and full of character, integrity and "father hearted" towards the ones they are training.
Gifts are given and fruit is grown. We are not known by our gifts but by the fruit of the Spirit and having love one for another. Giftedness does not in, any way, measure maturity.
Ones who have submitted to God's refining fire to burn up the impurities will have the greatest power available to them. When iron is strengthened, the metal is put in the fire over and over again, then beaten to cause all of the weaknesses to surface, so they can be removed and give it strength to stand.(Photo via flickr)
Gifts are given and fruit is grown. We are not known by our gifts but by the fruit of the Spirit and having love one for another. Giftedness does not in, any way, measure maturity.

The new leadership of "revival fathers" emerging has this strength. They have been through the fire when nobody knew who they were. They have stood in the days of adversity, accusations and misunderstandings and have turned to God for His guidance in their pain. They have suffered injustices, loss of inheritance and have been falsely accused. Their desire to find God in EVERY circumstance has caused them to understand aspects of God's love and it has transformed them. Refusing bitterness has caused their hearts and minds to be fused together with God on every level, developing a resiliency that is unshakable.
People can confidently submit to these leaders because their spiritual authority is pure and seeks what is best for the ones they are leading.These leaders are not puffed up with pride or use their authority to abuse, but lead from a place of humility and love. They have been under authority, understand authority and confidently lead by example, working side-by-side with the ones they are leading. This "revival army" will be led by the "hidden generals" that are now emerging and God's favor is promoting them to the forefront for such a time as this.
People can confidently submit to these leaders because their spiritual authority is pure and seeks what is best for the ones they are leading.These leaders are not puffed up with pride or use their authority to abuse, but lead from a place of humility and love. They have been under authority, understand authority and confidently lead by example, working side-by-side with the ones they are leading. This "revival army" will be led by the "hidden generals" that are now emerging and God's favor is promoting them to the forefront for such a time as this.
"Oh, You're Just the Cupbearer"
In our journey, we have unknowingly met people who will be used to open doors for our destiny. These people are the most unlikely choice in our minds because we met them in our "prisons". Prison is often the pathway to the palace. It seems to be God's preparation place. The very place where we have been hidden is the very place our "divine" connection will come from. Preparation has been done in us while we were in this confinement of seemingly "dead end" circumstances.

When we feel like our purpose is over, suddenly the "cupbearer" appears. This one person who seems like just another prisoner, but has been chosen by God to go ahead of us to prepare the way. Suddenly, in a moment of time the right person, says the right thing at the right time and our whole lives are shifted, springing doors open. (Photo via Pixabay)
It's Time for the Palace, Lighten Your Load
The best way to enter into this new position is to get rid of things you have packed around for years in both the natural and the spiritual. It's just "stuff". Most of the things we have accumulated over the years are not even needed. When Joseph was summoned to the palace to stand before Pharaoh, he changed his clothes, shaved, got cleaned up and left old things behind.
The new destination for you is marked with adventure and freedom from past issues. The past should never dictate our future, but the future has need of the lessons learned from our past. Old mindsets and ways of doing life are not needed in this new assignment. It's important to rid ourselves of everything that is not needed for the new job. This new assignment will not require your old stuff. In fact, old stuff can often be a distraction and hinder our advancement. This place requires a fresh start, free from hindrances of the past. The lighter you are, the higher you will go.
Boldness to Embrace Your Destiny
Stepping into new, unknown positions can be a bit scary, but our confidence is in the One who has seen fit to put us there. Places of advancement didn't come overnight. There were many days tried by fire and many tears shed when our character was formed in secret. We can reflect on dark days when we felt like nothing would ever happen and that our lives were nothing more than a distant glance from God. There were days we were certain we had missed something and we were in these dark circumstances because we had done something wrong to cause us to be there. (Photo via Wikimedia)
Boldness to Embrace Your Destiny

All of these thoughts still hold places in our minds when the prison doors are finally opened and the time has come to stand in the place of promise. Being brave to embrace the new place will strengthen our legs and help us get our footing in the broad place. Humility is our fuel, grace is our life raft and confidence in God is our strength.
It's important to remember that it is God who is calling the shots and He has gone to great lengths to assure our preparation for the job we are called to do. These are the days of Elijah, declaring the works of the Lord and setting things in motion to advance the Kingdom in ways we have never even dreamed of.
Expect Exceeding, Above and Beyond
God is doing some incredible things in ways we have never seen Him before. He is, after all, the CREATOR. There are secrets and mysteries stored up until now. These are things He has not allowed us to see or experience. Wisdom to govern kingdoms, cities, states and areas of influence are now appearing. There is a repositioning of power.
People who have been in positions but have not aligned with God's plan are being replaced by leaders whom God has their full attention to accomplish His purposes. Politically, Spiritually and Vocationally are areas God is placing His appointed ones. Get ready to see new faces in new places and new victories will be won.

Following His direction will keep us on pathways that will define our destiny and purpose.
Cindy McGill
Hope for the Harvest Ministries
Hope for the Harvest Ministries
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