Friday, June 26, 2015


This morning I saw an invitation from heaven for the people of God to move into deeper throne room encounters. Deeper encounters with the Father heart of God. I saw the throne and around the throne was the most beautiful river of rushing waters. These waters had every colour of the rainbow in it, and the walls were covered in hundreds upon hundreds of jewels. The Glory of the Lord was emanating from Him onto these jewels and they were releasing bright colourful light all around the room.

The Lord was inviting His people into the rivers. Into this place of deeper comfort, deeper peace, deeper rest for mind, body and soul. A place of deeper revelation of the promises of His heart.
As many of the people of God began to step in, I saw a crossover into "rest" taking place in the minds and hearts of people. I then saw what looked like guitar strings in their minds and hearts. But many of these strings were tangled, and many of the “mind strings” and “heart strings” were not joined together. I could feel the heart of God that He wanted the mind and heart to move in “one accord” with His heart. When these ‘mind strings’ and ‘heart strings’ were joined together, a new sound of His heart would be released through His people.
So many of these ‘mind strings’ and ‘hearts strings’ were tangled and many of the people of God were feeling constant “mind chatter”, constant “torment of heart”. Circumstances and the enemy were taking strings of the ‘mind and heart’ and beginning to pull them. Pull them in one direction or the other and I wondered why the enemy and circumstances had the ‘permission’ to do this.
Suddenly the verse came to me “Keep my words, and treasure my commandments within you. Keep my commandments and live, and my teaching as the apple of your eye. Bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart.” – Proverbs 7:1-3
I sensed there was an issue of “focus” that was happening for many. Where focus had been placed upon the battle, focused had been placed upon the ‘negative’ or the ‘lack of breakthrough’. Focus had been stolen by distraction, and what many of the people of God were ‘focusing’ on, they were receiving more of and it was giving the enemy ‘legal rights’.
I then heard the Lord say “Many through weariness and discouragement have forgotten about the power of renewing their mind. Many through weariness and discouragement have forgotten to keep their eyes on Me and My Word constantly on their hearts and before their eyes. What My people focus on, so will they become. And as these jewels on the walls in here that you see, that are shining brightly as they are reflecting My Glory, so it is with My people. As they spend more time with Me, focused on Me, My Word on their hearts and before their eyes, they will shine all the more brightly for Me.”
I then saw Jesus begin to minister to each one of His people who were weary as they floated in the rivers before the throne. He was in the waters with them, and they held hands floating around the throne and simply the love, kindness and goodness of His presence was leading His people into deeper repentance. A “turning away” from lies, a “change of mind” was happening by just BEING WITH HIM!!!!!! Without Him saying a word, a GREAT EXCHANGE was happening from HIS heart to theirs. Suddenly these “strings” began to untangle. The “strings” of the “mind and heart” were suddenly unravelling and beginning to connect mind and heart. Strings of the mind and heart were being perfectly joined together in “one accord”.
I then heard the Lord say “One accord, a NEW CHORD.” The people of God were floating in the rivers of the Spirit and deeper revelation. Revelation of HIS PROMISES that are His heart for His people.
Joy and peace filled my heart as I watched an alignment of “head knowledge” become “heart truth” and a greater alignment with the heart of God was releasing a NEW SOUND. A NEW CHORD of heaven into their lives that was releasing freedom, and vibrating into the earth with SHOCKWAVES of HIS LOVE.
Pay attention to what you are focusing on. There is an invitation for you into the rivers of God that are flowing around the throne to receive greater revelation of His promises. Do not let anything distract you from keeping your face towards Him as a flint and His Word before your eyes and on your heart. What you focus on you will become and will release to others.
A DEEP calibration and fine-tuning of mind and heart is happening right now in the Spirit as the people of God cry out for encounters with His heart. Head and heart are connecting. Alignments of truth. Deeper alignment of our minds and hearts with His heart. Breakthrough is happening. Freedom is happening. A new chord, a new sound is being released into your life bringing you freedom and healing, and vibrating a new sound into your world and areas of influence with SHOCKWAVES of HIS LOVE that will suddenly AWAKEN people to Him.

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