Dear beloved: I have some exciting news, the new book "Gather the Outcasts: Reaching the Lost in Africa", is now available for purchase on amazon.com. I wrote the book this winter, and it is a compilation of stories of crusade and revival events that have happened in the last six years in Africa. If you enjoy reading about the power of God to save and touch people's lives, you will enjoy this book. It is not a teaching manual, but an interesting read of how God moved in the meetings that I have had the privilege to hold over in Africa. The book is 175 pages and packed with stories from Kenya, the Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda.
If you want to preview it, click on this link and it will take you to amazon .<Here's the link>
Feel free to forward this link on to your friends through facebook or twitter, I would like to get this out to as many as possible.
The Africa Mission 2016 is shaping up to be a blockbuster as well! I will be starting out in Bujumbura, Burundi, the capital city of Burundi with a half million residents. We are going to be there August 7-9 for a three day crusade and pastor training. Then on to Butembo, Democratic Republic of Congo, for another three day crusade, then we will finish up in Goma, the capital of Noth Kivu State, where we were last year and in 2012. I also have an all night kesha planned in September at Moi University in Eldoret, Kenya, with university students. Some of students are survivors of the attack last winter at Garissa University, where 147 students were killed in a slaughter by terrorists.
We need partners to help finance the crusades, as it costs to share the gospel in these forums. The total budget for the three crusades is $23,000. Costs include sound systems, security, posters and radio advertising, musicians and choirs, visas, and travel and lodging for myself. Matthew 9:37 Then Jesus said to His disciples, "The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. v38 Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest." Please consider sending a donation today.
We are now a 501(c)(3) minsitry, so your donation will automatically be tax deductible. Send to: Gather the Outcasts Ministry, Box 92, Norton, Ks. 67654. You can also donate via Paypal on the website, www.gathertheoutcasts.com I would like to hear from you today. Any donation of $100 or more, I will send you a copy of my new book, "Gather the Outcasts: Reaching the Lost in Africa." May God bless you as you pray, in Christ, Jim Rowh
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